"Zixiang, how can I be your ex fiancee, and you just let this woman bully me?" Lu looked at Lin Zixiang with wet eyes.

Feng ChuChu really opened his eyes. Does this deer think Lin Zixiang was the Si Yeqing who loved her at the beginning? Not that Lin Zixiang didn't love her, but what she had done before almost made Lin Zixiang a laughing stock of the whole upper class society. How could Lin Zixiang help her?

The wind clearly saw the deer's shallow eyes and vaguely aimed at fino. He understood the deer's shallow routine and wanted to separate the two people, just like separating himself and Si Yeqing, but the deer's shallow made a wrong calculation.

The deer's shallow eyes could not hide from fino. Fino turned his eyes and hugged Lin Zixiang's arm. "Zixiang, the aunt's eyes at me are terrible."

Philip wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. Although he didn't see such a fino in front of Lin Zixiang for the first time, he was used to seeing the decisive fino. Such a fino was a little "delicate".

Fino stared at Philip where Lin Zixiang couldn't see. There was a moment of distortion in the deer's shallow face. This was a trick she had used before.

"Look, you let your nephew bully me like this? How can I be his second aunt." Lu Qianqian was a little angry. Although Lin Zixiang didn't speak, he clearly stood on fino's side. Apart from Si Yeqing, where did he suffer such injustice?

Si Yeqing? As soon as Lu Qianqian's eyes turned, he pushed away uncle Lin and walked to Si Yeqing with his chest. Today, Lu Qianqian's clothes were exposed. If she was asked to lean up, most of her chest would be exposed under Si Yeqing's eyelids.

Si Yeqing subconsciously stepped back. Feng ChuChu stepped forward to block in front of Si Yeqing. Lu Qianqian felt that she hit a soft ball. She raised her eyes and found that it was Feng ChuChu and her face was a little green.

"Deer 'Miss'," the wind clearly focused on biting the two words of Miss, "you really love to seduce other people's husbands."

Feng ChuChu said mercilessly. Seeing the deer looking at Si Yeqing with shallow tears, he wanted to arouse Si Yeqing's pity. Feng ChuChu didn't look at Si Yeqing. Si Yeqing just grabbed Feng ChuChu's waist, comforted Feng ChuChu and said he was on Feng ChuChu's side.

"Don't spit blood, he doesn't have a wife!" the deer blurted out with a scornful expression on his face.

Yes, uncle Lin doesn't have a wife. He is used to wandering. He also knows that the owner of the Lin family doesn't let him become a stumbling block for Lin father, so he is very conscious that he just plays and doesn't start a family.

"Who is this? I'm just not here for a few years. How can others interrupt?" second uncle Lin was really planted on Lu Qianqian. He looked at the wind clearly with dissatisfaction.

"Second uncle, you've been out of this circle for too long. That's the owner of the company's family, and this is the wife of the company's family." Lin Zixiang narrowed his eyes. The Lin family was sniped by Phoenix before, and now it can't stand the company's participation.

Uncle Lin was in a panic. When he faded out of the circle, the Secretary's family could not be provoked by the Lin family.

When Lu Qianqian saw Uncle Lin's advice, he heard the name of the Secretary's family and didn't make a sound. He missed his time around Si Yeqing even more. He basically wanted wind and rain.

Feng ChuChu found that the deer's shallow expression was getting better and better. She leaned against Si Yeqing and looked at the deer's changing expression.

Fino couldn't see Lu Qianqian's style. She was unhappy enough because Lu Qianqian almost married Lin Zixiang. "Zixiang, that aunt said she was your second aunt. Hey, does this aunt also want to attend our engagement ceremony? No, she doesn't look like a good woman. If she goes, what should she do to block our engagement ceremony?"

Lu Qianqian felt that he was like a sheep in a pack of wolves. He was slaughtered by others. When did she suffer such grievances? But just leave like this, and I can't hang my face

"Shallow, let's go." Uncle Lin couldn't help persuading.

He can live under the pressure of the Lin family for so long because of his excellent eyesight. He was dazzled by the shallow crying expression of the deer just now. Now he calmed down and thought that he had shouted to the Si family owner and the family owner recognized by the Lin family just now. He sweated on his forehead. He had no worries about food and clothing for so many years and wanted to play whatever he wanted, What if you annoy Lin Zixiang and cut off your source of income?

Lu Qianqian stomps his feet reluctantly and doesn't want to go. Si Yeqing and Lin Zixiang are here. No matter which one they hook up with, they can make Feng ChuChu unhappy.

Fino loosed Lin Zixiang's arm and walked to Lu Qianqian. Because she turned her back to Lin Zixiang and faced the Secretary and his wife, she didn't have to worry about her exposure. Her expression became colder and colder, revealing her original expression.

"Miss Lu, look at the men present. President Si already has a wife and loves me very much. Zixiang has me and we will be engaged soon. There are my brother, Philip nordu, and the second uncle of the Lin family. Only these two men can ask you to choose. Which one do you choose?"

Fino's voice was as sweet as usual, but the malice on her face made the deer shallow. The cruel woman couldn't help shaking, Philip? Nordo? Isn't it the woman who tortured Lina to death?

Since the Phoenix family wants Lu Qianqian to enter the Lin family and want to use the Lin family to attack the Si family, how can they not give Lu Qianqian Lin Zixiang's life? Of course, the fact that Lin Zixiang killed his own sister at nuodu's house is also in the data.

There are also photos of Lina being tortured in the data. Think about it, it makes the deer shallow and cold. The deer shallow turns his head and looks at Philip. Philip pulls a ferocious smile at the corner of his mouth, which makes the deer shallow and soft. He sits in front of fino. Due to the short skirt, the whole scenery at the bottom of the skirt is exposed in front of fino.

However, if a man was standing in front of Lu Qianqian, he must feel pity for Lu Qianqian. Unfortunately, fino was standing in front of her and a woman who hated her.

When fino saw the deer sitting at her feet, her expression didn't change. She squatted down, raised the deer's face with her hand, and warned her in the deer's ear.

"Lu Qianqian, I don't care who sent you. I don't care what you did to the Secretary and his wife before, but you shouldn't have Lin Zixiang's idea. That man has been marked by me for a long time and belongs to me all his life. If you have the courage, you can try to provoke him. I guarantee that no matter which claw you stretch out, I can chop it off."

Fino felt the clear mood, "and Mrs. Si's expression told me that if you seduce Mr. Si again, you will also taste what you don't want to know. If I put it here, you can try. Which of us has a more cruel means. It happened that my brother hasn't eaten meat for a long time. Your appearance is also with my brother's appetite. Let's play?"

The deer's shallow body trembled more and more. She wanted to refute fino, but she couldn't open her mouth. Fino's expression seemed to kill her. She didn't dare to object and could only tremble.

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