"Do you have a wedding suit?" Su CuO was still in the same place, thinking back on what Si Yeqing had just said. After saying it several times, he suddenly seemed to figure out something. "He doesn't want to wear the suit that follows the trend? Wow, if so, it would be disgusting!" Su CuO couldn't help but give Si Yeqing a thumbs up in his heart, Thinking of the deer's shallow face that day, he suddenly shook his head. He was still a little far away. There was a bomb involved in him at that time.

Si Yeqing held the steering wheel, but his thoughts had drifted far away. He still remembered that when he married with the wind, he was reluctant. The wedding suit was also sent to the office. He didn't see whether it fit or not, so he wore it directly. But I didn't expect that the suit was as fit as a slim cut. So that the suit became the suit that Si Yeqing was most used to until now.

Many years later, when Feng ChuChu was chatting again, he said to Si Yeqing, "all the dimensions of that suit were secretly measured when I met you. In addition, he went to your house and secretly asked grandma for some suits that fit you to study." at that time, Feng ChuChu's heart was uneasy. He was afraid it was inappropriate, but he didn't expect to take a guess, Let her get it right. Perhaps from that time on, Feng ChuChu's dedication to Si Yeqing represents the final tone of this relationship.

Looking at the picture on the car's furnishings, siyeqing's smiling face was clear. He held the hand of the steering wheel and also held it tightly. His foot stepped on the accelerator, broke through a red light and drove directly to the old house. When housekeeper Li saw Si Yeqing coming, he was stunned without any advance notice and said, "young master, did you come back by yourself?" if there is a deer shallow, I'm afraid the old lady will be angry again, but he must stop outside. Housekeeper Li thought so, but Si Yeqing nodded and said, "I have something to say to grandma."

"Come on in."

Housekeeper Li opened the door to let Si Yeqing in. The villa looked deserted, and the flowers in the garden withered a lot, even looked desolate. Si Yeqing's footsteps stood at the door. Housekeeper Li looked at it and said with some embarrassment on his face: "these flowers were planted when miss ChuChu came. She took good care of them when she was there. The old lady often likes to sit here and look at the scenery. But Lao Zhang and I have been working hard all this time. I don't know what went wrong..."

Obviously, it is the same fertilization and watering, but the flowers wither one after another as if they recognize their master.

"The old lady doesn't often come out recently. She always locks herself in the house. We don't know what to do! Young master... If you have time, you'd better come back and have a look!" housekeeper Li said, and Si Yeqing nodded. In fact, he didn't know why. The existence of the wind is like air. No one feels cherished when you're here, Even ignoring her. But when I left, things that I didn't adapt to surfaced, "since I want to leave, don't leave any traces at the beginning!"

Si Yeqing said to himself in his heart, strode away and walked towards the old lady's room.

The light in the villa is very dim. It seems that we haven't opened the curtains for a long time, and we don't see the sun. As soon as we pushed the door in, we saw Xu Xiuqing sitting next to the window and looking out in the dark. "Grandma, do you want to live as a vampire? We don't have to live in this way to live a long life! We will all be a little afraid." Si Yeqing joked, Turn on the light. Xu Xiuqing turned back and looked at the smelly boy's face. She was angry. She raised her crutch and was about to throw it on his head.

"No, this will really kill people!"

Si Yeqing's lively tone didn't last long, so he was cold. Xu Xiuqing looked at him, snorted coldly, and said, "I'm still a hundred years old? It's good if I'm not angry with you! I can't wait to go down early and meet your grandpa." Xu Xiuqing said these words angrily, but Si Yeqing walked over, put his hand gently on Xu Xiuqing's shoulder and said: "I used to be very dirty and did a lot of wrong things, which made you angry, but I won't do it in the future."

"No? You're doing something I'm most angry about now!" Xu Xiuqing told herself never to care about children and grandchildren, but hearing Si Yeqing's words, she couldn't suppress her anger. Looking at Si Yeqing, she said: "Grandma doesn't want you to bear it, nor does she want to break up any lovers. Now I figure it out. As long as it's what you like, I'll support it. But is your wedding and your decision really made from your heart? Do you really like Lu Qianqian's woman?"

Watching his grandson enter a marriage he doesn't enjoy at all is the most sad place for Xu Xiuqing.

"This is what I want to tell you this time..." Si Yeqing lowered his head, pushed Xu Xiuqing's wheelchair to the bedside, sat together, and said in the bright light, "Feng ChuChu and I have not divorced, at least not yet." Si Yeqing said, took out a box from his pocket, opened the red velvet box, and there were two neatly arranged diamond rings, "I've missed many times before, so I don't want to make mistakes again and again. Even if it's a divorce, I have to watch the wind's clear expression with my own eyes."

Knowing that the two of them have solved the misunderstanding and there is still no possibility, they will break up.

"Then you can't tell what it means to be involved with the woman of the deer family?" Xu Xiuqing felt old at such a moment. I don't know what the young man was thinking in his head. "I'm here to ask you what would happen if the company's family closed down or even disappeared in my hand?" Si Yeqing stared at Xu Xiuqing's muddy eyes. The wrinkles in the corners of her eyes made her eyes unreal, but the light emitted from her eyes made people know, Although the woman is old, she is still mentally clear.

She can know what the person in front of her is saying, and draw a conclusion based on her half life experience.

"What are you talking about?" Xu Xiuqing thought he had heard wrong and murmured. Even in a moment, she thought she was old and couldn't hear clearly. After all, it was too shocking.

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