At that time, several families had almost the same family background. Besides, the upper class society was not big, and they had to find a family close to their own family to play with their children, so there was little choice.

When Shen Quan was a child, he looked like a girl. Shen Quan was not tall, but he was very concerned about this. Once, when I passed by, I heard someone say that the man looked like a woman, so I went up and beat him. The relationship between the family and the Ming family was fairly good, so I found Mingjing. Mingjing was still stunned at that time and called back directly.

The problem is that Shen Quan hasn't changed his temper. Many such things happen and the beating is not serious. There's no need to find parents. Even if you find parents, Shen Quan is scolded., Several times down, Shen Quan was frightened by the mirror.

On the contrary, Si Yeqing has been a child of others since childhood, and Shen Quan, who has a similar family background, is hard to manage.

However, Shen Quan's self-esteem is relatively high. He can do it twice at a time, but he can't stand being talked about every day. In fact, he is very similar to Lin Zixiang in some cases, but better than Lin Zixiang.

At least Shen Quan can find the Secretary's house and point to the afternoon under Si Yeqing's nose. Then he is repeatedly defeated by Si Yeqing. If he loses, he will make an appointment next time. Since he met Shen Quan, Si Yeqing has not stopped reading books quietly, so Si Yeqing is afraid of being stuck by Shen Quan.

"That's brother Jing, your sister? Why don't I know?" Shen Quan smiled reluctantly. Fortunately, no acquaintances were in front of Shen Quan, otherwise Shen Quan could directly unload the man afterwards!

"You've been thrown into the wilderness by your father for nearly five years. You don't know anything about the situation in Beijing. It's estimated that you've heard your dog legs say that Si Yeqing is married. He's really not a brain." Mingjing is not polite at all. He's used to teaching Shen Quan a lesson.

After Shen Quan left here, the Shen family kept a low profile. It is estimated that many families, especially the new family, don't know the Shen family anymore. However, as soon as Shen Quan comes back, the Shen family is expected to move.

Si Yeqing and Su CuO look at each other. Knowing this meaning, it's not quiet here again.

Well, you can only fish in muddy water. It's hard to get clean water.

Feng ChuChu doesn't want to take care of the calculations between men. For some reason, she doesn't like this man named Shen Quan. First of all, she doesn't like the reflective tension of Si Yeqing, but the tone of Shen Quan and brother Jing.

"Since brother Jing is your sister, I'll give you a face and don't embarrass her."

Shen Quan said this, feeling that Mingjing on the other side smiled and waved. He didn't know what this meant. He heard the wind's clear and slow words, "give me brother Jing a face and don't embarrass me. Which family are you from? Even the Jin family dare not talk to me like that."

Shen Quan's eyes Yimi, she said Jin family? Does he have anything to do with the Jin family?

"I don't know which family you belong to, but since it's not difficult to do such a thing here, that is to say, your family is also good, so play two?" Feng ChuChu rarely takes the initiative, even some provocation.

Who is Shen Quan? In his opinion, he just can't get used to it. Isn't he si Yeqing's wife? What's wrong? Get rid of her!

Feng ChuChu can see a lot from Shen Quan's eyes, such as Shen Quan's contempt, "then play cards."

In the end, it was professional. The tools were ready in less than ten minutes. They were playing Soha. In order to be fair, Feng ChuChu and Shen Quan called the waiter of the club to avoid cheating.

They both exchanged millions of chips. In the blink of an eye, they began.

Both sides were in the exploratory stage at the beginning. Shen Quan began to attack hard at the second time. The wind was clear, but he didn't follow, resulting in a lot of losses, which made Shen Quan a little happy. "I don't know who said she was better than me. Why, she didn't have money to spend?"

Feng ChuChu was very funny, but she was also very calm. She ignored Shen Quan's provocation and just looked at her cards.

"Why don't we play bigger this time?" Shen Quan stared at Feng ChuChu tightly for fear that Feng ChuChu wouldn't follow, and then he couldn't win much, but no matter how he stared, Feng ChuChu was in a state of neither salty nor light, and he couldn't see his emotion from his face.

Feng ChuChu smiled and nodded, indicating that the matter depended on Shen Quan. Shen Quan suddenly felt boring. He stretched out his hand and pushed all the chips in front of him to the middle of the table.

Feng ChuChu also followed Shen Quan's action and pushed the chip in front of him to Suha.

When their cards came out, Shen Quan froze. The royal flush made him feel like no one in ten thousand.

Shen Quan immediately stood up, "how possible!"

Feng ChuChu smiled and stood up with Shen Quan. She looked at Shen Quan and went crazy. She even questioned the fairness of the club. "Childe Shen, let's admit defeat. We have to give money, and then I'll tell you why I won."

Feng ChuChu ignores the other party's face that seems to eat shit and still smiles. No one dares to provoke Feng ChuChu again. This is simply a powerful overlord flower.

"Mine is different from you," Feng pointed to his head. "After he can remember the order of all the cards, remember the man's shuffle method in front of him, and then write down the calculated ones. Did you see that I lost the cards twice? It's a test and a calculation. In fact, if you take a step forward, whether you win the first two games is not certain."

This is the most annoying point of all gamblers in the world, that is, when they meet such opponents, they won't see outsiders.

On the other side, the person who helped Shen Quan win the card sat there with some collapse. This is a talent and an ability that people use well. It's really incomparable.

Shen Quan doesn't believe it at all, but Feng ChuChu says it's the truth. Shen Quan yells to check Feng ChuChu's side, but how can Feng ChuChu cheat when he has been under public surveillance? Then there is only one idea, that is, what Feng ChuChu said is true, that is, his brain is not as clear as Feng.

The card on Shen Quanqi's handle fell directly on the table. Looking at the wind, he asked someone to take the chips away.

Shen Quan has no right to stop Feng ChuChu. He can only let Feng ChuChu go to Si Yeqing, a golden boy and girl, a pair made in heaven. He thought that if Si Yeqing didn't want to, he would clean up Feng ChuChu directly.

But unexpectedly, he was the one who was cleaned up.

It's a shame.

Shen Quan's first appearance after confinement was not very successful.

Feng ChuChu goes out to find Si Yeqing. It seems that Si Yeqing just heard her mobile phone ring and went out to answer the phone. As soon as she went out, she heard a girl speak gently to Si Yeqing.

Feng ChuChu holds his shoulders and listens to the outside words with great interest. In fact, it is only a unilateral woman talking to Si Yeqing.

"Thank you for helping me out just now. If it weren't for you, I would have been taken away by those people. I don't know what would happen. Thank you very much. What can I do for you?"

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