Japan, after landing, watching Si Yeqing sitting in the back seat of the car, the wind is clear, but he has been sitting in the co pilot's position. Don't want to be too close to Si Yeqing. This is the only idea in Feng ChuChu's head. Looking at her back sitting in front, Si Yeqing tightened his eyebrows. Does he hate himself like this? Why? Clearly he has done everything.

"Are you here for your honeymoon trip?" the driver said in the local standard Japanese. Before Si Yeqing answered, Feng ChuChu shook his head and said in a soft, waxy voice, "we're here to work, not a honeymoon trip!" when the driver heard this, he was as shocked as Si Yeqing and quickly said sorry: "Sorry, I looked at you two and thought you were just married!"

Feng ChuChu bowed his head and smiled gently. He should be closer to a stranger than to Si Yeqing. Such a smile is more dazzling in Si Yeqing's eyes. "Your Japanese is very good. Have you studied it specially?" the driver asked curiously, "many people have an accent when speaking Japanese, but you are very standard!" Being praised, Feng ChuChu smiled, narrowed his eyes, shyly covered his mouth and said, "I just often watch Japanese dramas! I've been self-taught for a while."

"It's a little shy to be praised so much! I always feel that what I say is not too standard and dare not speak!"

When Feng ChuChu finished, the driver shook his head again and again. They talked happily. It seemed that they ignored that there was a real boss, Si Yeqing, in the back seat. The hotel had arrived. Feng ChuChu took out his luggage from the trunk and followed behind Si Yeqing. "Didn't you have a good chat just now? Why didn't you go and have a chat with the staff of the hotel?" Si Yeqing himself didn't find that there was a jealousy in his words.

"If the identity information for check-in is mine, I won't be waiting for you here."

Feng ChuChu opened his mouth directly and said something against him. The identity of the company's hotel reservation must be si Yeqing. If he went up rashly, he wouldn't be disappointed. Feng ChuChu pushed his suitcase and stood behind. Si Yeqing was stunned with his passport. He couldn't accept the change of Feng ChuChu, "Hello, sir. Your reservation is a presidential suite. Please confirm that there is no problem."

"HMM." Si Yeqing nodded and just got the door card. When he looked back, he saw that Feng ChuChu had stood at the elevator door, waiting for him to be a little impatient. "You..." Feng ChuChu looked at him as if he wanted to smoke. He explained faintly: "save time, I'm very tired." Two people are standing in the elevator room. In the narrow space, they can only stand close to each other with two huge suitcases.

Si Yeqing felt that his hand had gently touched the clear wind, and what he thought was a little slower than his action. When he reacted, his hand had already held the clear wind's hand, "Mr. Si, we two have a working relationship outside, so we should control it, otherwise it looks like sexual harassment, doesn't it?" The wind said clearly, looking at the floor that had arrived, he directly shook off Si Yeqing's hand and went out.

I don't know when the door card in siyeqing's hand was also taken away by the wind.

This series of changes made Si Yeqing a little confused. He looked at the woman's back, "this... You and me, sexual harassment?"

Like hearing a big joke, the husband and wife were said to be sexual harassment. Why did the woman suddenly become like this? Si Yeqing also wondered. He followed him in, "what are you doing?" Feng ChuChu dragged his suitcase to another room, which shocked Si Yeqing and asked directly.

"There are two rooms here. Why do I have to squeeze together? I need my own private space. I think I made it clear to you when I was in China. My job is to pretend to be your wife when there is a third person. There are only two of us. I need to have my own time alone!" The wind said clearly, walked in without looking back, locked the door directly, and didn't give Si Yeqing a little time to consider and refute.

In the same woman, he met so many nails that Si Yeqing didn't know what to do.

The wind in the room clearly thought of a series of actions she had just made, and felt a little magical. In the past three years, she never wanted to resist, but just accepted it. This feeling is really good. Open her mobile phone and look at the series of news above. Feng ChuChu just wanted to confirm, but saw an invitation from a video phone, "Zixiang?"

"You have arrived successfully?" Lin Zixiang looked at the tired wind over there, and there was a kind of spoiled inquiry in his tone.

Feng ChuChu nodded, yawned, leaned against the head of the bed and said, "I didn't expect that going abroad was such a tired thing. I've never felt it before!" What's more, she used to be in economy class. At that time, she seemed to think that as long as she could come out with Si Yeqing, she would be very happy! Now, what has changed? It's better to say that Feng ChuChu's inner control began to awaken.

"Where are you?" there seemed to be a very noisy voice at the other end of the phone. Feng ChuChu asked curiously with open eyes. Lin Zixiang adjusted the direction of the camera. Feng ChuChu saw grandma lying on the hospital bed, "are you in the hospital?" Feng ChuChu took the mobile phone closer in surprise, looked at Grandma's steady breathing, and her face looked much better than before, and said gratefully, "have you always been there?"

Lin Zixiang turned the video to himself, scratched his head, smiled and said, "no, I've just arrived."

Such a lie can easily be exposed, because Feng ChuChu saw Lin Zixiang's toiletries on the table behind the camera, "in fact, you don't have to do this..." Feng ChuChu was deeply moved. Lin Zixiang blinked and raised his chin. His voice joked a little: "Since you are so moved, why don't you think about making a promise? I can still think about it!"

"I'll go back and invite you to dinner!" Feng ChuChu seemed not to hear, and turned to other topics.

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