"Here are the flowers for you." Cheng Ziyu handed the roses in his hand to Feng ChuChu.

Feng looked at Cheng Ziyu clearly and speechlessly. If she remembered correctly, Cheng Ziyu bit the rose just now. Cheng Ziyu seemed to guess Feng's idea. "I bit very lightly and didn't touch saliva."

Feng ChuChu still dislikes looking at the rose.

"Forget it, I'll give it to you next time," said Cheng Ziyu gloomily. When he went out, he passed by the louver's office. Cheng Ziyu walked in without thinking, and then threw the flowers stained with his saliva into the louver's Cup in front of the louver.

Then there was the roar of the shutters in the office.

"Cheng Ziyu!"

Cheng Ziyu, who ran out, pushed the wind into the elevator, afraid that the shutters would catch up.

"Why do you like to tease the shutters so much?" Feng ChuChu doesn't understand.

"It's because he's fun," Cheng Ziyu said without hesitation, but it's actually because he remembers his revenge. When he first came to Chen's family, the shutter stopped him from seeing the wind clearly. Later, he just kicked the shutter "gently", and the shutter followed the wind and complained clearly, which made him think it's difficult not to target the shutter.

The place set by Cheng Ziyu is a very romantic and high-style French restaurant. Most of the people who come here are upper class and successful people in the city.

In the middle of the restaurant, there was a small pool. Next to the pool stood a boy wearing a dress and playing the violin.

Feng ChuChu doesn't understand, but he can also hear that the little boy plays very well.

"Sister ChuChu, try this foie gras, which is not inferior to the foie gras of France." Cheng Ziyu handed a small dish of foie gras to Feng ChuChu.

Feng ChuChu tasted it, and it really tasted good. Then Feng ChuChu's body froze. She slowly raised her head and saw Muzi coming up the stairs, talking and laughing, holding Si Yeqing's arm.

Sometimes the world is so small that you can't see the people you want to see, but the people you don't want to see can always be met on various occasions.

When Muzi saw the wind, he held Si Yeqing's arm tightly. After seeing the wind, Si Yeqing's heart jumped wildly for a few minutes, and then he saw Cheng Ziyu sitting opposite the wind. His heart suddenly cooled again.

"What a coincidence," said Feng ChuChu, the first to break the silence.

"What a coincidence" Si Yeqing looked at Xiang Feng like a stranger.

Muzi glared at the wind, as if there was a great hatred with the wind.

I can't help laughing. If Muzi enters the performing arts circle, he is definitely at the post movie level.

Cheng Ziyu looked back along the wind's clear eyes, and his face sank. How can he meet them anywhere.

"Sister ChuChu, why don't we change?"

"Change one, why do you want to change one? I think it's very good here." Feng ChuChu smiled very brightly.

Cheng Ziyu has always had no resistance to Feng ChuChu's smile, because when Feng ChuChu smiles, he looks like Annie.

Si Yeqing's eyes were dark and said in a low voice, "Muzi, why don't we change?"

Muzi bit his lips, looked at the wind with resentment and said, "night engine, let's eat."

"Which table are you booking, sir?" asked the waiter.

"No. 9" Muzi said.

"This way, sir and madam"

Unexpectedly, Muzi's table was next to the wind. The distance between the two tables was not very far, so each other's every move could be seen gently and clearly.

The dishes have been ordered before, so they don't need to order again after they sit down.

"Sister ChuChu, let's drink to Chen's success in signing a contract with Shangjing," Cheng Ziyu said. Shangjing is the impossible contract that Feng ChuChu said, because Shangjing is mainly engaged in high-end luxury enterprises. Although the scale is not very large, they have their own purchase channels and sales methods, so they won't cooperate with others at all.

Unexpectedly, he cooperated with Chen this time, which virtually pulled several more orders for Chen.

Feng ChuChu picked up the wine glass and clinked the glass with Cheng Ziyu. Their smile deeply hurt Si Yeqing's eyes.

He unnaturally picked up the water cup and drank a mouthful of water. At this time, the waiter came over with the dishes.

"Yeqing, try their truffle," Muzi said with a smile.

Si Yeqing smiled unnaturally at Muzi. No matter how delicious it is, it's his mouth now.

"Sister ChuChu, if you do this again, I will be jealous." what a good atmosphere, it was so damaged by the two people next door.

"What kind of vinegar do you have? It's not me you like." Feng ChuChu said impolitely.

Cheng Ziyu's face was stiff, but he didn't refute, "sister ChuChu, come and have some caviar to cure your poisonous tongue."

Feng ChuChu ignored Cheng Ziyu. She poked the steak on her plate with some annoyance. She still couldn't swallow it, still didn't give up, and still couldn't forget him.

Feng ChuChu picked up more than half a bottle of red wine left on the table, drank it directly in front of Cheng Ziyu, then calmly wiped the corners of his mouth, stood up and walked to the table next door.

Muzi looked at the wind clearly.

"Pa" the wind clearly sat next to Si Yeqing. Cheng Ziyu, who stood up at the next table, accidentally pushed him to the table and made a huge noise.

The people eating in the restaurant frowned and looked at Cheng Ziyu. Cheng Ziyu coughed in a low voice, went to the next door and did it next to Muzi.

"I don't know what Miss Feng and this gentleman want to do." Muzi's voice is still soft, but Si Yeqing heard a trace of coldness.

At this time, the breezy complexion was flushed, and the stamina of red wine came up. There was no scruples about "exposing you green tea bitch"

"Sorry, my girlfriend is drunk. She is crazy about drinking," Cheng Ziyu said with a spoiled face.

"Who is your girlfriend, less narcissistic." Feng ChuChu glared at Cheng Ziyu, but because she was drunk, her stare had no power, but a little charm.

Cheng Ziyu's face suddenly turned red. This was the second time he saw the wind clearly drunk. It was so tempting that any normal man couldn't control it.

Si Yeqing's face is darker. What is this woman doing? After breaking up with him, she began to indulge. She was Dong Wang before and now Cheng Ziyu.

"Just be happy, sister ChuChu"

"Happy big head ghost" Feng ChuChu burped, looked at Muzi faintly and said, "you green tea bitch, overcast me again and again, what pregnancy and abortion, you can really pretend."

"Miss Feng, please pay attention to your discretion," Muzi said expressionless.

"Be measured, be measured, you green tea bitch, you are so miserable, you can still pay attention to be measured," said Feng ChuChu and belched.

"Night engine, let's go." Muzi regretted that he didn't go just now.

"Go, don't go" the wind pressed the Si Yeqing who was going to get up.

"Miss Feng, please respect yourself." Si Yeqing pushed away the wind coldly.

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