To be honest, what Bai Mo was thinking was really not under the consideration of several people. After all, she was just a Bai Mo mo. her thoughts were almost put on her face. Moreover, her selfishness had been seen long ago. There was no need to correct it. It was corruption on the root.

Five people walked into a specialty store with a smile. Although the clothes worn by several people here are almost custom-made, they also go into some specialty stores to buy clothes when they occasionally enjoy the fun of shopping.

"Sister, can I buy this dress?" when the five people were talking about the style, Bai Mo timidly pulled the corners of Bai Qingqing's clothes, and the expression on his face was a little deliberate.

Bai Qingqing sighs. She can feel the eyes and comments of some people watching the excitement. She can also imagine what those people are saying. It's nothing more than bullying people and not treating the whole family as people. Is this clearly the business of the Lin family.

Fino smiled when he saw Bai Qingqing's resentful eyes. That's because Bai Momo is Bai Pingping's daughter. The Bai family has regulations that those who fail to meet the etiquette can't discuss marriage.

"Mo Mo, you have a card with you. That's the money your mother and father gave you. You can spend it. I'm just your cousin and can't control your right to spend money." it's from the aristocratic family and the Bai family. Bai Qingqing made it clear in a few words.

Bai Mo Mo's face changed. She just didn't want to spend her own money. The money given by her mother was not enough to buy some clothes. What's like Bai Qingqing's card? It was given by Qi Cheng. Everything can be brushed. In addition to Qi Cheng, Bai Qingqing also had the card given by Bai's parents. The Bai family was also eccentric. She gave Bai Qingqing no money. It was eccentric.

Bai Mo Mo could feel that the eyes of the people present changed after Bai Qingqing said this. It was a disdainful look. She could even hear the comments of the two long tongued women behind her. What was not a family and what had no obligation? It was called Bai Mo Mo's eyes turned red in an instant, and her tears were hanging in the corners of her eyes.

The wind sighed clearly. It is worthy of being the person who calculated the shallow deer. However, the number of paragraphs is still shallow.

"But, sister, I didn't go out with my wallet..."

"Why didn't you bring your wallet out to go shopping? Why did you want to get sunny early in the morning? No, Bai Mo Mo, my second uncle doesn't lack your money." fino said directly when he couldn't see that his friend was taken advantage of.

This is why fino can hide in the shadow of Philip. Fino is blatantly publicized. Her temperament is "straight". Even Philip who knows her character sometimes shakes his mind.

White foam hates me. What's the matter with fino here? She was still afraid of fino. That day fino broke her disguise and hurt her to learn etiquette in the ancestral hall of the Bai family. She couldn't eat enough in those days.

Of course, fino can see the resentment in Bai Mo Mo's heart. She doesn't put it in her eyes. Bai Mo is a shallow eyelid. Everyone with a little insight knows that she should please her, the heir of the nordu family.

With the help of the Lin family, the Si family and the Chen family, the nuodu family will certainly go to a higher level. Fino is the mother of the Lin family. If Bai Mo wants to marry better and has the support of his mother's family, he must please fino.

But Bai Mo, a wonderful flower, is not only thankless, but also has some dark hatred in her heart. She has little knowledge.

"I'm sorry, I just forgot. I'm really sorry." Bai Mo's tears flowed down, as if he had been bullied. In this way, women, especially the wives who were approached by the junior three, are very familiar with the special expression of Bai Lianhua.

Look, a man who didn't ask the reason rushed up immediately.

"How can you bully people in public." this is a young man with some greasy face. He is a famous brand and has no matching temperament. The whole upstart is a rich second generation.

Bai Mo obviously didn't like the man. However, the others had rushed out. She had to gently pull the man's sleeve, "no, my sisters didn't bully me, but I forgot to bring my wallet and couldn't pay the bill. Don't get me wrong."

However, Baimo obviously underestimated the courage of being fascinated by women's beauty. The man took Baimo's hand and rubbed it!

The five people saw the white foam and immediately had a cracked face. They wanted to laugh very much. Sure enough, life still needed some condiments.

"Really? What do you want to buy? It's fate to meet. I'll settle the bill for you as a gift for us to know me." the man's eyes are white foam's pure face and her material figure.

Han Tiantian lies on the windy shoulder and whispers, "did you take yourself in?"

Jingjing heard it and whispered in a place where all five could hear: "This is a typical overstatement. I guess I want to find a really brainless aristocratic family childe. Who really doesn't know anything about childe who can mix in the aristocratic family? Let alone illegitimate children, childe who has the name of a serious heir is not trained by heirs. One of them is to distinguish people's hearts. Except those who just want to fall in love, they are little foxes."

Fino agrees with Jing Jing's statement that the heirs of the aristocratic family basically have no right to free marriage, unless your family is big enough and doesn't need marriage. If Lin Zixiang's Lin family hadn't helped the nuodu family open the domestic market and met the people in power of Feng ChuChu and Si Yeqing, there would be some difficulties in her marriage with Lin Zixiang.

"Even my mistress needs to learn this, not to mention the training of heirs. Besides, illegitimate children who can survive under the eyes of heirs, which is a simple Lord? Of course, except for those houseowners who are dazzled by Xiao San."

Bai Qingqing smiled faintly, "white foam is not just shallow eyelids, but also higher than the sky. She wants the white family and the Lin family to have wedding makeup together."

Feng ChuChu feels normal. The growth environment of Bai Mo Mo is doomed to Bai Mo's character. It's the virgin who comes out of the mud without dyeing. Even her shopping life during this period has changed. Fortunately, Si Yeqing doesn't care.

"The environment is doomed to life. It's not groundless. The environment affects your character and ways of doing things, and the ways of doing things determine how far you can go. It's possible to become an elite from the grass roots. After all, the proud son of heaven is not a cabbage."

Feng ChuChu shrugged, even herself. She was inherited from her grandmother's mind and her father. Now it can't be said that it has nothing to do with heredity.

The four men listened to Feng ChuChu's words and nodded in agreement.

Han Tiantian pounced on Feng ChuChu's back. "I still know more about sister ChuChu. It seems that she never forgets or accounts for more benefits. I can read a lot of books. I envy it. If only I had this ability, what am I afraid of, whether it's the exam or the college entrance examination!"

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