After the incident between the Minister of personnel and the Ministry of Huang, Chen quickly returned to normal under the vigorous and resolute attitude of Feng ChuChu. Feng ChuChu began to go to Chen's habit again for a few days. Ordinary documents must be signed by Feng ChuChu. Xi Yun will send them, and the rest can be solved by Xi Yun.

So Feng ChuChu formed the habit of nesting in siyeqing's office.

Feng ChuChu finished the business cooperation in Si Yeqing's office and was looking at the information sent by the Ming and Qing Dynasties just now. Suddenly, he heard the front desk say that someone was looking for secretary Jin. It was strange enough to find Jin directly. What's more, Jin Lai didn't come out for half an hour after taking people to the conference room!

Si Yeqing looked at Feng ChuChu with a curious look and spoiled his smile. He had to satisfy his wife's curiosity and went to the conference room.

When they arrived at the meeting room, several people were lying at the door of the meeting room, as if listening to the corner.

Si Yeqing coughed. When the man at the door saw that it was Mr. Si, he smiled awkwardly, "Mr. Si, madam, it seems that it is Jin Mi's family."

That's the assistant with Jin Lai. Feng nodded clearly and pushed the door in directly.

The people in the room probably didn't expect that someone would open the door directly in Si Shi. Jin's father was still trying to kneel. Jin's mother cried loudly with her child in her arms, and a pair of seemingly father and daughter were watching. Jin Lai just sat there like a bystander.

Jin came to see the Secretary and his wife, and finally stood up, "president, madam."

Si Yeqing and Feng clearly nodded to Jin, sat on the main seat and looked carefully at these people in the conference room.

Kim's mother seemed a little embarrassed holding her child. She didn't know what to do. She subconsciously looked at Kim's father.

Jin's father was also worried, but when he thought of the tragedy of his company these days, he still clenched his teeth and continued his previous action, but the action he wanted to give Jin Lai to kneel could not kneel under the clear, smiling eyes of the wind.

"Jin Lai, you see, I've raised you for nearly ten years to help my father. My father really has no way, as long as you marry Uncle Li's daughter."

Through this sentence, Feng ChuChu can understand most of the process.

Before, Jin's father forced Jin to marry another woman for his own company. Is this forcing the company? The wind's clear eyes were cold.

Anyway, Jin Lai is also a confidential secretary who has accompanied Si Yeqing for many years. She is also Han Tiantian's future husband. She is bullied by these people. She can't swallow this tone.

Kim Lai over there was still silent, as if he hadn't heard him.

Jin's father's eyes turned and went straight to Feng ChuChu. "Feng Zong, you comment and reason. I've raised Jin for so many years and never thought about what he would repay. Only this time, the company can't support it. If it goes on like this, the children will live on the streets with us!"

Jinfu estimated that Feng ChuChu was a female and had strong compassion. He deliberately said it to Feng ChuChu, and said it pitifully.

"Mr. king, have you made a mistake?"

Jinfu was uncomfortable under Feng ChuChu's eyes, which seemed to see through everything. After turning his eyes, he turned his eyes back and looked at Feng ChuChu.

"You said, what did I make a mistake?"

"Not to mention that you don't have the adoption procedures for Jin Lai at all, and you can't prove your legal relationship with Jin Lai. Your current attitude is to find fault with your boss."

"I don't mean that!" the golden father shook his head madly and didn't dare to admit it.

After this period of time, under the great actions of Si and Chen, a number of small companies with unknown origins and companies with poor management closed down, and the two companies completely established their dominant position in the business circle.

How dare Jin Fu come to Si's fault? If they could not find gold outside the company, they would not want to come here.

Father Jin pondered every word of Feng ChuChu for fear that there was a pit in Feng ChuChu's words. Thinking of one of them, his action stopped.

"Jin Lai's adoption procedures?"

The wind looked at Si Yeqing's fingers clearly, as if he had found a novel toy and couldn't stop playing with it. Si Yeqing smiled at the corners of his mouth and let the wind move clearly.

Jin Lai saw his boss's attitude and a smile crossed his eyes. He pushed his glasses.

"I'm not right? When you took Jin Lai, you only threw 30000 yuan to the orphanage in order to save trouble. Jin Lai was just a child in the orphanage. I checked that Jin Lai was 6 years old when he was sent to the orphanage. It should have the memory of his parents, but Jin Lai didn't."

The wind glanced at Jinfu clearly, "What's surprising? Jin Lai is a child who was kidnapped and trafficked, because the trafficker gave him too much anesthesia during the process of kidnapping and trafficking, which led to his memory loss. The day before selling Jin Lai, the trafficker was arrested, and Jin Lai was temporarily fostered in the orphanage. When you adopted, you only said that you wanted the smartest child. The Dean gave Jin to you without thinking about the money you gave You, strictly speaking, have no adoption procedures. "

"No! We have formalities!"

Gold mother heard the meaning of Feng's clear words and immediately threw her fear behind her head.

"Oh, you know what I'm saying. Yes, there are no procedures to bribe the president of the orphanage directly with money. You took the gold. In the strict sense of the law, it belongs to the sale of children and should be sentenced."

The awesome style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties was also evident in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Feng ChuChu just read Jin Lai's information. Because it was just sent, Jin Lai doesn't know.

"What is buying and selling children?" Jinfu was stunned by the news. Jinlai's business was done by Jinmu alone. Jinfu didn't know the joints.

"Your wife agreed with the director of the orphanage to exchange money for a smart child, but she didn't expect that Jin Lai was only foster in the orphanage, and there was no formal procedure for the orphanage. Your wife could give up Jin Lai directly in order to have her own children in the future. She didn't go through the adoption procedures, or she would know that Jin Lai didn't meet the adoption conditions It is impossible to adopt. "

Jin's father stared at his wife in shock. In those years, he really liked Jin Lai, but later, after his wife gave birth to a son, he was persuaded by his wife to give up Jin Lai. Otherwise, with Jin's father's temperament, Jin Lai's achievements must be a tool for him to show off.

Now it's just that Jin Lai's light is too dazzling. He doesn't want to admit it, so he thinks Jin Lai won't make great achievements.

"Even if we don't talk about the adoption procedures, let's say that you adopted Jin Lai and abandoned Jin Lai when Jin Lai was under the age of 16. Jin Lai can stay away from you. Jin Lai has been remitting money to a fixed account a few years ago. That's your company's account and Jin Lai returned it to you." Si Yeqing took Feng ChuChu's words.

When Jin Lai heard Si Yeqing's words, there was a trace of moisture in his eyes. He knew that Si always treated him well, but he didn't know that Si Yeqing would know him so well.

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