In Japan, Mr. Chen looked at the family business at hand. He had almost cleaned up, so he began to look at the lawyer around him and said, "if you give it to the girl, it shouldn't scare her." the lawyer stared at the above series of figures and was embarrassed. He said, "maybe it will still scare her." Compared with the so-called breakup fees that the company can give, what President Chen gives is almost the extent to which he can buy more than half of the company's enterprises.

"I have no choice but to stay. The two of us who go out to travel around the world at that time have stayed. Those who should be donated to the world orphan organizations and other protectors' associations will also be distributed. I really don't know who to give the rest." President Chen's words, if heard by others, I'm afraid we will be angry and bleed. After all, rich people really dislike how much money they have.

When the lawyer heard this, he didn't continue to say anything. He just picked up the above documents and went back to deal with them.

Far away in the seaside town, Feng ChuChu suddenly sneezed, as if someone was talking about himself behind his back. When Jing Jing saw it, he smiled and said, "it seems that someone misses you!" Feng ChuChu was stunned for a while. After a few seconds of stupidity and pause, he said awkwardly, "how can anyone miss me now?" Jing Jing looked at her in wonder, I mean, now, some people should have been on the plane

"Oh, you're talking about Lin Zixiang." Feng said clearly. Jing Jing turned a huge white eye and said helplessly, "who do you think I'm talking about? It seems that you still have someone else in your heart." with others, this sentence is not wrong. The person Jing Jing just said he missed, Feng ChuChu, the first reaction in his head is still Si Yeqing.

Only at that time did Feng ChuChu find that he still had no way to forget.

"Although time can dilute some things, it also takes a long time." Jing Jing patted Feng's clear shoulder and was able to understand something. He sighed and said faintly: "Just like now, I haven't forgotten that person at all. When he saw me in the sky, he must be very happy and feel that his personality charm is very strong, so that I still can't fall in love with others."

Feng clearly saw the forced smile in Jing Jing's words and didn't explain anything. He just said faintly, "we can't do it." this sentence seemed to be blown away in the wind, but Jing Jing heard it, hugged her shoulder and whispered in her ear: "If life and death are not separated, everything is possible. Life still has such a long time, why do you always make yourself look like this, as if tomorrow is the end of the world."

"I've survived the doomsday rumors like 2012. We signed a confidentiality agreement and won't die so easily. Therefore, don't worry, our future still has a long way to go." Feng ChuChu listens to Jing Jing saying this, but also shakes his head. He has no way and doesn't know what to say. It seems that he is a writer. He has a big brain hole. What to say, Jing Jing seems to have a topic that can be talked down.

When it was time for lunch, a pile of small beans surrounded the wind. Looking at them like this, Jing Jing said jealously, "Hey, you are a little too fond of the new and tired of the old! Sister Jing Jing will be sad!" As a gesture, Jing Jing raised her hand to cover her eyes, secretly looked out through her fingers, found someone gently leaning against her and said, "sister, don't be sad, I will always be by your side."

"Yes, you like your sister best, don't you?"

Jing Jing bowed her head and was stunned for a moment, but immediately recovered. She gently rubbed xiaodouding's head and hugged him in her arms. Feng looked at this appearance clearly and was also curious. Director Cai was beside him, quietly explained and said: "The child's eyes can't see, but because of his donated cornea, he can see the world again. I don't know why, he has been stuck to Jingjing since he finished the operation. It's unclear. It may be fate."

If there is such a fate, Feng ChuChu would rather believe that xiaodouding is sent by Jing Jing's boyfriend to protect her.

As long as we are willing to believe, there will be no problem. The power of faith may break through everything. "In the future, if you want to work here, you should come at 9 o'clock every morning. If you have something, you can ask me for leave in advance!" Dean Cai thought about it and seriously followed the trend, "The work here looks easy, but it's actually very boring. These children will feel like little angels when they play together occasionally, but there are a lot of staff who are made to cry every day."

"I know, I still have some experience in dealing with children!" Feng ChuChu, although she has never had her own children, but she especially likes these little angels. It seems that when she was a child, children have a kind nature. If you don't deliberately guide, everyone will be little angels. "I'll come to work tomorrow, Dean, please take care of them more in the future!"

Looking at her serious appearance, Dean Cai suddenly had some expectations for the future.

"I said last time that I wanted to adopt. How's it going?" sent the group of small beans away. Jing Jing went to Dean CAI and asked. There was some expectation in her eyes. Feng ChuChu listened quietly without saying anything. "Not now. After all, your career is too free to judge whether you are qualified to raise him and give him a good life."

Dean CAI was embarrassed to look at the loneliness in Jing Jing's eyes. She couldn't give up the life she insisted on now and go through another life track completely because of a child, but she couldn't help looking at the eyes that once deeply loved her. It seems that there is still something in those eyes. As long as you look at yourself, you will gently seem to see him once.

"The child should go to school soon. If nothing happens, he will stay in the orphanage until he reaches adulthood." Dean Cai said tentatively, as if he was afraid of touching Jing Jing's heart. "He will be like him, so you don't have to worry. As long as you come back and have a look, he will be here. You don't have to take him home and stay with him."

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