Feng ChuChu is actually surprised, because according to Song Jiang, he has broken up with his family because of his lover, but judging from dro's performance, the man is still paying attention to his son and lover.

It is estimated that the reason why they agreed to leave the Phoenix Contact family is to avoid the recent succession storm. After all, they are the best target to win over.

But Song Jiang has a natural handle around him. It's better to use this excuse to let his children spend this period of time safely. After the past, whether to find their children or live elsewhere is the child's idea.

That's what dro thinks.

So dro is very grateful to Feng ChuChu.

He knows that someone here actually came to Song Jiang and caused no big or small trouble. Otherwise, Song Jiang is estimated to be in the state of unemployed vagrants, and his lover can't appear now. It's too blatant.

Feng ChuChu looked into drow's eyes and knew that he must love children. On second thought, he realized that it was probably for the safety of Song Jiang. This kind of thing is very common, but the effect is still good.

There are really a lot fewer people staring at Song Jiang.

"I know you. Thank you for taking care of Song Jiang. Speaking of it, you are very similar to someone I know, especially your eyes. One of your eyes reminds me of that adult. It's really fate."

Dro joked, because their group never cared about the heirs, but only focused on cultivating talents who can assist the heirs, so they didn't care much about this. However, Allen made a lot of trouble in the previous stage, and he was retaliated by people outside.

Now dro is interested. How can an outsider have such a great ability to make his family's high-ranking successor suffer losses? He can't find evidence. What kind of hand and eye is it?

So he looked for the man they rumored to cover Alan. Alan didn't cover it up that day. Dro soon found the clear basic information. Of course, it was also related to dro's possession of the intelligence source of the whole family.

But dro also realized that if it weren't for the indulgence of the owner Nick, he couldn't find the news of Alan's being blocked or the existence of the wind.

Dro became more interested. His father served Nick for nearly half a century. After his father died, he took over his father's work. It has been twenty or thirty years. He has not seen Nick's indulgence. Whether this treatment is dissatisfied with Allen or has other ideas is two.

Is there anything special about this wind?

When he saw Feng ChuChu, he knew that these eyes were so much like the old owner Nick. Of course, because Feng ChuChu had beautiful pupils, he couldn't see the specific color, especially the eyes.

When he looked at people, he looked like patrolling the subjects, condescending in arrogance, like an emperor. He remembered that in a betrayal, a traitor was caught back, and then the man said everything after Nick's eyes met. Nick was like a God at that time, And now the wind is clear, obviously can not reach that point.

Feng ChuChu doesn't like this look very much. It seems that he has found a similar person in himself, but this is not the first time. Before, when Alan or Abby saw her, they seemed to see someone who was afraid.


Dro seemed to find the wind clear. He smiled and explained, "you are really very similar to that one. You don't look like that one. Although it's a little, it's more like that charm. I think anyone who has seen that one will be deeply impressed by that one, so as to remember him. If you feel offended, I'll apologize to you."

A person who is enough to be his own elder has a little sincere apology. He doesn't seem artificial at all, but is full of sincerity and gentleness. For such a person, Feng ChuChu has always been polite.

"No, if it's really similar, I really want to see it. By the way, I have a recent photo of Song Jiang. Do you want to see it?"

Dro's eyes lit up. "Can you?"

Feng ChuChu called the shutter and asked him to go to Ming and Qing Dynasties. After finding the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Ming and Qing directly transferred the company's monitoring. There was no camera in Song Jiang's office. Only through the opposite, Song Jiang was sitting there. Ming and Qing enlarged the video and adjusted the recognition, and dro saw a clear picture.

At the moment of adjustment, Song Jiang raised his head and took a look at the monitoring side, but he didn't find where the strange feeling came from, so he continued to work.

Feng ChuChu saw that drow was serious, so he said hello to him and asked the shutter to take him to Chen's lounge.

Seeing the wind clearly greeting dro, a group of people came up, surrounded the wind and asked questions.

When the wind came out, it was two hours later. She felt that she had experienced a lot in just two hours. She also felt very tired. She threw things to the shutter and went out for a turn.

Find Si Yeqing first, and the two begin to circle.

The Shen family and the Qian family are more prominent. Because of the marriage between the two families, there have been ups and downs during this period. The two families are very lively. There are a lot of people going to their booths to communicate with them.

Feng ChuChu doesn't care much.

"Yo, isn't this Mr. Feng ChuChu? Why did he come here? Is there no one at the booth?" of course, Shen Quan was the one who found fault, followed by Qian Duoduo.

The Qian family and the Shen family had planned to let Qian Duoduo fight with Feng ChuChu. Unexpectedly, at the beginning, dro earned too many faces for Feng ChuChu. Many high-level businessmen had seen dro. They heard that dro appeared in Feng ChuChu's booth and flocked to it. Although they didn't see dro, they found a lot from communicating with Feng ChuChu, I can't help but focus more on communicating with Feng ChuChu.

Then one by one, more and more people of the Chen family were attracted. Later, they couldn't hold on to their clear voice. The more discerning people in the crowd left their business cards and went to the shutter to make an appointment and prepare for door-to-door consultation and communication.

Once there were two, people who knew that they could get more communication time crowded to the shutter, left business cards and began to make an appointment. Later, when some more selfless people went to the shutter again, the clear schedule had been arranged for a month and a half.

Many people regret it.

But it's an appointment.

Therefore, Feng ChuChu has time to come out now. He doesn't answer when he sees Feng ChuChu. He just wanders around with Si Yeqing. Shen Quan and Qian Duoduo look at each other and begin to wander around. When they see feng ChuChu, they may be interested or their eyes are ready to contact, so they go first.

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