Feng ChuChu chuckled and looked generous, but her innermost one was Shen Quan's defeat. When you think about her killer mace, this sentence is very sarcastic.

She could see the veins on Shen Tianyu's forehead. She seemed to be patient and wanted to overwhelm them at this time. Was it too nice to think about it?

They cleaned up the scum in the business community and basically clarified the turbid water. Now let's take a look at it. If they want to directly share the territory, don't they ignore them? Isn't this a tiger stealing food.

"By the way, you happened to be here this time. I received a distinguished guest and introduced you."

Shen Tianyu took a deep breath and wanted to turn the matter over. It was a disgrace. His grandson, his carefully cultivated grandson, failed. For him, it was a hard slap on Shen Tianyu's face. He couldn't swallow it.

"Mr. Abby."

Si Yeqing and Feng ChuChu look at each other. This is Alan's brother Aibu in the data. Really, Alan was punished after he returned from here. He was even demoted to the inheritance order of his successor. Aibu can't sit still. He wants to know what kind of person Feng ChuChu is.

It's no wonder they are anxious. The main reason is that it's an urgent situation. Any situation can lead to changes. Feng ChuChu is the man's granddaughter. They always feel that the old owner has noticed their actions, but didn't say anything.

As like as two peas came to see the wind, his heart was shocked by words. The momentum of his style was exactly the same as that of his old master, Nick.

No wonder Allen is worried. He is probably frightened by such a similar wind. He doesn't want to have any relationship with the Phoenix family.

Abby defended his brother, but he was surprised that he was so similar. However, he was not raised by Phoenix tutor, that is, a genius among ordinary people.

With this thought in his heart, it is inevitable that there is a trace of difference in his face and eyes.

"Hello, the wind is clear. I'm Alan's brother, Abby. My brother told me about you. My brother said you look very beautiful. I didn't believe it, but now when I see you, I think Alan still said, um, conservative."

Abby smiled brightly on his face. He knew that he looked sunny. Ordinary women couldn't refuse such a sunny boy.

"I'm very clear, Mr. Abby. I don't know if Alan has been doing well recently. I'm deeply sorry to hear that he has been banned. But it's also Mr. Allen's fault. What's wrong? He has to get involved in other people's family affairs."

Speaking, the silver gray light flashed in the clear eyes of the wind.

Abby wanted to wipe her eyes regardless of the image, but she finally resisted. Did she open eyes of the same color with Nick? He would like to know that there is a rumor in the family that Nick's eyes are always accurate. The closer he is to Nick's eye color, the greater his internal potential and his ability in the future.

Although it was a joke, Abe really didn't see a pair of eyes at home except Nick.

Feng ChuChu's words were ironic, which shocked Shen Tianyu. After the shock, he was proud. In his heart, Feng ChuChu's Chen was not as powerful as the Phoenix family. How dare Feng ChuChu do such a thing in front of the Phoenix family? He was not afraid of being retaliated by the Phoenix family.

Shen Tianyu didn't know that the successor in order was simply allocated according to his ability, but his ability has not been calculated in the middle. In other words, in fact, the Phoenix family's choice of the owner is actually a competition.

Because of the characteristics of the Phoenix family, even if they fight, they will not spread the war to other places.

The successor is not allowed to have ability. No, it is not allowed by the Phoenix family. They just want to pour in the information belonging to the Phoenix family after the competition of the successor.

It is this kind of selection at all levels that can bear the pressure that the heir really takes over the real power.

In short, until the real heirs are selected, these sequential heirs are furnishings, just showing that they are qualified.

Even if Aibu wants to retaliate against them, he has to be accepted by his successor. As the prospective owner, he has the right to mobilize the power of the Phoenix family. Whether he can be elected or not is one thing.

It was precisely because she knew this that Feng ChuChu directly offended Abby. In fact, she had already thought about it in her heart. Since she had offended Allen, she would not be bad for Abby. The big deal is to choose a sequential successor who is opposite to the two brothers. For example, that leg is not a very good successor.

"It's Alan's fault. Since he has promised to intervene in this matter, he should be punished. However, do you know our family very well? When I introduced myself, you didn't show any surprised eyes, but it was very natural. Ah, it was him."

Aibu's face gradually became expressionless. He didn't want to entangle with this side. This clear wind was their brother's nemesis. It had been very scary before. It would be bad if the clear wind guessed all the plans again.

"You and Alan still look alike, and fino gave me a lot of information. After all, you are the prospective owner of the nordu family. It's normal to know something, isn't it, Mr. Abby?"

Wind ChuChu's words made Aibu's eyes a little dark. He remembered who fino was. His face changed, and some of his arrogance disappeared. That's the matter of the nordu family. Alan, a fool, actually got involved!

Abe knows how much Nick hates it. If it's not obvious or doesn't know at all, Nick will be angry, but he will give face. But if it's open, it's not something that can be solved by foot ban.

It seems that someone has buried the matter of random mahjong. At least it has been cleaned up to the extent that Nick doesn't think it's a big deal. Nick knows that if he doesn't meddle in other people's affairs or the brother of their heir, he will definitely be beaten.

Even if the old rival knows, it is possible to lose the position of sequential successor.

If he has time to fight against Feng ChuChu, he might as well go back and find out who helped them, and then determine whether he will use it next time. This is the right reason.

After all, there are not too many cards, are there?

Feng ChuChu saw that Abby had the idea of going back and smiled in her heart. What she wanted was this effect. After all, now it seems that the Shen family is threatening and can't be good, so we should make any preparations, including cutting off the backhand left by the Shen family, the Phoenix family.

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