The ward was very quiet, only the sound of ticking liquid falling into Su CuO's body could be heard. It may be that he hasn't been ill and hospitalized for many years, or it may be because he hasn't been like this for many years. He doesn't care about anything, doesn't want anything, and empties his time. Su CuO slept heavily and almost fell into another world without dreams. When he woke up, he looked at the dark color outside the window, his body recovered a lot and had some strength.

"Hello..." Su CuO didn't see the figure of Jing Jing on the chair in the distance. He just wanted to speak, but he found that his arm seemed to be pressed by something and couldn't move. He looked down and saw Jing Jing lying on his arm, sleeping gently, and snoring slightly. Su CuO found that he had a thin blanket on his body and cleaned up the things he had just eaten. Before going to bed, Jing Jing should have rubbed his arm for him, "so, do you still say you won't take care of the patient?"

Of course, Su CuO doesn't know. In the year when Jing Jing took care of Xiao a, she paid more attention than all the nursing workers. No one should do better than Jing Jing in taking care of patients. "Ah, why are you so sleepy? You still want to sleep for a while." Su CuO originally wanted to pick up his mobile phone to see if there was any urgent need from the company, but just picked it up, he found that the screen was dark, like someone turned it off.

Businessmen's mobile phones will never be turned off because they have no power. Therefore, there is only one reason to explain that Jingjing turned them off.

"In fact, I'm not as important as I think." Su CuO lay in bed, his hands slightly numb. He could only gently rub the shoulder of his left hand with his right hand and whisper to himself, "I thought that if I didn't deal with it, everything would be in a mess. But now it seems that everyone will deal with it well without me. I... Think I'm too important."

This illness is a good thing for Su Cuo. It can make him find it fun to stop. If he doesn't let himself be so busy, many things will become lovely. He is like a ferocious female tiger, and now he has become much more lovable. Thinking of this, Su CuO looks down at Jingjing, and there is already a mouth of water on the back of his hand. If he changes to be flat At that time, Su CuO was sure to blow his hair, but now he let himself ignore it and fell asleep again.

"Little a?" Jing Jing Jing had a dream that night. He dreamed of little a, holding his spray painted bottle and standing in front of the rainbow orphanage. Son heard her voice, turned back and smiled gently. The smile was the same as at the beginning. It was warm and people couldn't wait to get close. "I miss you so much..." Jingjing immediately rushed over and smelled the familiar aroma. Although it was a dream, Jingjing clearly knew what kind of state they were in. "I'm very good. There are also places to draw, so life is not very boring."

Little a put down the spray bottle in his hand, took Jing Jing's hand, pointed to the picture on the wall along the way and said, "look."

"Is this?" Jing Jing looked down at Jing Jing, and his eyes immediately moistened. "This is the places you have been to and the way you paint on the wall. As my girlfriend for so many years, your painting skills have not improved!" Xiao a still smiled gently, but also looked at Jing Jing with some teasing, more than 30 pictures and more than 30 places, "I've been looking at you. I know what you've done is for me. But it's time to stop..."

When Jingjing heard this, he suddenly raised his head and shook desperately.

"Don't you want me!" the fear of being abandoned surged into my heart. "Are you here and have other girlfriends? Are they good-looking? Are they little angels?" Jing Jing's unreasonable appearance made Xiao a touch her head and said with a smile: "Angels, how can you be with me? Besides, I look at you every day, how can I have time to communicate with other girls?" even if it is empty talk, Jing Jing is a little relieved.

Little a's figure slowly became transparent. Jing Jing began to lose her grip. She wanted to hold it anxiously, but she lost it faster.

"Don't continue to think about me. I'll wait for you, but you should spend your life by yourself so that you can tell me about your rich and colorful life when you see me, don't you?" Xiao a's last voice just stayed in the air and gradually dissipated. Jing Jing shouted and struggled, but woke up from the hospital bed. Su Cuo, who had been looking at her, was startled and asked, "what's the matter with you? Where's the pain? Uncomfortable?" Su Cuo, the patient, almost had to call a doctor for Jing Jing's nurse.

But when Jing Jing turned to look at Su Cuo, her face was full of tears, so Su CuO swallowed all her words and didn't know how to say it.

"He's gone..." Jing Jing's eyes are a little empty, but tears flow out continuously. Since Xiao a left, he seems to avoid himself and never appears in his dream. This is the first and clearest time, but the guy is trying to find a new life. Did he misunderstand something? Jing Jing Jing looks at Su CuO at the head of the bed, "I'm still so careful and jealous that I'm not allowed to explain! If you can see it, I'll tell you, wait for me, and I'll never come to you with a burden."

Since Jing Jing woke up, Su CuO was shocked by the ups and downs of his emotions.

"You're not too stressed, are you crazy?" asked Su CuO tentatively, but he watched Jing dry her tears and walk to the dressing room in the ward. He could see her undressing through the light and shadow. Su CuO quickly turned his head and looked at other places. "Is there someone else to pick me up when I go to Sijia group later?" Jing tied up a long hair gently and tied it into a horsetail. When he walked out of the door, he was in high spirits. He couldn't see that he was crying five minutes ago. "Hmm?" looking at Su CuO's stupidity, Jing Jing asked again.

People should learn how to regulate their emotions when they grow up, just like Jingjing. She doesn't allow herself to fall into such a sad and useless emotion for too long, useless and waste of time.

During the period when Xiao a just left, she was hysterical and tortured herself, but it was useless. She paralyzed herself with alcohol. When she woke up, she would still feel sad. That feeling spread out exponentially, which was difficult for her to resist. Over the years, she thought she had adjusted well and could quietly tell people the stories she had experienced, but she didn't expect that she would still cry when she saw him in her dream.

He misunderstood himself. Is he really leaving? Jingjing couldn't help thinking, but there was no answer. Even if it was a question, no one would answer.

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