There is never such a complex relationship in the feelings of the older generation. It is also possible that their childhood education at that time made them afraid to express their true feelings. Even if they got married, they were arranged at home. They had seen three or four sides. Many married people only see each other's true appearance on the wedding day and know that this is my wife and husband in the future. Xu Xiuqing, a trendy person in that era, fought seriously for some time in order to meet the people she really liked after she came back from going to the countryside.

However, she finally found that the man she wanted to marry was Mr. Si, and she slowly compromised.

"At the beginning, my grandfather was also a talent. Even if he went to be a movie star, he wouldn't have any problems. He had thick hair and was like a foreigner. There were many women around him who watched secretly, but didn't dare to speak." Si Yeqing once boasted to Su CuO when he was in college. Su Tso also felt a little absurd, make complaints about it: "according to you, grandparents are so beautiful people, how to give birth to such a guy like you!"

Such Tucao continued until Su Su invited the Secretary to make complaints about his home and saw the old photos.

I have to admit that Xu Xiuqing and Mr. Si were the golden girls in those years, and their appearance is among the best today. Mr. Qin was a friend of Mr. Si's life. This is not just a simple talk. Mr. Si's character is a little rash and abrupt. When he went swimming in the reservoir with Mr. Qin, he almost drowned in the water because of leg cramps.

It was Qin Lao you who used his strength to drag him ashore. From that day on, they were like brothers.

There should be no problem with such friendship, but the only problem is at Mr. Si's wedding. At the moment when he saw Xu Xiuqing, old Qin knew that he had done something that he could not forgive himself in his life. He fell in love with Xu Xiuqing at first sight. Such a beautiful and elegant woman could hardly shift her eyes from her. "I'm married today. Drink more!" when the bridegroom and bride came down to toast, old Si was a little drunk, Holding old Qin's shoulder, he said loudly.

"Well, congratulations." when old Qin said these words, his eyes looked at Xu Xiuqing around him.

Xu Xiuqing listened to Mr. Si say many times that he had such a life-long friendship with his brother, and he also smiled at Mr. Qin, that is, the smile, so that Mr. Qin knew that he could not escape. People of that generation still have moral standards in their hearts. Even if they like it in their hearts, they can only pretend to be casual, secretly look at it and never dare to say anything.

"What do you always do so rigidly? This is my home and yours!" after that, old Qin often visited Mr. Si's house. Xu Xiuqing always sat gently next to him. After a long time of understanding, old Qin found that Xu Xiuqing was actually a woman who had read a book. She had a lot of opinions that coincided with herself, The fit of the soul made him more embarrassed. He found that he was sinking deeper and deeper, but no one could tell the feelings in his heart. Therefore, old Qin chose a very old way, but it was also very easy to be found.

Old Qin began to write letters. Each letter was a confession to Xu Xiuqing and what happened that day. However, these letters had never been sent. They were all placed in his desk and collected. "Brother, what do you like? I'll introduce you, and you should start a family! In the future, our two children will still have to kiss each other!" master Si once mentioned it more than once, and Xu Xiuqing once said with a smile: "I have several good friends who asked me to inquire about you."

"I don't have that idea. I'd better start my career first."

Old Qin was a little shy at that time, but he didn't dare to look at Xu Xiuqing. I thought that this matter could be kept secret until it was brought into the soil. No one thought that there would be the day when it was found. When Mr. Si went to Mr. Qin's house one day to get the company's documents, he found the box like Pandora. When he opened and looked at the sincere letters, he found that his brothers and friends had such a mind for his wife. Even if he didn't do any behavior, he was still a pain in his heart that he would never get through.

Two people, almost cut off the relationship for a period of time.

Qin then put forward the news that he wanted to retire. At that time, it caused a sensation in the whole city. This is also the time when Si Yeqing quarreled. Why didn't Qin watch him at home and buy him toys. Knowing this news, Mr. Si once went to Mr. Qin, "I can't think that nothing has happened, but you don't have to do this. If you retire, you give up too many things..." Mr. Si said in embarrassment. He was careful about his feelings and knew each other well.

"I don't give up much. I'm a little tired of intrigues here. I go to the countryside to buy an open space, and then I live a leisurely life without worrying about food and clothing. If I continue to be here, you and I will be uncomfortable..." Qin is always a wise man. He said, without any nostalgia, he handled the company's affairs in a very short time, It was unexpected to leave.

Therefore, Mr. Si also deposited for a period of time. He was in a bad mood. He also had a problem for himself.

Until his death, the two brothers did not see each other again, which became an eternal regret between them. "At the beginning, if I kept it a little deeper, maybe the current things and situation would stop completely." old Qin regretted that he said such words at the funeral. Xu Xiuqing stood beside him in black and smiled faintly, Looking at the picture, he still stared round, as if he was worried about something. Looking at old Qin, he said, "if feelings can be hidden, they are not called feelings."

Even if you can cover your mouth, love will come out of your eyes. This is the so-called emotion.

It was on that day that old Qin suddenly realized that Xu Xiuqing knew his mind earlier than master Si found it. This may be the sensitivity of women.

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