Feng ChuChu was not hysterical, because it was useless to look so crazy. She just spoke slowly in a very calm voice about what she was thinking these days. "During that time in Japan, I was always taking care of you, but there was something to deal with in China. Lu Qianqian cut his wrist and committed suicide. I could only accompany you in the hospital. I wanted to tell you when I went back, but there were a series of accidents. I couldn't go back to Japan immediately... When I wanted to start back, you had given me this..."

Si Yeqing took out a divorce agreement and put it in front of Feng ChuChu. Feng ChuChu didn't start. His eyes turned red when he looked at other places. "You don't even have a chance to explain to me! What do you think? Is it easier for you to believe other people's words than mine?" Si Yeqing said angrily at the moment. Feng ChuChu wanted to laugh in his heart. I don't know what he was angry about? "You'll drive me crazy like this. You've been driving me crazy!" Si Yeqing's face showed a somewhat anxious look.

"I'm driving you crazy? Si Yeqing, don't you feel a little guilty when you say these words?"

Feng ChuChu's voice was still low. She didn't continue to stand opposite Si Yeqing, but returned to the sofa. She touched the wine bottle around her and wanted to have a drink, but she found that Jing Jing had already drunk. She couldn't even have a drop. It's better to be sober. There should always be an end between her and Si Yeqing.

"I told you that you knew what it was like. I didn't marry you voluntarily, and I know that you didn't marry me voluntarily. In the first year of marriage, I treated myself as a little transparent, so that you don't see me and live your own life. I tried to make you no different except for the change of marriage in your registered permanent residence." For two years, maybe I was ill and fell in love with you. I was so indifferent to me. So I tried to get close to you and wanted to help you. When you were bored, I went home to enlighten you and help you do a lot of things silently. "

Feng ChuChu said, as if he remembered all his three years of life.

The next year, she did a lot of things for Si Yeqing. She knitted sweaters in winter and said two enlightening words when he was worried about his work. She appeared when Si Yeqing needed someone to accompany him and comforted him. She said, "as long as you don't drive me away, I will always accompany you." such an oath, Feng ChuChu never forgot, but Si Yeqing should not remember it.

"I think I've done what I can give, but what do I get? Nothing..." Feng ChuChu smiled, raised his head, looked at Si Yeqing and said: "In the third year, I didn't want to get your concern. I disagreed with you and did something you hate, but what happened? It's the same. You didn't respond, even didn't bother to give me your eyes. The occasional concern for me is also because of guilt or sympathy. Maybe I'm a fool in your eyes?"

When Feng ChuChu said these words, he felt that he tore his heart into pieces. Si Yeqing's heart was also pulled up, but he didn't know what to say. "When I was in Japan, I secretly gave myself many opportunities. I went to the garden and picked two flowers. I tore the petals every day. I set myself a time in my heart and told myself that if you don't come back to me during this time, our relationship will end. But every time it's time, I unconsciously extend it later."

At that time, and the inner expectation, let the wind clear, now think of it, all feel that they are so poor.

"I used every means to prolong my waiting for you, but it was useless... You still didn't come back. When I saw the news that you were accompanying me in the hospital, I knew I should give up." Feng ChuChu said here, raised his head and looked at Si Yeqing's silent face, "Can't you figure it out? We missed not only time, but also a lot... We can't go back!"

The broken mirror is reunited, which can only appear in the story. Even if a broken mirror is carefully pieced together, there will be cracks, and when you look in the mirror, you will see a distorted face. These once estrangements will all burst out at a certain moment, which makes people can't help thinking and hate each other. "You didn't come here today because you like me. Yeqing, I know you too well, even better than yourself." Feng ChuChu has such confidence, "you came to me just because I abandoned you first."

"Because I didn't give you the chance to be the leader, so you would do this..." Feng ChuChu had a tear running down from the corner of his eye. "Now, I'll give you a chance to get rid of me and make a complete end between us. Go back and marry shallow, live a good life, and don't waver. Not every time, there is a chance to recover." Feng ChuChu stood up, walked to Si Yeqing and looked directly at the man who had been deeply loved.

Even now he pretends not to care, Feng ChuChu knows that he still loves him in his heart.

Even though she has forgotten his appearance, those so-called feelings burst out from the bottom of her heart at the moment of seeing Si Yeqing. It turned out that she just thought she had forgotten and her heart hurt again. What can she do? It's not to separate. This is the best choice for them. "Feng ChuChu, you still think that you always master all things and understand all people's hearts as before." Si Yeqing slowly walked to Feng ChuChu's face and said word by word: "why do you guess what's in my heart?"

"You just read in the newspaper that I wanted to marry Lu Qianqian, but you never asked me. I was standing in front of you. You didn't even have the courage to ask me, so you pushed me away directly. Aren't you guilty?" Si Yeqing lowered his head and tried to escape very close, but he was blocked in the middle of the wall, behind him was the cold wall, In front is Si Yeqing's hot and angry chest. She had nowhere to hide and could only struggle in a panic. "I tell you, I don't want to marry Lu shallow. This is just my plan."

Si Yeqing lowered his voice and said word by word. But it was like a thunder to the wind, which shocked her so much that she didn't know what to do.

"What are you talking about?" Feng ChuChu couldn't believe his eyes, "I said, this is just a calculation. Also, you think you and I are divorced, but I never go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the formalities. Now, you are still my wife. I won't be stupid enough to break the law and commit bigamy. I hope you should also control your behavior and maintain a clear relationship with Lin Zixiang." When Si Yeqing mentioned Lin Zixiang, Feng was stunned and laughed immediately.

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