"Well, little mirror, are you a little hard on your brother? Other people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars at home, even millions of virgin friends..." Minglao reminded his eldest grandson if he gave too little. Even an old man like him knows that he spends too little money when he is young.

Mingjing was stunned and thought about it carefully. He used to understand that he wanted money. Later, he was annoyed and gave the sub card to understand. However, since he gave money to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the boy didn't say this to him. The boy in the Ming and Qing Dynasties basically didn't see people during the day. When he asked him what he was doing, he said he went to play with his friends, but he didn't know where he was! Besides, if you really go out with friends, how can you have enough money when you are not at home for more than 20 days a month in the Ming and Qing Dynasties! On such a careful thought, he didn't understand that he was being rinsed by the Ming and Qing Dynasties!

"Ming and Qing Dynasties... Can you tell me your monthly expenses?"

Ming and Qing Dynasties felt that their eldest brother's smile was the devil's smile. His eyes were flickering, "it's just not a lot. Rub your friends' food and drink..."

On the one hand, Xi Yun, who was often rubbed for lunch by the Ming and Qing Dynasties, was silent, deep in merit and fame.


Ming and Qing felt they were going to the guillotine.

"Isn't this a serious person? Usually the people who eat with me are dandies. Don't touch my brother. I can't afford to be responsible in case my brother as pure as ice and snow is damaged."

Often having dinner together, Xi Yun, known as a dandy, lay down his gun again.

"How can it be? Brother's willpower is a devil. Second brother, just bring people back to brother." understand God's assistance.

Mingjing, who was about to nod his head, knew that he was still scolding him, so he twisted his ears in an expressionless way and showed his teeth in pain.

The star didn't understand how it became a crusade against the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Mingjiu was secretly relieved. The two people's different actions were clearly seen by the wind and solved in a moment. Now it is the Ming and Qing dynasties that matter.

Ming and Qing Dynasties felt that their sweat was running down. He said to others, "Mr. Si, where is your bathroom? I want to go. Brother, I want to go to the bathroom. Let's come back and talk about it."

Which mirror can't see that this is a delaying strategy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties? "In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, I blame my brother for not taking good care of you. I really treat you badly. It's all my fault. It's my dereliction of duty as a brother." the mirror looks like an injustice. I cover my eyes with my hands sadly.

Where have you seen your strong ice face in the Ming and Qing Dynasties? Even if he knew that this was the big brother's bitter meat trick, he couldn't help but go to Mingjing and comfort Mingjing, "I have enough flowers. Really, big brother took good care of me."

"Then tell brother your monthly expenses." through his fingers, the mirror saw that Ming and Qing came to him, immediately grabbed Ming and Qing, and asked if his brother's expenses were enough.

"It's only eight thousand dollars. I don't have money for dinner." the Ming and Qing Dynasties really didn't recruit. Since Feng ChuChu had poked things out, he certainly wouldn't give up halfway. Looking back at Feng ChuChu's face, the Ming and Qing Dynasties was firm, "I don't have to spend money on the shapes and suits attending the banquet. I spend very little money."

The mirror is lost. I think I'm the most considerate brother. I can't even raise my brother well. What a waste

Brother, for so many years, how can the Ming and Qing Dynasties not know what Mingjing is thinking? But this is his choice without other people's interference. Although many can't afford big brother, he and his mother have disturbed his brother's life. We can't use this reason to trouble big brother all the time.

I understand. I finally know what grandpa said to him about keeping an eye on the second brother before. It's not to guard against the second brother, but to keep an eye on the second brother and don't ask the second brother to treat himself badly. Really, I always think that the second brother's money is also from the eldest brother and won't treat the eldest brother badly in material life, but I didn't expect that not only the eldest brother, but also he doesn't know enough about the second brother.

Moning didn't know what was going on between the three brothers of the Ming family. He could only see and comfort them after they were lost.

"In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it's my fault. I think I know you very well, but I don't know anything. In the future, you'll brush your brother's secondary card as well as how much you lack."

The Ming and Qing Dynasties looked at the card in their hands and didn't know what to say. They were all big brothers, afraid that their brother didn't learn well. They were afraid that they weren't kind to themselves and their family property.

Ming and Qing Dynasties know that Mingjing has made a will. Because of the agreement signed by Ming and Qing Dynasties when they were adults, Ming and Qing Dynasties did not participate in the inheritance of family property. Therefore, Mingjing and understand that in order to compensate Ming and Qing Dynasties, Mingjing left 80% of Mingjing's personal property to Ming and Qing Dynasties when Mingjing made a will, so as to avoid Mingqing's lack of a place for the elderly.

It was in this way that the Ming and Qing dynasties had to restrain themselves. People were greedy. He was afraid that one of his thoughts would destroy his hard won family affection.

The star looked at the black card pushed back and forth in the hands of the two brothers. His eyes were red and envied. How good it would be if she didn't take it in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and he actually lived on the 50000 yuan given by his eldest brother every month. It's incredible, because in the eyes of the star, 50000 yuan is just the price of a set of cosmetics and a bag.

The star felt that her saliva was about to flow down. She twisted her waist. It seemed clumsy. In fact, she squeezed to Mingjing quickly. She stretched out her hand to get the black card in Mingjing's hand. "Brother Qing loves our siblings most. Since brother Qing doesn't want it, I'll help brother Qing take it as a sister."

It's shameless. I know how to sneer. I watched my eldest brother turn his wrist and avoid the star's hand. I was stunned and relaxed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and stuffed the card into the trouser waist of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The mirror is also careful enough to put the card in that place. Even if the star doesn't pay attention, a girl won't grab a man's trouser waist, although the man is his cousin.

Unfortunately, Mingjing underestimated the star's face. For money, the star couldn't do anything. Seeing that the mirror stuffed the card into Ming and Qing's trouser waist, the star actually stretched out his hand to take it. He was so frightened that Ming and Qing fled to Si Yeqing's back with his pants.

The Ming and Qing dynasties can hear the laughter of Xi Yun's real ice girl, but they can't do anything, because it's the Ming family who lose face.

Mingjing is also convinced of her relatives who only recognize money. An unmarried girl can reach out to her cousin's pants without hesitation for money.

"Well, have you done enough? Star, what else do you have to say now?" Feng ChuChu interrupted the time when the star was about to explode when he saw that things were over.

The star's body stiffened. Yes, and this, "where can we prove that the Ming and Qing Dynasties worked in Chen, and Chen, what company?"

The wind looks at bright. Do you really want to know how bright teaches her children and how two children are more wonderful than one.

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