I can't help but feel the wind is clear, and my vigilance is higher. I'm attentive to nothing, either traitor or thief.

"President Feng doesn't believe me. To be honest, according to Chen's current situation, it's easier for stars to deal with Chen than to step on an ant."

Yang Binghua's words were not pleasant to hear, but what he said was reasonable.

Feng ChuChu was still hesitating. It happened that the waiter came in with the food. The food was very exquisite, and it was all that Feng ChuChu could eat.

Judging from the details, it seems that Yang Binghua is a very careful person. He can't help but relax his vigilance against Yang Binghua.

Moreover, with the longer time he spent with Yang Binghua, Feng felt that Yang Binghua looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere, but he couldn't think of where he had seen him.

"Business can't compare with eating. Dong Feng tastes the bone soup here, but it's unique here." Yang Binghua scooped a bowl of bone soup for Feng ChuChu.

Ming and Qing Dynasties and shutters could not help frowning. Yang Binghua is really too attentive.

Feng ChuChu took a spoon and drank bone soup. It was really delicious. Then he raised his head and said with a smile, "thank you, President Yang for your hospitality."

"That's what I should do"

The meal after that was flat and light without any twists and turns, but Yang Binghua's eyes never left Feng ChuChu. Of course, Feng ChuChu can feel it, but she has been used to it. When she went out to talk about business, she always met people staring at her.

At this time, she just needs to maintain enough strength and indifference. If the other party wants to be hard, shutters and Ming and Qing Dynasties are not vegetarian.

And she felt that Yang Binghua had no malice towards her.

"I don't know what's the real reason why President Yang cooperates with Chen." Feng cleanly wiped the corners of his mouth and asked faintly.

Yang Binghua smiled. "Sure enough, Feng is not a good fool."

The wind is so quiet that it's a fool that can make complaints about it, but you still keep staring at me.

"Feng Dong and did not change much more than ten years ago, but opened a little longer." if other men said long open, it would have an obscene smell, and what Yang Binghua said was really sincere.

"We met more than ten years ago?" Feng frowned clearly. He couldn't remember where he had seen Yang Binghua ten years ago. He said that an excellent person like Yang Binghua should be very impressive.

"Give Miss Feng a hint. Have you been robbed of steamed stuffed buns in ten years?"

Feng ChuChu remembered where he had met Yang Binghua, but the difference between Yang Binghua now and him in the past was too big. No wonder she didn't recognize it.

More than ten years ago, Feng ChuChu was still in junior high school. That morning, she bought a steamed stuffed bun on the side of the road and was ready to eat it for breakfast. But she didn't expect that as soon as she took a bite, she was robbed of the steamed stuffed bun by a shadow who didn't know where to jump out. With it, she also robbed the Feng ChuChu schoolbag.

At that time, the waiting wind was clear and did not know where the courage came from. He ran up to chase him, and then chased him to a dead end.

Feng clearly remembers that Yang Binghua was dirty all over and his hair was messy. He looked like a huge coal ball from a distance.

"Give me my bag back," said Feng ChuChu, panting and nervous. He also regretted that he had followed up foolishly. What if the other party was a bad person.

Unexpectedly, Yang Binghua really threw his schoolbag to Feng ChuChu, and then squatted under the corner of the alley, watching Feng ChuChu with vigilance.

Feng ChuChu picked up his schoolbag, climbed and patted the soil on it, and then asked nervously, "are you too hungry?"

Yang Binghua didn't speak, but turned his head again. Instead of looking at the wind, he ran away. Yang Binghua was relieved and sat down on the ground.

Unexpectedly, Feng ChuChu ran back with some steamed stuffed buns and water in his hand.

"Big brother, here" smiled and handed the steamed stuffed bun and water to Yang Binghua against the wind of light. At that moment, Yang Binghua felt as if he had seen an angel.

Until now, Yang Binghua can still remember the scene at that time.

At that time, Feng ChuChu didn't have much money, but she gave all her money to Yang Binghua. Yang Binghua clearly remembered that it was 17.5.

In the next few days, Yang Binghua didn't know what his psychology was, so he stayed in the box all the time. Feng ChuChu came every day, or brought Yang Binghua steamed stuffed buns, or cakes, or rice cooked by his family, and sometimes gave Yang Binghua a dollar or two.

"Big brother, do you want to go to my house? My grandmother cooks very delicious." Feng ChuChu squats down and holds his head to look at Yang Binghua.

Yang Binghua's throat moved, but he didn't say anything after all. After nearly half a month, he went to the river to take a bath, then went to the bathhouse to steal a dress and went to the windy school. It was noon at that time. Then she saw windy lying on the table watching others eat and swallowing.

"You're not fat either. Don't lose weight. You've lost half a month," said a chubby little boy at the same table.

"You don't understand girls' pursuit of beauty." Feng clearly looked at the braised meat his deskmate was eating and swallowed his saliva silently.

"You have also helped several people in our class with their homework recently. Although you have money to earn, can you be busy? Are you short of money? I know your family conditions are bad, and I can lend you," said the little fat man kindly.

Feng ChuChu dozed off and shook his head.

Yang Binghua knew that Feng ChuChu had given him his lunch, and the money she gave him was earned by helping others with their homework.

Yang Binghua's hands jumped into fists tightly. Since then, Yang Binghua left the city and never saw the wind again. He vowed in his heart that he would stand out in the future and repay the little girl who helped him.

"It turned out that Yang Binghua and Dong Feng had such a story," sighed the middle-aged man. Yang Binghua's ability was obvious in the company, but no one thought that Yang Binghua had ever been a beggar.

"So now Feng Dong, you know why I want to cooperate with Chen," Yang Binghua said with a smile.

Feng ChuChu didn't expect that he would get the reward now if he saved someone more than ten years ago. Moreover, the most taboo of a successful person is that people mention his appearance when he was down, and even don't want to admit what he once was.

From this point of view, Yang Binghua's mind and intelligence are by no means easy. He even feels that the stars have limited Yang Binghua's development.

"President Yang doesn't have to care much about what happened more than ten years ago. After all, it's just my work."

Yang Binghua shook his head disapprovingly. "I know you helped your classmates with their homework every morning for half a month because of my hungry stomach. The dripping kindness should be reported to Yongquan. Please let me change this kindness."

Feng ChuChu nodded, "then I wish us a happy cooperation."

They exchanged tea for wine and touched the next cup. The cooperation was settled.

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