Liu Ying's expression is very struggling, but everyone present knows, because no matter who stands in Liu Ying's position will struggle! Forward or backward?

This gamble seems to be good for Liu Ying, because you see, how difficult it is to master the etiquette skills that celebrities can master for 15 years or even more in 15 days.

But you can see from Feng ChuChu's appearance that Feng ChuChu must be full of confidence. Moreover, Feng ChuChu itself is the best example. She asked Liu Ying to pick no mistakes within five days. What if Jing Jing is the same?

This is not a simple apology. Once Liu Ying loses, the Liu family will be destroyed. The determination in Feng ChuChu's words is obvious and will definitely fulfill the bet.

Jing Jing didn't expect the fire to burn herself. She wanted to tell Feng ChuChu that she couldn't, but Jing Jing knew that Feng ChuChu knew something about the past, although the bet was related to herself.

Liu Ying thought for a long time. No one urged her. It's not a small thing.

"I d..."


Liu Ying struggled and thought about it. Before she finished gambling, she was beaten. She covered her beaten left face and couldn't believe it. Her father, who loved her most and never said anything bad to her, beat her?

Liu Fu didn't look at his daughter's unbelievable face, turned around and bowed, "I'm sorry, Mr. Feng, the little girl is wayward. We don't gamble about what you said."

"Dad, why don't you gamble? I don't believe that a wonderful flower like that will appear the second! If you win, our family can take a step further!"

Liu Fu gave Liu Ying a second slap back. He looked at his daughter disappointed.

"What's the bet? The Liu family has worked hard for generations. Our family has always been famous for etiquette. When did you become like this? If I knew, I wouldn't ask you to fool around with those evil friends!"

As Liu Fu spoke, he looked at the wind clearly. It was obvious who the friends were. The embarrassment flashed on Lu Qianqian's face, but Lu Qianqian couldn't make a sound.

Liu Fu looked at Liu Ying's expression. The disappointment on her face was obvious. Liu Ying's heart trembled and lowered her head.

"Liu Ying, your willfulness is my pet, but be moderate! Don't forget that you're not the only one in the company! Think about it! This is your sin before. Come here and apologize to President Feng!"

Liu Ying is unwilling to look at Feng's clear smiling expression.

"Yes, that's what I looked at your expression before. Who knows what I was unwilling to do at that time? Now I just want to return a little."

Liu Ying bit her lip, "sorry, Feng Zong."

"What is the reason for this dispute?" the wind threw out another sentence.

Liu Ying is even more embarrassed. She apologizes to Feng ChuChu because Feng ChuChu's identity is there. Feng ChuChu also proves that she can do it with her own power, but Jing Jing


"OK, that's it. Your dress should be changed. I'll ask someone to take you to change." thorns showed the quality of being the mother of the Su family.

Although this matter is small, you can see your character from such a small matter. If Jing Jing drives the Liu family out directly, I believe the people present will weigh the cooperation with the Su family in the future, because they are too small.

Liu Ying was a little surprised. She didn't expect it to be like this. Her face was even more embarrassed. She hurried down to change clothes with the waiter.

Here, the wind looked at the deer clearly. The meaning in his eyes was very obvious. The next one was you.

The guests were excited. Originally, they thought that the Secretary's family and Chen's family had let the deer family go because the Secretary's night engine was still in love. Now it seems that the time is not right.

Jingjing and sucuo's toast continued. Jingjing's father finally breathed a sigh of relief on the guest of honor table over there. Looking nervous, President Chen was happy to pat him on the shoulder.

"What if someone gambles? I know Jing Jing. With her temperament, half a month is not enough." Jing Jing's father doesn't understand.

"If you don't say it clearly, you know from the beginning that the Liu family won't gamble. Let's say something else. Do you see the children's standing position?"

Jingjing's father nodded. As soon as he sat down, President Chen told him that he was close to the Su family. He was a teacher and was good at remembering people.

"It's good to see it. Think again. After finishing the words clearly, the children will stand before and after the words clearly." President Chen patiently pointed out that this is Jingjing's father. It's estimated that he will live with them in the future. We have to understand these more or less.

"Seems to stand straight? Seems to have a small step forward?" Jingjing's father thought hard. These are details, which can't be seen without careful observation.

Mr. Chen smiled and praised Mr. Jing's father in his heart. He is worthy of being a teacher who has observed students for decades.

"This is the attitude of the children. This is to tell everyone that Feng ChuChu's words are agreed by them. They advance and retreat together. This is very important. It gives the Liu family a sense of oppression. All the families who make friends with the Su family are top-notch. Clear words are definitely not a threat."

Jingjing's father nodded to understand. President Chen saw that Jingjing's father listened attentively and spoke more carefully.

"At the beginning, the Liu family had only one option. If they lost, their wealth was exhausted, and the efforts of several generations came to naught. If they won, of course, there was a clear apology and the cooperation of the Ming family, but what will happen in the future?"


"Yes, after the cooperation between the Liu family and the Ming family, many enterprises will snipe at the Lin family in order to win the favor of President Chen. This is absolute. Even if the Chen family has not spoken, isn't that the lower level? In order to do everything for the upper level, they will guess the psychology of the upper level without authorization. Moreover, winning the clear favor is equivalent to winning the favor of these children."

When Feng ChuChu came back, she heard President Chen tell Jingjing's father these things. She smiled. Si Yeqing sat beside her, seemingly serious, but his hand played with Feng ChuChu's hand under the table. After being stared at by Feng ChuChu charming, she held Feng ChuChu in her arms more wantonly.

Feng ChuChu is also happy to have a human flesh cushion. The two people's sticky actions look at the presence. The eyes of those who observe the Secretary and his wife are sour. Really, why don't you know to pay attention in public.

"Is what Dad said right?" Si Yeqing changed his mouth some time ago and called President Chen's father as clearly as the wind.

"Half of it. I didn't think so much at first. I just had confidence in myself. Liu Fu's eyes told me that that person was a conservative or a one-man. Like Lin Xiqiu, he was family centered. Such a person would never gamble with me with a family business."

Si Yeqing nodded. He knew that recently the wind was clear and the observer was more and more accurate. He basically looked at it.

"Both Lu Qianqian and Liu Ying are spoiled children. They are naive in some aspects. There is no will to burn everything for the family in their brain. It may be related to education. In their father's eyes, their daughter wants to marry out, which determines the fundamental difference."

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