Husband Is Too Sweet!

Chapter 34 - Chief designer

Looking at the newly arrived person, Wang Zi Wei paled. Things could not get any worse. It was all because of that stupid woman. Fuming, she glared at Yu Yan. Feeling the gaze on her she turned around, to find that person looking at her questioningly. She trembled.

"Chief designer Huang... This woman came into our department without permission and ruined the design I've been working on for days."

Director Huang looked at Wang Zi Wei while she talked. He had always hated irresponsible people. Even if the stranger had destroyed the dress, it's a designers responsibility to take care of their designs. This woman had been begging for an opportunity for such a long time. considering how hard she worked, he had even given her a chance. However, it seemed to be wasted on her.

"Don't you know to put your work in a safe place? Do you expect, it would be fine if you left it just laying around?" He asked with displeasure.

Wang Zi Wei felt her knees weaken in fright. Yes, chief designer Huang, had always been stern and ruthless. He either liked someone or disliked them. He hated designers that made excuses. He had always believed that any faults with the designs were always the designers' mistake. That's why she had hoped to settle it before he found out. If the police arrested the woman, she would have the law on her side and chief designer Huang would not be able to blame her.

Mr Dong had been staring at Yu Yan all along, but she had not even glanced his way. A woman like this was just his type, but by the looks of it, there was no chance for him to get his hands on a girl like that. He was furious at Wang Zi Wei that had made him offend such a beauty. Considering how things were now, it would be better for him to just stick with Wang Zi Wei. After all, she was quite an easy woman. As long as he spent a little money on her, sooner or later he would get her.

Thinking about it, Mr Dong decided to continue to help Wang Zi Wei. He knew it would not be good for Wang Zi Wei to explain and spoke up for her. "Chief director Huang, there seem to be a misunderstanding. Zi Wei was, of course, careful with her design. As you can see, she was holding the dress when this rude woman spilt coffee on it."

Chief designer Huang looked suspiciously at them. "Coffee?"

"Yes. Not only didn't she apologise, but she even humiliated Zi Wei, saying that her dress was useless and ugly. She's looking down on Lotus' designers. How can you just stand by and let her bully your people?" Since he was siding with Wang Zi Wei, he did not mind going all out, exaggerating and adding to what had happened.

Listening to the other man speak, Mr Huang looked at the dress Wang Zi Wei was holding. "Is that so?"

"Hm... I'd have to agree with the woman though. A dress like that really is useless. It's neither a unique piece or a breathtakingly beautiful one. It's so plain and would never stand out. I would never have accepted it."

With just a few words had sent all of Wang Zi Wei's hopes tumbling down. Chief designer Huang had put her down in front of so many people, her future was ruined. Though Lotus had not been doing well, their boss was able to invite a reputable designer to their company this year. And the said designer was Mr Huang. He had been in this business for years. After losing his muse a few years back, he was unable to make designs like he used to. However, he was still a veteran and had good judgement on what kind of clothing was good and not. Being told that her piece was useless by him would ruin her. Though the former chief designer never gave her an opportunity, she would never be so harsh. Wang Zi Wei had thought har chance had finally come after Chief designer Huang started working here, but now her career was ruined!

"N-no... Chief designer Huang, the dress look like this because of the coffee stains. Before this, it was still good, but because of this woman..."

However, Huang Jing Yu did not let her speak more and interrupted her. "If she was the one who spilt the coffee, why are you the one holding the mug?"

Hearing his question, Wang Zi Wei stumbled. It was over.

Just as things could not get any worse for her, steps could be heard coming closer to them. Turning around, she saw that the police had finally arrived. She might not be able to do anything about the dress anymore, but she could not let the woman who had shamed her go.

"What's wrong here? Who called?"

"Officer it was us, this woman is trespassing and refuses to leave," Wang Zi Wei pointed at Yu Yan as she spoke.

Yu Yan finally decided to say something, when she noticed the police officers. "Officers, she's lying. That woman has been slandering me, saying that I ruined her dress when she was the one who had not been careful. You can ask around, and there's still the CCTV."


How could Wang Zi Wei let, Yu Yan talk? "It's her. She won't leave. Only employees are allowed in here!"

"Who said I wasn't an employee?"

She stilled at You Yan's question. Yu Yan could not be a new employee, right? The time for recruitment as long over and they had not been told of anyone new arriving. She was sure Yu Yan was a stranger.

"No, I have never seen her before. No one has seen her, she doesn't work here," Wang Zi Wei said.

The police looked around, it seemed like no one really knew who this woman was. Just when they were ready to arrest her another person arrived at the scene and spoke up for Yu Yan.

"No, she works here."

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