"So the girl did something. Of course, Miss surged up, and the girl couldn't care whether it was right or not."

This sentence made Ming and Qing have a headache. She touched her hair. She didn't want to express any opinions and opinions. There was only a headache left. Huang Jiajia was at a loss when she saw the troubled expression on Ming and Qing's face. She bit her lip.

Huang Jiajia's expression was clearly seen by the louver and the wind. They looked at each other. The louver silently opened her mobile phone and was ready to record the troubled expression of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. When Xi Yun came back to work, she showed it to Xi Yun so that Xi Yun had some fun to see, and Feng ChuChu continued her story.

"The girl took away the materials prepared by the elder on the copier." Feng clearly heard his words. After finishing, the student said, "the elder really couldn't find his documents. After being reminded, he rushed to the elevator entrance. Because the girl's authority was insufficient, she couldn't get up at all. She just met the rare deputy manager and was preparing to go upstairs."

Speaking of it, it was the deputy manager who called the security guard. After all, Song Jiang is a general named by the louver. He will soon become his deputy. It's good to have a good relationship in advance.

"The elder just blocked the girl in the elevator. The girl was caught as soon as she got out of the elevator, and then you and you were called." Feng ChuChu pointed to the principal first, and then the interns who came to practice.

"Sister, can I ask you a question?"

Feng ChuChu looked at the intern and nodded.

"Is it because of your own ability that you chose the blind younger brother?"

"Yes," Feng said directly without any concealment, "I came from a civilian background. In a sense, my experience is the same as that of louver. I know that he does not lack ability, but just lacks a platform that can show his ability like me. Moreover, I think it is my alma mater. I gave the school ten interns. This is a mistake. From next year, Chen's recruitment to the school is poor but capable "The students are gone."

Feng ChuChu knows that this is what all the students want to ask. This intern, Feng ChuChu has read the information, and knows that this person actually has a friend, who is similar to his family, but has been squeezed down by Huang Jiajia with money and power. It must be that as soon as Huang Jiajia's business comes out today, the person in power in the school who received Huang Jiajia's money will be expelled tomorrow,

After all, he recommended Huang Jiajia, a woman who can be described as a spy, to the Chen family.

After answering this question, Feng looked directly at Song Jiang, "what does the shutter want you to do?"

"It is a planning case. If it is really realized, it will bring 300 million profits to the company." Song Jiang is neither humble nor arrogant.

Song Jiang's words surprised the interns present. Three hundred million? That's not a small number!

"Mr. Feng, don't go online. Who doesn't know that Chen's class is clear. How can an ordinary employee have the right to directly find your secretary?" Huang Fu weighed the problem again.

"Soon, Song Jiang is the minister. I remember this question. Someone should have answered you. If I doubt the authenticity of the project, I can make an appraisal, but after your daughter catches it in vain!" Feng ChuChu smiled sarcastically and spoke extremely choking.

Huang Fu doubted more than the authenticity of the planning case. His daughter knew that she really liked the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was normal for her to make an excuse to approach the Ming and Qing Dynasties by sending documents, but was the planning case so valuable? And why was her daughter caught so coincidentally?

Of course, Feng ChuChu can see Huang Fu's doubt, but since he dares to call the police, it shows that he is really sure. If the planning case is verified in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there is basically no problem.

The louver handed the planning case to Feng ChuChu. Feng ChuChu knew when she saw the name of the cooperative company. She raised the planning case in her hand and threw it away, as if the planning case in her hand was not valuable.

"What we need to solve today is that your daughter not only sent documents to brother Qing, but also took photos. These are enough evidence for us to sue her in court. In addition, the story I just told is not a joke, but to inform you, Mr. Huang, I don't care who your daughter sees, but I can't touch my bottom line. Even I can say, that's also brother Qing's bottom line, I now officially tell you that the crackdown from Chen has begun. You should be mentally prepared. "

Feng ChuChu's tone was very relaxed and didn't seem to be threatening at all, but a cold sweat broke out on Huang's father's forehead. Obviously, Feng ChuChu's authority was all against him.

"Now, let's invite Ms. Huang Jiajia to go with the police. I think this crime is enough to make Miss Huang Jiajia stay in there for a period of time. Mr. Huang, have you found a good home for Miss Huang Jiajia? If not, it's a pity. Maybe Miss Huang Jiajia won't marry very well. After all, not everyone is like sister Yun, with Chen's backing to marry to the Ming family."

Feng ChuChu's words are simply beating Ming's face and Huang Jiajia's face. After Feng ChuChu's precise guess just now, who is present doesn't know. This is the trick Huang Jiajia wants to use on Xi Yun. Now Huang Jiajia has to experience the same thing.

What do you say about that sentence? By the way, it's natural that it doesn't pay well.

Huang Jiajia exclaimed, his hand tied by the security guard was still struggling, "is that what you Chen did to the employees? I didn't do anything! I just want to see ah Qing! Ah Qing, save me!"

Huang Jiajia called her name in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. She looked at her silently and frowned.

Huang Jiajia was excited by the indifferent expression of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and was a little crazy. "Ah Qing, how can you do this to me! How can I love you so much? I'm the only one who knows you're not a straw bag. I know your pain. You must hate your brother very much. You're so ignored. I can help you!"

Huang Jiajia's words call Mingjing's pupil to shrink, which is also the pain in Mingjing's heart. For a younger brother, seeing his younger brother threatened, he can't help, and even he is one of the reasons why his younger brother is bullied. In Mingjing's heart, it's just a pain.

Ming and Qing Dynasties and Mingjing were hardly aware of the harm their inferiority complex caused to each other. Obviously, Huang Jiajia's words poked Mingjing's pain.

Feng ChuChu sighed. It's really a sin, the master of the Ming family.

"Huang Jiajia, don't apply your ideas to others. How do you know brother Qing didn't volunteer?"

"How could it be?" Feng ChuChu's words stunned Huang Jiajia, and then looked at her like a fool. "Who is willing to be treated like his father? Who is willing to be treated as an outcast? A fool?"

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