"At the beginning, when you married with the trend, was that the same attitude? It was also so serious?" Lu Qianqian almost didn't see what was written in the end and directly signed his name. Si Yeqing didn't answer. It seemed that more stay would make him feel suffocated. "Si Yeqing! Stop!" the deer shouted loudly and ran directly to hold Si Yeqing from behind. There was hot liquid flowing down Si Yeqing's back. That is the deer's shallow tears

Si Yeqing didn't speak, but he didn't turn around, just let her hold him like this.

"You can't do this to me. You once told me that you would always hold me in the palm of your hand and love me like a little princess. At that time, did you just lie to me? You just wanted to play with me and didn't think about the future?" how sweet the oath was, and how heartbreaking the current situation was. When it is confirmed that love has gone far and can't come back at all, the beauty left in the memory is the most hurtful thing. As long as you think of it, you will feel distressed.

Si Yeqing didn't speak. What he said was true. At that time, he really loved, and now he really doesn't love.

It's just that the two people didn't go to the final fate hand in hand. It's what he doesn't want to see and is forced here to complain to each other. "I really didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I just don't want to see you care more and more about the wind. I understand that we are getting farther and farther away! You have a lot of things in mind, so I want to make a decision for you. I want both of us to go back to the past!"

"Can you forgive me? I won't do that again, and I won't hurt your heart!"

Lu Qianqian knows that he is very embarrassed and ugly, especially unlike her. But there is no way. His defense and armor will all be removed in front of Si Yeqing. As long as he sees his moment, Lu Qianqian knows that he can't escape in his life. "I can't live without you! Even if you just look at me, I will be happy for several days!" now, Lu's shallow psychological state has had problems, but Si Yeqing is not as indecisive as before. He begins to know what he wants and how to be good to each other and more decisive. He still didn't answer, gently broke off the deer, held his arm and went out.

At the door, Si Yeqing stopped without looking back, but said softly, "take care of yourself."

"Si Yeqing, you bastard!" the sun outside the window was so dazzling that people could hardly look directly at it. The deer squatted down, hugged himself and cried. Her voice was hoarse, but no one could come and help her up. After listening to what happened yesterday, Su CuO was also a little sad. "People, I don't know what I will experience tomorrow. If I knew, I could have avoided a lot of things."

Su CuO finished and looked at the document in his hand. There seemed to be a little tear marks on the deer's shallow name, some mottled.

"Wow, are you a little too cruel? Calculate the deer family!" Su CuO looked at Si Yeqing's expressionless face and felt terrible. "You've made a lot of money for the deer family now. As long as you take it out, the company's share price will fall sharply. This... Loss making business!" Su CuO shook his head and quickly threw the documents on the table.

Si Yeqing thought of the deer's shallow face. She had done a lot of things, hurt Feng ChuChu and deceived herself. But as she said, everything is because of love. In the final analysis, as Jing Jing said, he did wrong. "When I get out of here, I will send some news to the deer family. They will certainly run their own operation in advance, and there should be no problems. Uncle Lu is not such a stupid person, don't worry..." in the end, there are always some victims, either he or she... Can't control it.

"Just know what's going on here. I'll go and see Jingjing and let you know when I have news."

Su CuO thought of the female reporter who had been away for some time. He didn't know why. He was always worried, so he chased out. Si Yeqing looked at his back, rubbed his temples with a headache, took out a small white medicine bottle from the drawer, looked through it for a while, ate two, and stuffed it back again. It seems that the effect is coming up. Si Yeqing also closes his eyes faintly, leans back on the chair and falls asleep.

In the hotel, Jing Jing threw those clothes into the box almost violently, and she kept muttering, "scum, scum man, it's so scum! I can even say those reasons and excuses so high sounding! In any case, I think it's a waste to run this trip. I have to write a manuscript for him and boast about those great achievements! I feel sick when I think about it." When Jing Jing finished, he stepped on the suitcase with one foot and made a huge sound. "Remember to close the door next time you swear." a joking voice sounded at the door, which made Jing Jing look back a little stiff.

Su CuO stood at the door and came in uninvited. "I didn't expect that you should have such a great hostility to Yeqing."

"What are you doing here? Is the security measures of your hotel so poor? Strangers can enter the guest's room at will. I will complain to you. Don't think you are the owner of this hotel, I will..." Jing Jing has a headache and speaks like a machine gun. Su CuO held out his hand directly, covered Jing Jing's mouth and said, "you're a little too noisy. You'd better pause for a while. I came to take you to the airport, but I saw that your door was not closed. I wanted to knock on the door, but you were too involved in your own world and didn't hear it!"

Jing Jing was a little embarrassed. She just... Didn't hear any voice.

"Pack your bags and go to the airport. If I remember correctly, your time is a little nervous." Su CuO said, shaking the photo in his mobile phone. It was the specific information of a ticket and Jingjing's return ticket. "Mr. Su, if you are like this, I can call the police." under what circumstances did Su CuO know his own information? "If you don't want to go to the police station to explain to those people, please delete it immediately."

Jingjing frowned and said seriously. Anyway, Su CuO has offended himself. Looking at her serious expression, Su CuO didn't say anything. As people like them, it's a basic skill to have the means to investigate information behind them. The company's secrets may be transferred by the other party to get a ticket. Isn't it a piece of cake? But this time, Su CuO really didn't want to peep. It was really accidental

Forget it, if it is accidental, Jing Jing should not believe it. Such a suspicious woman may have covered her head with a chapter of "bad guys" in her heart, and she can't change or turn over.

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