Feng ChuChu did not expect that old Bai would burst out when he saw Bai Pingping. Only the Bai family did not respond. It was obvious that he was used to Bai's style.

Bai Pingping hears her father's violent drinking and doesn't defend herself. She just kneels straight in front of Bai Lao. Although uncle Lin doesn't know what's going on, he also kneels in front of Bai Lao with Bai mo.

I just don't know whether it was intentional or not. Uncle Lin's kneeling position intentionally or unintentionally blocked Bai Pingping, as if he was afraid that Bai Pingping would be beaten.

As Bai Lao suddenly shouted, the Secretary's family didn't sit down either. Fortunately, the room was big enough. Bai Lao directly sat down on a chair on one side.

The Secretary and his wife considered the hobbies of the Bai family. The chair was an old-fashioned chair from the 1960s and 1970s. It was obviously very popular with Bai. Bai sat down directly.

Feng ChuChu and Si Yeqing looked at each other and smiled. They left without directly turning around, which showed that there was room to return to the world. The three members of the family kneeling there silently turned their direction on the ground, because they could kneel in front of Bai Lao.

The room was once very quiet, but the Secretary and his wife obviously didn't know that the white family were just controlling themselves and wouldn't cry in shame.

The youngest daughter she held in the palm of her hand suddenly ran home and said she was pregnant and wanted to marry. Moreover, once the man didn't return, her daughter insisted on giving birth to the child with the man. They were always very angry, but they never thought of really driving her out of the house. They just wanted her to give up the child who didn't know where she came from.

The two old men loved their daughter so much that they didn't even call the unknown child.

But I didn't expect Bai Pingping to have a tough heart under her weak appearance. She not only gave birth to the child herself, but also successfully raised the child. In the past ten years, the two elders have tried to call their daughter back countless times, but they just can't let go of this face.

Bai Lao is fine. Bai Lao's wife has looked at her daughter dimly with tears in her eyes. She is still reading in her mouth. She is thin and thin.

Bai Pingping doesn't feel well either. Her love for uncle Lin makes her give birth to white foam like a moth to the fire. Bai Pingping doesn't even know what to do.

But the Bai brothers always love this youngest sister and remit money to her every month. Otherwise, Bai Mo would have starved to death with Bai Pingping's body.

Bai Pingping knows she's sorry for the old couple, so she hasn't dared to go home for so many years.

"What do you want to do?"

Bai Lao took a deep breath, calmed down his mood and slowly asked his favorite child

"Dad, he's coming to pick me up. He's going to marry me. I want to get your consent to ask me to marry from the Bai family and sign my name on the genealogy to the Lin family."

Bai Pingping wiped her tearful eyes with a firm tone. This is her only wish to enter the palace of marriage with her parents.

Bai Pingping had a dream when she was a child. She wanted to be a perfect bride and enter the marriage with her family, but she didn't expect to meet uncle Lin, let alone her daughter at her wedding.

Hearing Bai Pingping's words, old Bai couldn't restrain his urge to cry. He covered his eyes with his hands.

However, everyone present knew that the serious old man was crying for himself and his daughter.

"Didn't I say that when you go out of that house, I won't care about you anymore."

The Secretary and his wife wisely gave the venue to the Bai family and quietly became the witness.

"Dad, I know you won't ignore Pingping." Bai Pingping is sad and sad about her unfilial behavior. Her father has been hard spoken and soft hearted since childhood. If she had been softer at the beginning, there might be no difference in the past ten years. Bai Pingping blames herself for her parents' gray hair.

Although uncle Lin knew that he was adding fuel to the fire at this time, he still hardened his head and opened his mouth.

"Uncle Bai, before you admit me, I'll call you uncle Bai. I'm the second son of the Lin family. I was the least successful. Pingping and I separated because of a misunderstanding. I always thought Pingping came home and said something about me. You think I can't. provoked by my eldest brother, I thought Pingping had already married. I knew that Pingping had a daughter for me two days ago. All this is my fault 。”

As Uncle Lin expected, it was OK that he didn't speak. As soon as he spoke, old Bai became angry and threw the teacup at Uncle Lin's feet.

Uncle Lin didn't move and didn't blink. "Uncle, everything is my fault. I want to marry Pingping, want her to be my wife, and want Momo to be my real daughter."

Listening to Uncle Lin talking about his daughter, the two old men subconsciously looked at Baimo. Baimo was only three times like Bai Pingping, but their young and beautiful appearance reminded the two old men of their young daughter.

Old lady Bai couldn't help it anymore. She cried with white foam in her arms. Hearing the cry, old lady Bai looked at her daughter with complex eyes and didn't know what to say.

They never knew that their always clever daughter would be so stubborn. Indeed, because Bai Pingping, the two elders of the Bai family have been stabbed in the backbone these years, but their blood relationship can not be lost. Even if time passes, it will be as bright as eternal flowers and will not fade.

Bai Lao watched as like as two peas in the arms of her grandson, clumsy clapping his wife's back, afraid to take a look at his wife's son, and his nose was more sour. He still remembered that his daughter was still like a little dumpling, and love to beat them back. They didn't know enough about their strength, and they were afraid to hurt themselves. They were exactly like this granddaughter.

Uncle Lin quickly opened his mouth when he saw signs of Looseness on Bai Lao's face.

"Uncle, although I'm not a man of great ability, even now I'm just the one who eats empty pay in the name of the Lin family, but believe me, I won't call Pingping suffering. There's foam. I'll give her the best education."

Uncle Lin's finally made Bai Lao look at him seriously.

Bai Lao looked at the man who abducted his daughter carefully. He looked handsome, but he was frivolous, average height, but some muscles. Obviously, he was in good health. It was said that he was from the Lin family and his family background was ok, but he had heard of Lin er's reputation.

The word "dandy" can completely summarize uncle Lin's life. If you have to add a word, it is a dandy who knows current affairs. More than ten years ago, such a man could never get into his eyes. It is because his daughter knew he would not agree that he would want to cook cooked rice.

"Pingping, I'll ask you again. Choose between this man and his family. Who do you choose?"

Bai Pingping was surprised. She didn't expect her father to ask such a sentence. More than ten years ago, she would not hesitate to choose second uncle Lin. however, looking at her old parents, she didn't have the courage of that year, but she gave up waiting for second uncle Lin for more than ten years. Her heart is telling her that she can't.

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