The born governor an vaguely knows something. He asks Feng Ivy curiously.

"This born governor doesn't know everything you think," Feng Ivy glanced at Ann. "It's called a monster. I mean I remember everything when I was a child. It's not bad. In addition, I like to run to the family library. My knowledge is much more than that of the Phoenix family."

Feng Ivy began to recall her childhood, "since I was born soon, I have been able to self-study words through servants' words. I hide myself and showed my value to the Phoenix family at the age of 4. I never forget and have a strong learning ability."

Ann doesn't interrupt Feng Ivy's memory. She just listens with her eyes open and listens to Feng Ivy's meaning. She even knows who kidnapped her.

"Daddy likes to put me on his lap and listen to me carrying his secrets. He always says to me, good boy, I remember daddy's expression at that time. I also like it very much, but I also know how strange my 'born to know things' is. Even if I don't understand the words of those people when I was born, I understand when I grow up. I always think I am a monster."

Wind Ivy's face showed a bright smile, just like a girl in spring.

"I met him. He was a child bought by the family to be a bodyguard. His responsibility was to die for me when all my adult bodyguards had an accident. I liked his smile and always looked like the sun, but it didn't last long. My grandfather recited the deepest secret of the family to me before he died and told me that a special child like me would appear in the Phoenix family every few generations."

Ivy took a deep breath.

"That's why the Phoenix Contact family has always maintained a close relative marriage within the scope. Of course, the Phoenix Contact family will also absorb foreigners with high intelligence or high ability. My grandfather told me the secrets of the Phoenix Contact family and left me a secret army. Unfortunately, daddy is too smart. He has a strong thirst for knowledge and always wants to know, but I don't know There is no way. "

Ivy Feng's eyes are complex. It's obvious that she thinks of something unhappy.

"Daddy seemed to have a hunch that my grandfather would tell me the secret and keep asking. At this time, the internal competition of the Phoenix family began, and my secret could not be found. Moreover, those half brothers and sisters envied my special position in daddy. My father's second lover combined with some other brothers and sisters to get me out of the Phoenix family, but what they didn't expect was that I had long ago I want to leave alone behind the secrets of the Phoenix family. "

"Secret? What secret?" Ann anxiously wants to know, but gets the glare of wind ivy.

"He discovered my intention. We left the family and the city in the name of kidnapping, and married him when I was seventeen. However, his body was injured in Perennial Training and died early. Moreover, the Phoenix family was more anxious than the center of thought. In order not to let me go back, they laid hands on my daughter and me."

Feng Ivy stared into Ann's eyes and didn't allow ANN to escape. "Ann, what I told you is that I know it's time for you to return home, but you should remember that even if you are far away from other countries, I have the ability to tell you not to live in peace. It won't kill you in the face of a little girl, but the teaching and Training Association will."

Wind Ivy finished this sentence, no longer looked at the dull ANN, took the initiative to go out of the corner, blessed Feng ChuChu, touched Feng ChuChu's hair, looked at Ann with her eyes and warned Ann.

"Night Qing, Ann has left the family for too long, and he hasn't reported peace for a long time. It's time to return home. You send Ann tomorrow."

Si Yeqing nodded to show that he understood the meaning of wind ivy.

Feng ChuChu didn't even notice that they were playing charades. "Is Ann leaving? This time, we must thank Ann.

"No, for doctors like Ann, difficult and miscellaneous diseases will make them happier, won't they, Ann?"

Hard pressed Ann looked at the threatening eyes of wind ivy. She could only nod bitterly, and further deepened her understanding of the severity of wind ivy.

"Well, the reporter is still outside. Although it's not time for the dinner, she still has to show up." Feng Ivy arranges her dress for Feng ChuChu.

Ivy Feng watched her beloved granddaughter go out of the room. She didn't know what she thought on her face. She was struggling.

"Don't do anything stupid, old sister. It's not easy for you to wake up. If you toss something about, you'll be very sad."

Ivy Feng is not surprised to see President Chen here.

President Chen has seen a lot of psychologists because of his heart knot, and he is naturally sensitive to emotions, so he can feel the abnormality of ivy these two days.

"Is it because I think of something old?"

Feng Aiwei sighed and thought about her granddaughter and the old friends she met later. "I don't care. It's about those children."

Mr. Chen doesn't know what to say. Why can't he see that the background behind the scenes is very deep? Si Yeqing and Su CuO are just busy like a dead dog, eager to prepare, but what should happen will happen.

"Old sister, now is the age of those children. You think, these children are top. As long as we give them room to grow, what we should worry about is how to promote them to grow."

Feng Aiwei sighs and thinks that Feng ChuChu is not willing to stick to others unconsciously after he wakes up. Now, when he is no younger than before, something really happened and ChuChu will be sad.

Seeing the struggle on the face of Feng ivy, President Chen kept up his efforts, "you see, how hard the recent night engine works. In case it's clear that she's pregnant, think about the little soft great grandson..."

"OK, OK, don't go." Feng Ivy can only temporarily strangle her thoughts, but old friends have to contact.

The wind outside is clear. She doesn't know that her grandmother almost killed her back to Phoenix for her own safety. She has begun to chat with reporters or businessmen who keep coming to the door. Unknowingly, it's evening.

At the end of the curtain, Feng ChuChu finally found a chance to rest. He ran to Si Yeqing and began to find something to eat on the table.

Si Yeqing smiled and helped her block the merchant, because Feng ChuChu took over Chen. Only a small part of the two people need to deal with it at the same time.

Feng ChuChu is the first time to deal with these businessmen alone. He really tries his best to make these people leave satisfactorily, and Si Yeqing has already said hello.

Si Yeqing looked at Feng ChuChu's resentful eyes, smiled and tucked in a wisp of long hair that Feng ChuChu had fallen behind his ears, "well, this is only the first time. You're not proficient. If you're proficient in it later, I'll have a look. Your attitude is no problem, and you don't pay attention to people who shouldn't be."

Although the participants are businessmen, they are also divided into three, six, nine, etc. some people are liars. They come to you with the so-called plan to invest money. The true and false are fifty-five, so they must have insight, or they may lose their money.

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