"Grandma, the doctor said that in two days, I can go home and recuperate. I'll look at my legs every month and I can remove the plaster in three months." Feng ChuChu said. The lie of the shutter can't help the test.

"It's good to be at home. It's convenient to be at home. I'll trouble Ziyu to help me carry ChuChu home."

Cheng Ziyu immediately raised a big smiling face and a deep dimple, which was brighter than the sun outside.

Although it is late autumn now, her legs wrapped in plaster are still very hot. Unfortunately, the wind is clear. No matter how she scratches, she can't feel anything through the thick plaster.

At this time, she closed her eyes silently, trying to empty herself and ignore the itching legs.

Cheng Ziyu sends Ai Wei back. As for Feng ChuChu's physical problems, just press the button at the head of the bed, and Jin, a burly female nurse, will report Feng ChuChu to the toilet. At first, Feng ChuChu was a little shy, but now Feng ChuChu's shyness has long been thrown into Java.

There was a knock on the door outside. The wind in the empty state was clear. I thought it was the nurse who came to change the dressing, so I said "enter"

The man who came in didn't know what to put on the bedside table at the head of the bed. He didn't look like a nurse. The wind opened his eyes clearly. As a result, he saw the face he didn't want to see. He looked at the bedside table. Sure enough, it was a bunch of white roses.

"What are you doing here?" Feng said expressionless.

"See if you have anything." Si Yeqing, standing on the sideline, looked at Xiang Feng's clear eyes full of love.

"Don't worry, you can't die." Feng ChuChu snorted coldly. It's only been a long time since I saw him. Si Yeqing's imitation of the Buddha heart has gone through a lot of vicissitudes at once. Feng ChuChu's heart can't help being sour and secretly scolded himself for being worthless.

"That's good" Si Yeqing had a beard on his chin and looked much more mature than before.

Feng ChuChu has to admit that such a night engine is also very handsome.

"Are you OK with him?" Si Yeqing asked in a hoarse voice.

Feng looked at Si Yeqing suspiciously, as if he didn't understand who si Yeqing said, but soon responded, "how can brother Ziyu and I be bad?"

"That's good," Si Yeqing smiled, but the smile was more ugly than crying. "I'm going to go out of town recently. Maybe I'm not here recently."

"What do you say to me? Where you go has nothing to do with me." Feng is still hard spoken. In fact, her heart still cares about where Si Yeqing goes. Moreover, she intuitively believes that the place Si Yeqing goes will be very dangerous, or she will go for a long time and won't come back for a long time, otherwise Si Yeqing won't come to tell her about it.

"I just want to tell you that I'm afraid you're worried about me."

"Stop narcissism. What's the relationship between us? Why should I worry about you?"

"Then I'll go and take good care of myself." at this moment, Si Yeqing felt completely different from before. The wind clearly pinched his fingers, and finally restrained his impulse to call Si Yeqing.

When Si Yeqing closed the door and left completely, the wind could not control himself completely, and beat the bed with both hands.

"Asshole, why do you say these strange words?"

"What is a trip to another place? It's not clear where it is."

"What? What do I have to do with him? What do I have to do with him? Don't you know?"

"I don't like white roses."

"Go to hell. You don't believe me. You deserve to be so miserable now. I won't worry about you."


The more she talked about the wind behind, the heavier the crying cavity was. She rubbed her pillow hard, and soon the pillow changed shape.

Si Yeqing, who stood outside the door and didn't leave, closed his eyes, leaned against the wall and exhaled deeply.

When he heard that there was no movement inside, he looked at the situation in his eyes through the window on the door. Sure enough, Feng ChuChu cried with his pillow.

Si Yeqing didn't know how long she had been standing here. After she saw Feng ChuChu sleeping, he dared to move his stiff legs, quietly walked in, tucked in the quilt corner for Feng ChuChu, wiped the wet tears on Feng ChuChu's face, and gently kissed Feng ChuChu's forehead.

Clear, wait for me, wait for me to come back, I will give you an explanation.

Si Yeqing looked deeply and saw the wind clearly, as if he wanted to record the wind clearly in his mind and engrave it in his soul.

Finally he turned around and left the ward without looking back.

In a hidden corner at the entrance of the hospital, I listened to a black jeep.

Si Yeqing opened the rear door and got on the car. He saw a young man sitting in the driver's seat of the jeep. There was a scar on the man's face stretching from the corner of his left eye to the corner of his left lip, which made him angry.

"Master Si, once you go, there is no way to turn back." there is a chill and awe in the man's voice.

Si Yeqing looked at the defense line of the hospital ward, turned his head and looked at the man, "I won't regret it."

The man didn't say anything. He started the car and soon drove away from the hospital.

After that, Feng ChuChu did not receive the white rose again, and a burst of loss surged in his heart.

"Sister ChuChu, why do you think you've been a little unhappy recently?" said Cheng Ziyu, who was cutting apples to Feng ChuChu.

Feng looked at the door clearly and smiled awkwardly. "No, just thinking about getting out of the hospital."

With that, Feng ChuChu continued to look at the documents in his hand. Through their efforts, Chen improved a little.

The last time Feng ChuChu went to the office building to talk about business, it didn't work out, but the general manager of the company agreed to cooperate with Chen out of guilt or psychology.

This was Chen's first business since the accident. Although it was small, it boosted his morale.

There are some small orders again and again during this period. Although the profit is not much, the company is still eating its old capital, but this is also a good start.

Si Wenshu has no intention to deal with Chen recently, mainly because he has just accepted Si and has a lot of problems to deal with. When he calms down and bites Chen, Chen already needs him to spend some effort to deal with it.

On this day, the wind was clear. Finally, she could get out of the hospital in a wheelchair. Looking at her long lost home, she still read it. Finally, she didn't have to smell the smell of hospital disinfectant.

"Sister ChuChu, I'll report you to bed," Cheng Ziyu said with a bad smile.

Feng ChuChu refused, "no, I want to stay in the living room more."

Ivy Feng smiled helplessly. "I'll make you a bowl of pig foot noodles. Go to bad luck."

"Grandma, add more spicy," Feng shouted clearly. She drank porridge and ate those light things all day in the hospital. She felt that her mouth was going to fade out of the bird.

"Your legs are not good, you still want to eat spicy." Cheng Ziyu patted the downwind's head.

The wind clearly sticks his neck and says, "I want you to take care of it."

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