Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 600: Shangguan Ling, you bastard!

Chapter 600 Shangguan Ling, you bastard!


 “Yes, Leo will not lie to you, Miss Cecilia.”

Soph lowered her eyes, maybe she was overthinking it, "Okay, Lucifer wakes up, let him call me back."

 “Yes, Miss Cecilia.”

 Hang up the phone, Leo looked at Lucifer who lowered his head to button the last button of his shirt, "Your Highness, Miss Cecilia has no doubts."

Lucifer's feminine face was tinged with a sickly paleness. He nodded, his thin crimson lips pursed at the corners. He turned around and walked out without saying anything.

"let's go."

 “Yes, Your Highness!”

Dick stayed in the imperial capital with a group of guards, ready for Cecilia to dispatch at any time.


Shangguan Ling stepped into the hall and saw Su Fu looking thoughtfully at a certain place. She didn't even see him coming in.

"What are you thinking about?" Shangguan Ling stood in front of her, raised his index finger and tapped her on the head.


Su Fu subconsciously covered her head and raised her head suddenly, "Shangguan Ling!"

“What are you thinking about, so absorbed in it?” Shangguan Ling’s face was stern, and his thin lips were pursed tightly, with a hint of displeasure.

"Nothing." Su Fu stood up, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, rubbing her chin with one hand, staring at him carefully, "It's you, why have you been gone for so long?"

 She went to the infirmary and quarreled with Old Man Xiang for so long that she sat there for a while when she came back.

 Having been gone for so long, has he become soft-hearted towards Pan Yu again?

"How long?" Shangguan Ling walked around her, sat down on the sofa, and took Harry, who was lazily licking his fur, into his arms.

"You have been there for an hour. What did you say to Pan Yu during this hour? How did you punish her?"

Su Fu stood in front of Shangguan Ling. He was sitting and she was standing. She looked down on him condescendingly.

"How do you think I will punish her?" Shangguan Ling asked casually, seemingly not taking her words seriously.

Hearing his tone, Su Fu could probably guess something. She sneered, "If I guessed correctly, you didn't punish her at all, right?"

 “How do you want to punish her?”

Shangguan Ling raised his eyes and looked at her with his cold eyes.

 Looking straight into her eyes with his deep eyes, Su Fu took a deep breath and said, "I want her to die."

 “Soph, your cruelty surprises me a little.”


 Is she cruel?

Su Fu nodded, and then laughed again, "Yes, I am cruel. When Pan Yu wanted to kill me last night, you were still lying on the bed, drunk and unconscious. If it weren't for my wit, today There is no Su Fu in this world, only Su Fu’s body!”

After leaving the words, Su Fu turned around and left.

Pan Yu wants to kill her?

Shangguan Ling threw Harry away, stood up and stepped forward, grabbing her wrist, "Is what you said just now true?"

"What I said is all false. What Pan Yu said is true. Are you satisfied Shangguan Ling?" Su Fu shook his hand away hard, feeling depressed in her chest. She couldn't get up or get down. holding her back.

Su Fu felt extremely uncomfortable. The more uncomfortable she felt, the more unhappy she became with Shangguan Ling.

After struggling for a long time, she still couldn't break away from his hand. Su Fu was extremely angry and said, "Shangguan Ling, you bastard!"

Soph's hand hanging by her side suddenly raised and pulled it up——


 Time seems to have stood still.

Even the air is condensed at this moment.

The maids and maids in the hall looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

 (End of this chapter)

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