Lu Qianqian knew that she wanted to push the wind down clearly. She suddenly felt wronged. The big miss of the deer family just wanted to marry the person she liked. Why did the smelly man treat herself like this? He was the one who was sorry for himself first.

Feng ChuChu looked at Lu Qianqian's wronged face and somehow felt funny. He was really simple at that time. Lu Qianqian's expression was so obvious that he was framed by her to the point that he couldn't turn over. It was really stupid.

Feng ChuChu asks moning to change his clothes to avoid catching a cold. Moning waves his hand and says it's evidence and can't be changed. If you want to change it, let the gentleman who saved her change it.

Every time the Secretary's family holds a banquet, he will inform the police station and solve it quickly in case of anything. The secretary is also a wonderful person. Obviously, the Secretary's family doesn't have to say anything. Doing so is to save the Secretary's face, so two plain clothes will be left at each secretary's party.

The police came very quickly. Unfortunately, it was Wen Ziwen. He took a look and carefully asked the people who needed to be taken back. His brain turned and he probably understood what was going on.

"Miss Lu, come with us."

"I'm innocent, I won't go!"

Wen Ziwen didn't expect Lu Qianqian to be so excited. When Lu Qianqian pushed him, he was scratched by Lu Qianqian's nails, and three blood marks appeared on Wen Ziwen's face in an instant.

Wen Ziheng blew up. He was still very shallow towards Lu before. He thought that Feng ChuChu was a bad woman. After Lu Qianqian's true face was exposed, he didn't feel sorry for her. Brother Wen was just business. What's Lu Qianqian's attitude!

Wen Ziwen held Wen Ziheng's hand, which wanted to touch his face and confirm the injury, and comforted him, "I'm fine."

Lu Qianqian didn't expect that he just wanted to push away Wen Ziwen and could scratch Wen Ziwen by waving his hands. You know, Wen Ziheng cares about his brother most. It's OK to laugh and joke at ordinary times. In public, Wen Ziwen is still wearing a police uniform, so he scratched Wen Ziwen's face. I'm afraid he can't be kind.

Didn't Wen Ziwen go to the army with Qi Cheng? If he didn't take it well in the army, he ran out and became a policeman!

Without bandaging, Wen Ziwen took the deer shallow into the police car against his face, and several others drove to keep up.

The director has been waiting in the Bureau. Wen Ziwen's obviously scratched face surprised the director as soon as he came in. These ancestors came to carry out a secret mission. Before the mission began, they were broken. What's the matter?

Wen Ziwen waved and motioned the team doctor not to deal with it in a hurry. "This is Miss Lu's scratch. Should I first extract my DNA from her fingernails? This is attacking the police."

The messenger behind the deer family didn't show up and couldn't rush to fight the deer family, but he allowed the deer family to jump around in front of the company without biting people. Si Yeqing wanted to teach the deer family a lesson and let the deer family be honest, but he didn't expect the deer shallow to cooperate so well.

Originally, Lu Qianqian's sentence that he wanted to push the wind clearly was enough for Si Yeqing to teach her a lesson. Lu Qianqian pushed general Mo's granddaughter by mistake and attacked the police. It was enough for Lu father and Lu Qianqian to drink a pot.

The deer father arrived soon. After all, he was his favorite daughter, but when he saw that the party was the daughter of the Mo family, his eyes darkened, not to mention that Wen Ziwen specially showed his face of being caught in front of the deer father.

This afternoon, Lu Qianqian spent 5 million yuan and took back a pile of dresses. Lu's father was angry. Originally, Lu lost part of his shares because of the intervention of the Secretary's family. In order to buy back these shares, he didn't have enough money in his hand. Lu Qianqian was still buying at this time. The gift clothes were originally a one-time thing and couldn't be worn after the season, What you really wear is your face.

In the evening, Lu Qianqian made this matter again. He can't afford to offend the Mo family.

It was Lin Zixiang who took his daughter to the dinner party. The deer father glared at him discontentedly. Lin Zixiang was also unlucky. Originally, he just wanted to take the deer shallow diaphragm to test the night engine. Feng clearly saw his reaction, but he didn't expect the deer shallow to be so destructive! He lost his face.

The deer father went to the director's office first and wanted to plead for his daughter first.

The director looked at the supplements in front of him. He was dissatisfied that he could not put them on the surface and let himself be punished lightly? Don't look at who is injured. If you are a director, you can't afford to offend general Mo!

"Mr. Lu, lingai pushed down the eldest daughter of the Mo family and attacked the police. It's not easy to do..."

"If you can press it down, you can ask for money."

The deer father eagerly interrupted him. The deer father didn't contact the director. The director is also the son of a noble family in Beijing. He is upright but knows how to be measured. He has never confiscated bribes. A rich family like the Secretary's family only tells the director the banquet time in the dark. Where does the deer father have the face to say that money can be solved?

The director's face pulled down, "Mr. Lu, don't you hear clearly? The one pushed into the water was the eldest granddaughter of general Mo's favorite, and he also scratched the face of young master Wen."

The director accentuated his tone on the word general. The deer father chatted up and scratched his hair uneasily.

"You are also a parent. You should be able to understand my eager mood of protecting my daughter. Just be accommodating."

The director smiled angrily. She was eager to protect her daughter and took him as the director? He dares to assert that if he gets off lightly today, his official hat will not last for a few days. Is the deer father stupid for such a thankless thing.

The director didn't want to say more to the deer father, so he went out of the office and walked to the interrogation room.

Lu Qianqian's mental state is not good. It's also a turn of Feng Shui. In the first two years, it was still clear and depressed. Now it's Lu Qianqian's turn. In the interrogation room, Lu Qianqian only shook his head. When he asked three questions, he said I didn't do it. Moning next door was very calm and answered what he asked. They seemed to have changed their positions.

The police station was very busy tonight. Many people were called back to work overtime. Si Yeqing didn't stay to comfort the guests. What came were fengchuchu, Jingjing and Bai Qingqing.

There was no progress in the interrogation room. After a while, it was even harder for the deer family to find a lawyer. As long as he bit the deer, nine times out of ten, the deer would not even be detained.

Mourning also thought of it. After recording his record, he went out and made a phone call. Soon, Mo Fu's adjutant came. Seeing Mo Fu's adjutant, Lu Fu was dark. He planned to talk to Lu shallow.

Wen Ziwen told the director that he would rather enter the next room with the wind. In this room, he could clearly see the situation next door, but the next door didn't know.

"Dad, you help me. I don't want to stay here."

When Lu Qianqian saw his father, he seemed to see the backbone.

The deer father couldn't bear to turn his head. It was his daughter who had hurt for more than 20 years. He could think of the deer family. He bit his teeth.

"Shallow, you recognize it."

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