In the corridor of the hospital, the three people looked at each other, and none of them was silent. Si Yeqing doesn't know how to make up for the damage he has caused to the deer. The deer father doesn't know what he can do in the face of his daughter's scars. After all, Su CuO is an outsider. Even if he is persuaded from it, he doesn't know whether to say light or heavy. For a time, no one should know what kind of attitude to use.

"Si Yeqing, I'll give you a few days. You must give me an explanation. I'm not forcing you, but if you finally choose to give up shallowness, I will let you pay the price!" the deer father's eyes are red, and he is indeed a posture of "killing gods when encountering gods, killing ghosts when encountering ghosts". Si Yeqing was hesitating. When he didn't know what to do, the door of the hospital ward suddenly opened. The deer was light and barefooted. His face was still pale. He stood at the door without blood, gently supported the door frame with his hand and said, "Dad, don't be difficult for brother Yeqing."

At this time, the deer's shallow words made the deer father quickly soften the whole person. He hurried over, took the deer's shallow hand, picked her up, returned to the bed and said anxiously, "you are still very weak. No matter what happens, you should consider yourself. What are you doing barefoot? When did you wake up?" the deer father said, and Yu Guang gave Si Yeqing a hard look.

"I woke up when I started talking to you."

Lu Qianqian looked at Si Yeqing wrongfully and affectionately and said: "All these things are my choices, which have nothing to do with brother Yeqing. After all, I know that it may be such consequences. I still insist on staying with him, so don't be difficult for him. This time, my hospitalization has nothing to do with him, but he wants to make it clear to me, my heart..."

"Uncomfortable, that's what happens." Lu Qianqian didn't blame Si Yeqing for every sentence, but made the man's inner guilt reach the highest. Lu father didn't say anything more, but touched Lu Qianqian's forehead and said softly: "Well, Dad promised you that everything will be done after you get well! You can rest assured and have something to eat? Dad, go and have someone buy it for you."

Su CuO leaned back against the door frame and listened. He didn't know. He thought Lu Qianqian had some incurable disease. However, he cut a hole in his wrist. Although he said that there might be too much bleeding, after all, he had been cultivated for so many days. Where could he use so much to mobilize the public? But he couldn't say these words. After all, he was the one who didn't know Who has a position.

Si Yeqing and Lu Fu are willing to be kept in the dark and worried about being fooled around by others. What can he do?

"Brother Yeqing, can you come over?" Lu Qianqian said softly, his eyes falling on Si Yeqing. Su CuO frowned. He didn't know what the big lady would do, and stared at him. "I hope you don't get angry with dad anymore. You will have a lot of cooperation in your work in the future. Don't quarrel, okay? You are the most important men in my life. Anyway, I don't want you two..."

Speaking of this, Lu Qianqian coughed twice. He was as weak as Lin Daiyu and could cough and bleed.

Su CuO flattened his mouth and leaned back, and his heart was about to applaud for her performance. "If you all agree, can you hold hands with each other... In front of me, promise me not to go out and then repent again! Okay?" The deer father can never refuse the deer's shallow request. Although there is still some estrangement and disgust in his eyes, he still stretched out his hand and held the night engine tightly.

"I don't care what you will do in the future, but during the period of shallow hospitalization, you must take care of it in the hospital. Otherwise, if shallow has anything, I will never forgive you!" Deer father said seriously. Although Si Yeqing was anxious and wanted to return to Japan, he had no way. After all, it was related to the company's enterprise, which was related to thousands of employees. He couldn't be too selfish, so he had to nod his head.

The two men's hands were tightly held together. Lu looked at them, and his face also showed a smile. At the same time, his eyes gently looked at the direction of Su CuO outside the door. "What am I doing?" Su CuO looked at Lu's eyes, but he didn't know why, but he didn't feel cold and shudder, as if there were a lot of calculations in that eye. "Is there anyone behind me?" Su CuO looked back and found that there seemed to be a shadow passing by.

What is this? Is it also a part of the design?

Su CuO was worried, but he didn't know what he could do. That night, Lu Fu stayed in the hospital for a long time before he hesitated to leave. He stood in the corridor and looked at Si Yeqing. He remembered that the two of them had been living together like a father and son for only a few years. It was as if they were separated from each other. The poor fate was such a ridiculous thing.

"These days, if you leave the hospital and the Secretary's house, I won't be merciful!"

Deer father, this is a warning, but also to do what he said. Si Yeqing nodded to show that he was clear. When he took deer father away to the elevator, deer father turned back and hesitated for a long time before he opened his mouth low and said: "I know that even if I tie you to shallow, your heart is gone. They are all men, I know, but shallow is my daughter after all. If I didn't make responsible preparations, don't promise or start this relationship. I can only punish you in this way, which is the last effort I made for shallow."

"If you still don't feel anything about her or want to be responsible when shallow leaves the hospital," the deer father paused hard, finally raised his eyes, looked at Si Yeqing and said: "It doesn't matter to me who you'll be with in the future. I won't get into trouble with the Secretary's family. All the previous feelings dissipate in the wind. Let's regard it as an ordinary partner we've never met before!"

This is the last little compromise and concession that deer father can make.

"Thank you." Si Yeqing said sincerely. He knew that there was no way to repay the man in front of him for his help. The only thing he could do was to take good care of Lu Qianqian and wait until she was discharged from the hospital. As for Japan, he could only find a way to let Wen Ziheng visit him often.

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