Xu Xiuqing introduced the doctor to her grandmother. The windy grandmother looked at Ann's face and felt very familiar. She searched her memory carefully and found a face similar to him in the corner of the memory.

Ann suddenly felt cold in the room. The reason is that the old man who just woke up in the hospital bed is worthy of being the successor that the old man has been looking for. After all these years, his intuition is still so sharp. He should be careful in the future.

Grandma lowered her eyelids. Anyway, this man saved her, but there are some things that can't be told by the doctor. It's better to know clearly.

Just after waking up, grandma went to sleep again. Feng ChuChu sat by the bed watching. Si Yeqing walked into an's office.

Because an is specially invited back by Si Yeqing, there is only an's temporary office in the hospital, and an is only responsible for her windy grandmother.

"How long can the clear grandmother live?" Si Yeqing saw an's eyes when an explained her illness to the wind. The heaviness in it let Si Yeqing know that the awakening of the clear grandmother may not be a good thing.

"Do you know when my windy grandmother should wake up under my estimation?"

As soon as Si Yeqing heard this, he knew it was bad.

"A month and a half later, at that time, her physical function will be fully activated, and waking up is the best time. Her early awakening destroys the special liquid medicine I configured, and some cells die. At the age of Ms. Feng's grandmother, those cells will hardly grow again."

An explained to Si Yeqing, "with my ability, when Ms. Feng's grandmother's physical function recovers to the peak, that lady can live for at least ten years! Ms. Feng's grandmother forcibly wakes up by her own willpower. Now, it's good to live half of my estimated time."

Si Yeqing is relieved. At least he can be happy for a few years. It doesn't mean that Si Yeqing muddles along, but he always hopes that his ChuChu can be happy for a while.

Grandma Feng ChuChu's perseverance is unmatched by some young people. She completed most of her rehabilitation in half a month. Although she still has to sit in a wheelchair most of the time, she can walk a few steps.

After discussing with Feng ChuChu, Si Yeqing takes his grandmother back to Si's house. For the sake of his grandmother's health, Feng ChuChu has the cheek to invite Dr. an to stay in Si's house. He is worried that Anshun water pushes a boat without an excuse to live in Si's house.

In the past half a month, although the windy grandmother had a hard time, she was also very happy. The smile of seeing her granddaughter was stronger than anything.

This afternoon, the weather was just right. Ann pushed her windy grandmother out to bask in the sun.

The two sat there, chatting about Ann's personal situation.

"Dr. ANN, how's Sophie these years?"

"The old woman is busy introducing her girlfriend to me. She is in good health."

finished! As soon as Ann said it, she found it wrong. She was caught in a trap, old fox! Ann knows that grandma fengchuchu knows her identity.

Ann shrugged helplessly. "How do you know me? I wasn't born before you were abducted. My grandma Sophie is still a little girl younger than you."

"The Harvey family looks the same as the carved one. The genetic inheritance is terrible."

Ann couldn't refute this, because it was true, "since you remember me, why don't you go home? Grandpa Nick is still looking for you."

"Home? Nick is still looking for me? He's looking for the memory in my brain. Nick dotes on me, but Nick's kind of successful person won't love someone for decades."

Ann knows that people who can succeed are basically people who can afford to put it down. Ann knows that when Nick is still looking for it, he is strange. This time, he finally wants to understand everything when he hears grandma's words.

There's a saying in Harvey's house that don't mess with a girl named ivy, even if she's missing.

"My former name was Ivy Phoenix, and now my name is Feng ivy. Don't think about divulging information privately. As long as I say, you can't go out of this country, even if you have unique skills and even bring bodyguards."

Wind Ivy's voice is very light, but Ann doesn't dare to underestimate it. When the woman was abducted at the age of ten, Nick? Phoenix's anger shocked country y. this woman was made the heir by nick at the age of 5. Her means and abilities are all top.

"I don't mean to threaten you. I just want my only granddaughter to live happily without any constraints. I know the darkness of Phoenix. I don't want my granddaughter to repeat my mistakes."

The wind Ivy finished saying this and asked Ann to push her back to the house. After all, it should be hot outside for a while. ChuChu will worry about her body.

After entering the house, the old man enjoyed the care of the wind as if nothing had happened. Only Ann knew that the old man had just threatened him, the heir of Harvey family, the second largest family in country y.

When Si Yeqing came home for dinner after a busy day, he found that Ann was divided a lot.

It's not that Ann didn't cover up well, but Si Yeqing grew up in human spirits. Although she doesn't know what ANN is busy with, she doesn't have any damage to her own interests, so Si Yeqing doesn't care.

Ann thinks she's hiding well, but several people have seen her careful thinking. They can only say that Ann is only suitable for Ann to be a doctor, not for winding things.

Feng ChuChu has been very happy this month. Si Yeqing's love and grandma's soberness make her very happy. The treatment of depression is coming to an end, and basically will not affect her life.

Her schoolwork is also increasing, and the special training of Lawyer Chen Zonghe is gradually deepening. Feng ChuChu can preside over the project alone.

Ann sees everything in his eyes. He is surprised by the wind's clear growth rate. He can only praise that he is worthy of being Ivy's granddaughter.

When grandma's rehabilitation and her course came to an end, Feng ChuChu found that she had ignored Han Tiantian's emotional problems.

Jing Jing told her that she could always see Han Tiantian holding her mobile phone mysteriously recently, smiling foolishly, and going out early and returning late. It seemed that she had found a job.

Feng ChuChu wants to talk to Han Tiantian, but when he sees Han Tiantian's tired but satisfied smile, he can't say anything. He can only ask Si Yeqing to beat the side drum and ask Jin Lai's trend.

Half a month ago, Si Yeqing's wedding was well organized. Su CuO rounded up the venue and said he would reopen the banquet. Tomorrow's party will be held in Si's old house.

For this reason, Si Yeqing is not willing to come. He originally wanted to spend his honeymoon with Chu Chu first and then open it after the honeymoon, but Grandma Feng Ivy's awakening disrupted the plan. Si Yeqing finally waited until Feng Ivy was well and could go together, but was tripped by the banquet. Although he knew that the banquet was only one night, he was unhappy when he thought that his honeymoon had been postponed.

Feng ChuChu is very funny and moved. Since he made up with Feng ChuChu, Si Yeqing has become more childish. Si Yeqing is angry because his time with himself has been delayed. Si Yeqing now wants to stick to Feng ChuChu all the time.

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