Husband Is Too Sweet!

Chapter 12 - Lunch date

When she came down, both Li Yi Feng and old master Li was waiting for her at the table. She sat down, ready to have her breakfast with them. "Yan-er, was the bed uncomfortable? Do you need something changed in your room?" The elder worriedly asked. It truly was that obvious, that she had been unable to sleep last night. "Grandfather, she has used that room and bed for years. There might be other reasons that kept miss Li awake all night." Li Yi Feng commented with a small smirk on his lips. His eyes on Yu Yan with obvious implications. Was he making fun of her? Hmph! Ignore him. "I had a nightmare last night," she told and continued to eat.

Li Yi Feng's mood had been bad since early morning. He had not been able to sleep last night. Whenever he closed his eyes he would see those big watery eyes staring up at him. That woman was bothersome. Divorcing her seemed to be the right choice. He sat down to eat breakfast. All of the dishes were her favourites. His grandfather doted on her. Did he forget that his grandson was here too? It seemed his mood would not get better any time soon. However, after seeing her his mood turned for the better. She had not been able to have a good night sleep either. Good. He was not suffering through this alone. It seemed the woman was still hell-bent on ignoring him. Hmm... this might be for the better. Like this, she would steer away from him and would not bother him like last night.

After breakfast, Li Yi Feng headed towards work and Yu Yan stayed behind to talk with the old master. Realising how time went by quickly, she apologised to the elder for not having lunch with him and headed out. Taking a cab she went to her destination. Looking at the elegantly decorated restaurant, she understood why many people liked to come here. It was quite nice and had a carefree and relaxing atmosphere.

Getting inside the private room, she found her lunch date waiting for her. Wu Ming Yue looked up at the young woman that just came in. She smiled lightly at her. "Why don't you sit down? This tea is really good would you like to have some?" "Yes, thank you." Sitting down, Yu Yan tasted the tea she had been served to her. Such a refreshing and nice tea. "Miss Wu, could you tell me why you suddenly asked me to come over?" Wu Ming Yue looked at her hesitatingly. "Miss Yu, no, I mean Mrs Li, why would you come to work at such a small company as mine instead of working for Li corporations? It is not like my little company is a business rival that CEO Li needs to send his own white to be a spy. No matter what it does not make sense unless CEO Li is planning to go against the Wu family and have decided to start by acquiring my company?" At the end of the sentence, her voice became sharper and eyes more fierce. "Miss Wu, it's all a misunderstanding. There is no such hidden motive behind this. I came to work for you because it would be more ideal for my case. CEO Li and I have already gotten divorced, so it wouldn't be good for me to work at his company." "Oh... I'm sorry." She looked embarrassed and ashamed that she had misunderstood. "No, it's fine. I'm sure you had to do this." Seeing that You Yan was not holding this against her, Wu Ming Yue was relieved. Honestly, it would be bad to have to let go of such a talented designer.

Finishing the business talk, both of them happily chatted as they ate. Not expecting to get along this well. "Who would have thought Could get along with such a young woman as yourself?" "Miss Wu must be teasing me, your just 25 yourself. You make it sound like your an old woman compared to me." She laughed. "It would be a waste to just end it after lunch. Do you have free time after lunch? How about spending some time with me?" Honestly, Yu Yan had never had any other friend beside Yun Feng. She was happy to get along with another woman and readily agreed. "Then, what should we do? Shopping? Karaoke? It seems too early to go to the club or having drinks." "How about watching a movie instead?" Yu Yan asked. She had always wanted to have a girlfriend she could hang out with and do small things with. Yun Feng would only come if she could open a lot of money. Wu Ming Yue was stunned for a moment. She had not expected this. All the young rich ladies and madams would only spend time together shopping, at a cafe or drinking. She too had been bored of such ways to always spend time and did not mind Yu Yan's suggestion. "What kind of movies do you like? Classics? Romance?" Wu Ming Yue asked tentatively. Yu Yan pouted, she was not that interested in those genres. She Especially hated classics, those were just boring. "How about action movies or fantasy movies?" Yu Yan asked. Wu Ming Yue visibly brightened. She could never find a female friend to watch her favourite movies with she seemed to have hit jackpot this time. "I would love to. Then let's go. Off to the movie we go!"

Finishing their meal both girls happily headed for the cinema. Giggling along the way. Instead of taking a cab they decided to walk along the street. Two beautiful women, one elegant and glamorous woman and the other Pure, adorable but charming beauty, walked hand in hand. There was no way they could not get the surrounding peoples attention. Men were staring at them, unable to look away. "Are those to celebrities, models maybe? So pretty." "If they were celebrities they would probably have covered their faces. And there's no way such beautiful women would be unknown if they were celebrities." "Yeah, your right." Some people passing by muttered.

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