"Shallow, are you ready?" the deer father pushed open the door of the lounge. Several girls left the lounge and left it for the father and daughter.

The deer father looked at his beautiful daughter. Lao Huai was pleased that his hard work had not been in vain. Shallowly will eventually be happy. Ah Wei, do you see that our daughter is getting married.

"Dad, is mom here?"

"Mom, mom is not feeling well and didn't come." the deer father felt guilty and stiff when he was looked at by the deer. "Haven't you been kissing your mother?"

"Really? Is aunt Wei here?"

The deer father was uneasy. Did he know anything?

The deer father and his true love had agreed to take back the deer home early in the morning, so the shallow view of the deer was that her mother had hurt her body, and aunt Wei took care of her for her mother.

In Lu Qianqian's impression, her father and mother fell in love. Because the Qin family didn't like the deer father, they eloped, and the Qin family chased her, resulting in her mother giving birth to her and hurting her body. Although she later returned to the deer family, the Qin family also recognized the deer father, but Lu Qianqian's age was hard to say, so they announced that it was some deer Qianqian after marriage.

Two years ago, the deer father found an excuse to take his old lover into the deer's house. Weiwei soon became one with Mrs. Lu. Mrs. Lu also asked the deer to recognize Weiwei as a godmother.

"Yes, your mother said she was uncomfortable, but after all, this is the most important one in a girl's life. She can't come. Aunt Wei must come as a godmother."

The deer looked at the deer father in disappointment and didn't tell the truth until now.

Turning around, the guests began to enter one after another. In order to give his daughter the best wedding, the deer father bought a villa with beautiful grass as the wedding venue.

The location of each guest is arranged. Except for the two tables of the guest of honor, the bride's mother's family is on the right, and almost all of them have arrived, while no one is seated at the table of the groom's family on the right.

The guests who set foot on the grass stood in groups. After the first greeting, they all talked about the groom and Sina's family who didn't seem to be there.

"It is said that the daughter of the deer family forced him to marry with the capital chain. The general manager was unwilling. It seems to be true."

"Isn't it? The bridegroom hasn't arrived yet. I see, it's an obvious resentment partner."

Liu Ying was a little angry and wanted to stop the two people from talking. Bai Qingqing stopped her and looked at her nails. "The emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry, and Lu Qianqian will expect someone to talk."

Bai Qingqing looked at Liu Ying's angry expression and sneered in her heart. However, Lu Qianqian didn't expect Si Yeqing to be so cruel. The wedding didn't arrive in advance. She thought about what Qi Cheng had said to herself and couldn't help but hate Lu Qianqian.

At the beginning, her fiance was still a dandy of the Lu family. Bai Qingqing had a feudal family. The educational concept of her family was that girls should love themselves. Therefore, the dandy asked to do that, but Bai Qingqing directly refused.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, the dandy invited her to dinner with several female companions of Lu Qianqian and drugged Bai Qingqing's wine. Other friends thought she drank too much and wanted to send her home. Lu Qianqian stopped her and said that her fiance could send it. Bai Qingqing fell into Qi Cheng's box before the dandy succeeded.

Qi Cheng was also drugged by the woman who wanted to climb the bed. The dandy didn't expect that Qi Cheng would be cheaper in the end. His family couldn't afford to offend the Qi family, so he cancelled the engagement.

Qi Cheng later investigated that the dude and deer were very angry. The deer would be friends if they were shallow. Deer knew what was white and sunny. Once they broke, they would marry dudes. Sooner or later, they would get married.

The woman who wanted to climb into Qi Cheng's bed was another "best friend" of Lu Qianqian. Lu Qianqian provided medicine. It is estimated that Lu Qianqian didn't expect the two things to collide. The result was to promote Qi Cheng's marriage with Bai Qingqing.

Bai Qingqing is an extremely smart woman. She finds something wrong in the continuous contact between Si Yeqing and President Chen after Chen's return. She takes the initiative to find Si's family and provide shallow action for Si Yeqing.

Lu Qianqian probably couldn't think of his favoritism towards separation, which separated his good friend from his heart and put her behind his back.

All her recent whereabouts are presented in front of Si Yeqing, which makes Si Yeqing's action extremely smooth.

Bai Qingqing found that Lu Qianqian was vicious after she left her heart. Fortunately, she was never sad. Si Yeqing should not go too far in the liquidation.

The ceremony will begin in half an hour. Si Yeqing takes Su Cuo, Wen Ziheng and Jin to the scene. Compared with the six bridesmaids on the bride's side, the three best men of Si Yeqing are really not interested, and they are still wearing ordinary suits.

Si Yeqing was dressed in a pure black suit, white shirt and silver gray tie. It looked OK, but this time has just come, which is enough to prove that he doesn't pay attention to the wedding.

Liu Ying's patience reached the limit. Bai Qingqing looked at her and stood in front of Si Yeqing. "What are you doing? What do your men do to eat? Today is your favorite marriage. How can you come? What about the family..."

Liu Ying was frightened by Si Yeqing's cold eyes. It was like someone pinched her neck. She couldn't speak for a moment.

"Sorry, Mr. Si, Yingying forgot to take her medicine today." Bai Qingqing smiled and dragged Liu Ying away from Si Yeqing. Looking at her angry eyes, she said softly that today is Lu's shallow wedding. The success made Liu Ying shut her mouth.

Si Yeqing stood there with a black face, not happy at all.

The groom is here, and the groom's family hasn't arrived yet! This is the biggest gossip in recent years! Everyone is watching developments.

When the deer father came out to see if the bridegroom had come, he saw that no one in the bridegroom's house had come, his eyes were black.

"Mrs. Si, Mr. Su and Mr. Chen bring their daughter!"

Originally, people thought there was no excitement to see when they heard about the Si family and the Su family. However, old Chen with his daughter and old Chen's daughter are president Si's ex-wife, Feng ChuChu!

Now I have to call the general manager of the wind. This play is really ups and downs!

God, the wind is clear. It's so beautiful today!

Fengchuchu's clavicle is very beautiful. Today, she is wearing a white one shoulder dress. Her hair makes fengchuchu more charming. Today's clothes, as long as she wears a veil, people who don't know will never recognize her and luqianqian, which is the bride!

What's more, Feng ChuChu holds old lady Xu Xiuqing!

Xu Xiuqing smiled and walked directly to the guest of honor, holding fengchuchu's hand. She sat down and didn't talk to the deer family. She had a good chat with old Su and Chen. It seemed that she just came to the reception, not her grandson's wedding!

The deer father walked to Xu Xiuqing with an iron face, "old lady, the lady around you doesn't seem to have an invitation."

"Old Chen came with me. He is clearly old Su's girlfriend. Is there a problem?"

No problem. Although it may be said that old Chen came with Xu Xiuqing, the two old people are over a hundred years old. What can be passed on.

As for old Su, there is no problem. There are many young people at home!

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