Husband Is Too Sweet!

Chapter 28 - Taboo

As soon as Li Yi Feng got in the car, he drove away. Driving out of the city, he drove until he reached an open clearing. His mind was a mess.

What had he done?!

He could not calm down. She was the woman, he had desperately tried to escape. Why was he clinging onto her, now that she had let him go? He was confused, why had he acted like that? He did not know. An image of a beautiful girl in a white dress, looking up at him nervously flashed through his mind. F**k! He would be lying to himself if he said that he did not know why he kissed her. She had been so enchanting that he was unable to resist.

He tried to get his mind off her, but every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was her breathless state as she seductively looked up at him. His body was heating up, getting aroused by just a single thought. He had never felt like this before.


Was that not what Mu Sheng Tian had called it? Did he too feel such a strong urge? That was the reason he would find a new woman almost every day? He had never understood this before, but somehow he felt like he had understood his predicament. The need he had felt was not something he could control.

He had to control it somehow, he can not act like he did today. Wound it not be fine as long as he did not see her? Then he would stay away from her!


It had been over a month since Yu Yan had seen Li Yi Feng. At first, she had been a little bothered. Hurt that he had left so abruptly. For days she was scared of how she should act if she was to bump into him. However, that never happened as she did not see him again. She finally felt some relief. Everything between them was truly ending. With the upcoming fashion show, she became busier as the days went past. She had almost finished everything and her collection could be launched any moment now. Just thinking about it made her excited. With all the work that had to be done, Yu Yan did not have any spare time to worry about anything else. Unbeknownst to her, she had already tossed him in the back of her mind.

Unlike her, Li Yi Feng was not able to pass his days peacefully. No matter what he did, it was like she was following him. He was not left in peace even when he slept. In his dreams, he would see her again. The scene repeated itself in his mind and he was not able to forget her captivating look. Unable to focus he was also often caught staring in a daze. For the first time, the almighty CEO Li who had been known as a workaholic was unable to do his work properly. His current state made the employees worried.

As Li Y Feng was once again staring into open space in a daze, Ke Ming walked into his office. Ke Ming had tried knocking on the door several times, only not get an answer. Coming in he was met with a familiar sight. His boss had been like this for the past month. Even though he was worried, there was nothing he could do. And Li Yi Feng's condition seemed to be getting worse.

"Boss... Sir?!" He finally got Li Yi Feng's attention. "We were finally able to catch nanny Ye and her husband. I'm sorry it took so long. The two of them were out of the country and it took longer than expected. We've tried to find out who ordered the poisoning, but they refuse to answer. They're saying that they did all that on their own." Ke Ming spoke tiredly. They had tried everything from threats to treats, but nothing seemed to work. Unfortunately, they could not torture the answer out of them. He looked worriedly at his boss. Waiting for further instruction, not daring to do anymore without Li Yi Feng's consent.

Li Yi Feng knew what his secretary was thinking. If he took those two to that place, he could get the information they wanted. However, he was not willing to step foot in there. He had made a promise a long time ago that he would not be like that man. Yet he could not leave things be like this. After all, it concerns his own child and he somehow felt some guilt. He had not protected them. His wife and child. "Wait outside," Li Yi Feng uttered. Opening the locked drawer on his desk, he looked inside. Inside laid two teddy bears, one pink and the other blue. He had been excited when he found out that Yu Yan had been pregnant. But the expectation and excitement soon turned into disappointment and anger. Rage, that had been taken out on her. Not even for a second did he consider her as a victim.

Making up his mind, he went outside the office. "Bring those two to that place. We're going there." Li Yi Feng said as he walked out resolutely. He hated that place, the place that reminded him of long-forgotten past. Choosing to cut his ties to that place and that person. But if he needed to go there for the child... for her, he would do it. He owed her at least that much.

Ke Ming wanted to stop him but decided to not comment. He had known Li Yi Feng for years, even before he started to work for him. In all those years, Li Yi Feng had some limits he never stepped over. Some taboo matters that could not be touched. However, this time he had decided to step foot in that place he had vowed to never go to. It could only mean he had made up his mind, and that this was that important to him.

As they drove, Li Yi Feng could not help to think back. Remember those horrid memories that he wanted to forget.

"Mother! Mother... please don't die," a small boy cried as he held on to his mother. He was no more than seven years old as he watched his mother bleed out.

The rain never seemed to end. It kept on falling, reflecting the child's mood. Though young, he had always been very bright. He knew this was not good. There was no one around and his mother's lifelessly laid on his ŀȧp. As the rain fell it mixed with her blood, pooling around them. Terrified, he trembled.

He held onto his mother's hand as she looked up at him. She raised her other hand and held his cheek. "Baby, don't be scared. Mother, might not be able to be with you for much longer, but I will always look after you. I will watch over you and I will be right inside here," she spoke as she pointed at his heart. Smiling she continued to speak. "Yi Feng, mommy is sorry that I could not protect you more. Can you promise me something?"

The boy cried as he nodded.

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