After this happened, the people of Si's target land handed over the process of the matter for the first time. I want to know that a land of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions was marked away at the price of 1 million. It was definitely done by an insider.

After hearing Jin Lai's report, Si Yeqing directly seconded the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the wind, and found out in less than half a day.

It's one of the planning team. His brother borrowed usury and didn't have money to pay back. Then he was trapped. I want to know that it must be done for this person over there.

Si Yeqing fired the man after paying him. The man also knew that it was Si Yeqing's mercy and left without saying anything.

The wind here is clear and several people from Si Yeqing gather in Si Yeqing's office.

"What do you think?"

Su CuO holds Jing Jing's hand and doesn't care very much. "This land is what we like to do for the country. Didn't you discuss it with the top? That land is actually worth three-quarters of the price you marked. However, if you want to do things for the country and prepare to give money to the country for construction, although it's not intentional, it's basically set there."

"This is no coincidence. I wanted to do something for the country, but I'll pay for it. After all, it's public transport, and the country is ready to hand it over to us. Shutter, tell me to go down and don't move anything first, and then wait for an accident there. As long as the land is detected there, we will know that the land is not worth it. Because we do business with the country, we can't do anything There is no exploration here at all. I'm going to have a look after taking pictures. "

The wind made up his mind.

Because the land is relatively large, there are only those who can compete. The wind here is clear. They want to bid here, and they will not lower the price. However, in the face of Si and Chen, there will be fewer bidders. In addition, there are not many competitors who originally bid, so basically they can take the land without loss.

The most important aspect of looking at the land is also because the wind is clear. Here we have direct contact with the country and know that we won't make money, so we didn't go to see it at all.

To save money for the state, the state will not pit these enterprises. It is no different to look at them without looking. Therefore, the link of looking at the land is omitted. The Shen family only heard that the land here is to be photographed, or a large piece of land. Subconsciously, they think it is a good land. After all, where is the clear wind and the eyes of Si Yeqing.

So I set up a set, but who thought that this was the land that the two companies were going to save money for the country, and they would lose money when they did the project, so they drilled in, but they didn't want to do it.

After the Shen family's acquisition, the land will be less valuable, but the cost will increase. The wind clearly dares to assert that the Shen family can't eat such a piece of land and will spit it out in the end, which is a hunch.

And Feng ChuChu's words just now, the shutter also understood and answered cheerfully. This is the first battle of the Shen family's return. Shen Tianyu must want to be perfect, but it is such a special land. Shen Tianyu will not give up the land for the first time, but try to do it for the sake of face.

Then this is the opportunity for Chen and Si. Once the construction starts, they will benefit from saving a sum of expenses. Muboya must be very happy.

The reason why Feng ChuChu made such a conclusion is that if they had not been intercepted years ago, Chen and Si would not have vacated the funds for measurement. These funds basically belong to the personal assets of Feng ChuChu and Si Yeqing. They intend to do something for the country, have a good relationship with the country and save some time in some time-consuming approval.

The country also knows it, but it is really convenient, and that's it.

Who knows, when Cheng Yaojin was killed, the Shen family cut off the beard. It is estimated that people in the country are also wondering. After all, the Shen family and the top did not pass the gas. When they scratched their heads for the land, they had inspected many powerful companies, so they know that only Chen and Si have the strength to eat the land directly without hurting their muscles and bones, After all, a lot of activity funds were saved some time ago.

As expected, Shen Tianyu was jumping with the results of land exploration over there. He wanted to drop the report directly and get rid of the people who wanted to explore, but now he can't offend such people.

So Shen Tianyu took a deep breath, "can you explore again, mainly because this land was actually robbed from Si's hands and ready to turn over. We believe Si's vision and think it won't be so, so..."

Although experts in exploration are somewhat offended, they has the final say that they can take money, and experts can only take a look at it with their hands. But before he went, he suddenly remembered a rumor.

"President Shen, do you know the rumors some time ago?"

Shen Tianyu squints, rumors? How could he know! However, since the man now said that he must have something to do with the land, it doesn't matter to listen, "you say."

"The state has prepared a piece of land for the construction of public transportation, but because the list is very large and no one dares to pick it up, the state suspended the matter. Then the president of Si Shi didn't know where to hear about it. He took the initiative to find the state and said he would do it for the state. The state also made it clear that this is a business that loses money."

Hearing this, Shen Tianyu's heart was full of anxiety. He had an ominous premonition. The expert was suggesting that this was the land?

"You mean..."

The expert could not bear to hear Shen Tianyu's hoarse groans, but he finished his words. But when he thought about it, it was robbed by Shen family from Si and Chen. He felt a smell of retribution, "But Mr. Si zongfeng said that he annexed a company some time ago and still had some spare money. Since he got it from some companies, he might as well repay the country and tangle with the country. I've seen this land with others before. It's that land."

The expert's words made Shen Tianyu's eyes a little black. He didn't want to believe it, but when he thought about it, he knew why only Si and Chen started on the land with good location and location. Presumably, those old oilmen heard the wind and thought they didn't have the energy and money to eat the land.

After all, it seems that there are many benefits, but there is little room for operation in this matter. This is to work for the country with money and manpower. Anyone without that energy dares to move forward.

Shen Tianyu wanted to vomit blood, especially when he heard the noise outside. There was a familiar one inside, the Si family and his wife.

"Wow, although I know this land is very big, I saw it for the first time. This land has been planned." Feng ChuChu looked at it with a smile, and his voice contained some surprises.

Hearing this voice, Shen Tianyu insisted even if he was angry and wanted to spit blood. After all, he didn't plan well. Moreover, this was the land they robbed. They fought with Si Shi and handed it in. If they hadn't done it, they would feel defeated and lose face.

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