"Master Ming, that's our Mo's girl. Her name is moning. It doesn't matter if you don't know me now. You'll know me later." Mo Kai interrupted Ming and Qing Dynasties. After listening, he's going to be completely destroyed.

The mirror narrowed his eyes. The boy was arrogant. He dared to interrupt the fool of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. His brother still bullied himself for fun, even if others did not.

Yes, with a cold face, clean speech and work, the cold mirror is a brother control, or a deep, incurable one.

"I don't want to know you. Who are you? Those who talk to me are famous celebrities or successful people. Who are you?"

Mo Kai's face is ferocious. He lowers his head and doesn't want Mingjing to see his face. Anyway, Mingjing has been playing in the mall for more than ten years. Such a green boy can't hide his mind.

The wind is so sweet and sighing, it's really a rush to catch up. This hodgepodge, Mo Kai's goods, at this time, IQ is on-line, and wants to curry favor with the Ming family.

Feng ChuChu and Si Yeqing look at each other. Si Yeqing looks at her with encouragement and signals her to do it. He is right behind her.

"Cough." everyone's attention shifted to the sound source, and they saw that the wind was clear and expressionless. "You are in the Chen family, not your own home! Since you have arrived together, Xi Yun, ask someone to move the chair, we'll solve it here!"

It has been ten minutes since the people sat down. The sitting position is very delicate. The three of the Mo family sit on the left side of the wind, and the Ming family is on the right. Mo Ning sits next to those who understand, which is not close, but very close.

"Master Mo, this statement is the condition we negotiated before. Apologize and drive Mo Kai out of his successor, right?"

Master Mo nodded wearily. It's true.

"What I told you before was very clear. Your son teased me and asked me to play with him, which you know," Feng ChuChu went out and saw the Mo master nodding and continued, "although I am not a big man, many people in the mall talk about my Chen's source."

When Feng ChuChu said this, he was black all over. These gossip women have nothing to do!

"I'm the president of Chen family. Even if I get rid of this identity, I'm still the mother of the Secretary family and the wife of the Secretary family. This kind of thing is an insult to me. Originally, Qing wanted to use the whole Mo family to make amends for me that night. This is also to set an example for the others and avoid wandering in front of me. I gave the Mo family a chance."

Master Mo's back was wet with sweat. Did Si Yeqing want to fight against the Mo family that day?

"Yeqing hates people who rely on their elders. You did it. Yeqing hates people who touch his taboos. Your son did it, but under my persuasion, Yeqing reluctantly forgives you and uses two statements to dispel our anger. Congratulations, you didn't do it. How can I forgive you?"

The head of Mo family didn't know that he was dancing on the reason of Si Yeqing's rage. It seems that he really can't save his son. He can't ask the whole Mo family to bury him because Mo Kai is his son.

Hearing this, the Ming brothers managed to piece together the story and stopped talking.

"Well, it's our fault. I shouldn't make a statement because the women in my family do such things that damage the whole family."

After the participation of the Ming brothers, the master of the Mo family thought clearly that he could not do so.

"If you're finished, master Mo, let's talk about moning." Mingjing, who doesn't understand the atmosphere, said directly to master mo.

Mokai's eyes lit up quickly. Does he still have a chance? "Brother of the Ming family, as long as you are willing to help me, I will marry moning into the Ming family!"

"Which onion are you?" I can't help being rude. Mo Kai is really a thief.

"As long as you promise to protect me, moning will listen to his father and marry into the Ming family!"

Mourning's eyes were full of sorrow. She was treated as an object in exchange for the position of Mo Kai's successor. Mourning bowed his head and made people unable to see clearly.

At this time, it depends on what Mingjing said. Mingjing also knows that the owner of the Mo family actually wants to open his mouth to keep Mo Kai, while Feng ChuChu is waiting for his answer to measure this cooperation.

Mingjing should not understand that she may not marry her beloved girl. If she should, Feng ChuChu will not break the contract this time, but the cooperation with Chen will stop here and there will be no next time.

Mingjing finally said, "why can't I wait for Mo's house to be destroyed?"

Mo Kai's panicked eyes amused the mirror. "If you do something wrong, you have to bear the consequences, and the apology is over. It's not clear whether we can succeed in the Ming family and the Mo family. Why should I take the risk of offending prospective partners to help you? How about your Mo family has nothing to do with me."

Mingjing said here and drank a sip of tea from Xi Yun. Looking at the people waiting for him to speak, the joy in his heart can't stop.

"It's better to say that the Mo family is defeated. I can spend a lower cost to marry a daughter-in-law for my brother. It's more cost-effective. I don't have to support the whole Mo family. Ah, it's still appropriate for the Mo family to lose. Otherwise, master Mo, declare not to send it?"

Feng ChuChu is really embarrassed by the words of Mingjing. Think about it carefully, it seems that this is the case.

Moning had given up. She knew her position was very embarrassing because she was exchanged as goods. Mingjing's words made her heart cold, but the last words made moning a little sad and laughing.

"If the Mo family loses, they will build a new one. If they listen to moning's words, won't the Ming family still make money.

"However, this is equivalent to the Ming family marrying civilians! I understand that there will be no family support! Let me think, you don't want your brother to threaten your position as the head of the family." Mo Kai broke the jar and provoked Mingjing.

The bright mirror looked at Mo Kai with fixed eyes, like dead water, without any waves.

"This is the funniest joke I heard this year. Ming family or something. My brother will give it if he wants me. There is no threat. I hope they will rob it! My brother's ability is there. Even without the support of his wife's family, he can break a sky! Because I'm behind him!"

Ming and Qing Dynasties and understand quietly wiped the moisture around the corners of their eyes. This brother controls the eldest brother! Why is it so stupid? Who calls me and understand (Ming and Qing Dynasties) his brother? Such a stupid brother, I don't protect who protect!

At this moment, the thoughts of the second and third of the Ming family were synchronized. The wind smiled clearly. The Ming family is really interesting.

Mo Kai completely spread out on the chair and knew that he had no chance with the Mo family from this moment on.

When this happens, even if the Ming brothers want to discuss anything with Feng ChuChu, there is no atmosphere. Mingjing and Feng ChuChu make an appointment to finalize the details of the cooperation next time.

Originally, I wanted to invite the Secretary and his wife to dinner, but in view of the clear wind, I really had something to do, so I gave it up.

Feng ChuChu sent the Mo family and the Ming family away and rushed to the place agreed with grandma.

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