"Yes, I'm downstairs." when Jing Jing and Feng ChuChu thought they had a successful meeting, they didn't know that Su CuO was standing downstairs, looked at a window upstairs and said: "There should be nothing wrong. Although the buyer was not Lin Zixiang, he passed through his hand. The name on it didn't know who it was, but the security guard of the community said it was a young girl in her twenties. Yes, he said it was her after seeing the beautiful photos." Su CuO said with a sigh, and he also helped others.

Si Yeqing heard the news as if he had guessed it. He said calmly, "OK, I know." However, after hanging up the phone, Si Yeqing's hands curled up, and he felt that his blood was like backflow. For so many days, he finally found it. If Jing Jing hadn't come to him on his own initiative and exposed a little clues, he might have never thought in his life that Feng ChuChu would choose such an ordinary small city and live in peace of mind. "Whether you want it or not, I'll make it clear to you."

"Book a ticket for me." Si Yeqing pressed the phone on the table and said, "the fastest." The Secretary has never seen Si Yeqing so anxious and nervous, which is also handled as a major event. That night, Si Yeqing was already flying in the sky. Jing Jing recalled the changes in Si Yeqing's expression in the video recorder in the room where the curtains were not opened.

He is a very professional person. He can easily hide his emotions, so that Jing Jing can't tell which is the truth of Si Yeqing and which is false. "You are clear about the wind and shallow about the deer..." when he reached the key problem, Jing Jing's mobile phone suddenly rang, "who is it at this time!" Jing Jing put down the computer in her hand, looked at the document that had not been opened, and found that it was a strange number. The alarm bell sounded immediately in her brain, but her body pressed the button to connect.

"I'm downstairs. I don't know if Miss Jing Jing would like to have dinner with me. After all, I don't know anyone else in this city." Su CuO's voice can make people feel irritable through the phone. He wants to pinch his neck directly so that he can't speak. Jing Jing hung up the phone and didn't even bother to answer. But Su CuO didn't know what to smoke. He continued to dial. When the shaking mobile phone was almost out of power, he suddenly stopped for a few seconds and received a text message.

Jing Jing picked it up with some curiosity and looked at the words written on it. His face was green with anger.

"If you don't answer the phone now, I'll always use a rogue way called calling you to death." Jing Jing closed her eyes, carefully reviewed the whole process of meeting Su Cuo, took a deep breath, answered the phone and said: "Mr. Su, I think I didn't offend you and didn't do anything too much to you. You don't have to do this to me? It's a little... Too......" it's obscene. Jing Jing didn't say anything. Su CuO just honked his horn downstairs and said on the phone, "I just want to have dinner with you. I guess you don't want me upstairs?"

Upstairs? Jing Jing glanced at the door next to him, licked his lips and said, "I'll change my clothes and go down."

"OK, I'll wait for you." Jing Jing's guilty performance further shows that the people upstairs are very clear. Su CuO helped to take a test, "does this guy know what? Why?" with such doubt in his heart, Jing Jing also went downstairs as fast as possible, sat in Su CuO's car and said: "Aren't you going to eat? Don't you hurry?" Jing Jing said. Su CuO looked a little worried. He looked back at the stairs of the apartment building.

Jing Jing is not a woman who can lie, so as long as she is nervous, she will be full of loopholes.

"Didn't you say to slow down? I'm trying to slow down with you now." Su CuO said. Jing Jing was afraid that the wind would throw garbage from upstairs and downstairs. What should they do if they met face to face? "I especially want to have dinner with you now. I'm in a hurry, so can I drive?" Jing Jing wanted to break Su CuO into pieces, but he said it with a smile and said it in a low voice.

Su CuO didn't torture her any more. After all, he didn't manage the things between Feng ChuChu and Si Yeqing.

"I don't know much about this city. Where is more delicious? Please introduce it to me." Su CuO said, looking at the coastal city and driving along the coastline, you can blow the sea breeze, and the scenery is not lost to foreign cultivation places. No wonder Lin Zixiang will choose this place for the wind. It has not been found by people, nor has it become a tourist city. It is quiet and makes people feel that there has never been a slow life. "Didn't you say you came here to work?" Jing Jing narrowed her eyes and left the apartment. Her attitude immediately changed a bit.

Work? There's nothing wrong with this. It's for the work of Si Yeqing.

"Work, do you want to be a host?" Su CuO joked, but Jing Jing was very upset. She never thought she would get herself into such a trouble. "When I just called you, didn't your husband ask you who you were going out to dinner with?" Su CuO rolled down the window, and the sea breeze slowly brushed their cheeks.

Hearing this question, the image of Su CuO was even more discounted in Jing Jing's heart. "My husband is on a business trip, otherwise, do you think you can drive here safely?" Jing Jing deliberately said the image of Xiao a very ruffian, trying to frighten Su Cuo, but she didn't think that what Su CuO had done before... Would not be frightened at all.

"I heard that the seafood in coastal cities is good. I recommend a place. Let's try it."

Su CuO said and looked at Jing Jing. "Drive straight along this road and go in when you see the house." this orientation description is also simple enough. There are many private restaurants on this road. Although they don't look very clean, the things they make are very delicious. It is also a small secret hidden by Jingjing. Only Han Tiantian knows it. Now he has to tell Su CuO that Jingjing is still a little unwilling.

"Coming? I haven't seen you for a while. I thought you wouldn't come." the landlady also joked and walked to the table, holding a simple small notebook and writing the name of the dish on it. Jing Jing also gently raised her smiling face. Su CuO vowed that this was the first time he saw such a gentle look on her face after seeing Jing Jing. "I've been on a business trip these days, and I've met several people who make me feel bad, so I'll give me more pepper and mustard today! Otherwise, the anger in my heart will be released!"

After Jing Jing finished, he looked at Su CuO next to him and stared meaningfully.

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