If you observe carefully, you will find that Si Yeqing's expression and breath are somewhat similar to Cheng Ziyu. The bloodthirsty eyes and the temperament of outlaws are one of the necessary conditions for them to live.

"Sister ChuChu, what about work?" Cheng Ziyu, who is also a dog skin plaster and Mr. Xiaoqiang, disappeared for a few days and reappeared in front of Feng ChuChu.

The wind sitting in the study rubbed the tired corners of his eyes and said, "you're coming."

Cheng Ziyu smiled and walked away. Jin came with a box of cakes in his hand. "Guess what I brought you, sister ChuChu."

The wind smelled the familiar smell from the box, pulled it from the corner of his mouth and said, "it can't be durian."

"Bingo, sister ChuChu, you guessed right. It's durian pastry." Cheng Ziyu opened the box. "I bought two boxes, just one for you and grandma Feng."

Although Feng ChuChu doesn't hate durian, she still keeps a distance from this smelly thing.

"Eat by yourself," said Feng ChuChu awkwardly.

"Is sister ChuChu going to refuse me?" Cheng Ziyu made a very sad appearance and sighed. It was as poor as it was.

Cheng Ziyu can always quickly forget his unhappiness with Feng ChuChu. This feeling is wonderful for Feng ChuChu, just like the feeling of family.

Feng ChuChu is not always very obedient. There was a period of rebellion when she was a child. She quarreled with Feng Ivy for various reasons all day, but after each quarrel, Feng Ivy always coaxed her. It was like nothing happened.

Only relatives can do this in the world. Only relatives will never abandon you, and only relatives will tolerate everything about you.

Even lovers can't do this. Many dead and alive lovers often break up just because of a small quarrel, and then they don't communicate with each other.

"Cheng Ziyu, do you really take me as your sister?" Feng looked into Cheng Ziyu's eyes and said.

Cheng Ziyu's heart beat a little faster. He smiled, "of course, you are my delicate sister."

After hearing this, Feng ChuChu smiled at Cheng Ziyu. This time, Feng ChuChu's smile was sincere and no longer full of calculation and malice.

Feng ChuChu took out a durian cake and tasted it. Although it tasted a little big, it still tasted good "delicious"

"Delicious. I'll bring it back to you next time."

"Then Cheng Ziyu, you will be my brother in the future. You should treat me well." the wind winked at Cheng Ziyu playfully.

Cheng Ziyu smiled awkwardly. He knew that Feng ChuChu said that his brother was a real brother, just as Feng ChuChu called brother Ming and Qing Dynasties. He would not have any superfluous feelings except for brother and sister feelings, and would never have superfluous feelings.

Mingming has been calling Feng ChuChu as his sister. Isn't this a good situation now, but he's not happy. He feels that something is off track, or not off track, but back on track.

"Sister ChuChu, I'm going back to Europe recently. I don't know when to come back," Cheng Ziyu said with a smile, and a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes.

"Your family was originally in Europe, and I've delayed it long enough." Feng clearly wiped the debris from his hands.

Cheng Ziyu bounced the downwind's forehead and said helplessly, "you have no conscience. You don't know to keep me."

Feng ChuChu looked at Cheng Ziyu suspiciously with his head tilted and said, "why should I keep you?"

Cheng Ziyu felt powerless. Finally, he sighed and said, "take good care of yourself."

After that, Cheng Ziyu didn't appear for nearly two months. The wind was clear, but he didn't adapt too much. He just felt that his ears were much cleaner.

However, Ivy often talks about Cheng Ziyu with her and Ruan Yufeng, mainly because Cheng Ziyu is too attractive to middle-aged and elderly people.

After two months of development, Chen has slowly recovered. Those who have fallen in the city never thought that Chen could get up and scold the wind clearly. This is shit luck.

Si Wenshu thoroughly integrated Chen's and dark blue in two months. If the enterprise in the city is the most powerful, it will be si's.

Si's people are also very satisfied with Si's current development, but although Si's family has developed and grown, no money has entered their pockets.

The Secretary said that the merger of the two companies had great financial pressure, so he didn't sort out profits for the time being, so he couldn't give it to the family.

People in the family believed it at first, but two months later, the money given to them by Si Wenshu was less than half of the money given to them by Si Yeqing.

How could this group of people who had sucked Si's blood for so many years allow Si's behavior? They immediately asked Si Qiu for justice, but Si Qiu had been fed by Si Wenshu for a long time, and naturally advised the people to go back for various reasons.

Si Qiu is still very authoritative in front of the people, so the people listen to Si Qiu's suggestions and wait for Si Wenshu to give them the money at one time at the end of the year.

Si Wenshu is different from Si Yeqing. He doesn't have those concerns. Moreover, at the beginning, these people voted for Si Yeqing's grandfather. Si Wenshu is not a generous person. He always remembers his revenge.

And he clearly understood that if Si Shi wanted to further develop into the top family, he must get rid of these moths sucking Si Shi's blood.

But now the foundation of Si Wenshu is not too stable. He needs to take it slowly. He wants his dead father and brother to watch his achievements.

This is the desire of Si Wenshu. In a sense, Si Wenshu is more suitable to be the head of the family than Si Yeqing. Si Yeqing faces these elders who have seen him grow up since childhood. He is kind and soft, but Si Wenshu won't.

"President, there is news from the United States. Si Yeqing survived," Sun Yong said uneasily.

Sure enough, Si Wenshu's face changed in an instant. "Waste can't even do this well."

Si Wenshu had participated in the test. Naturally, he knew how difficult the test was. Unexpectedly, Si Yeqing survived, but he really deserved to be the son of big brother.

"Sun Yong, inform those people that they must ask for Si Yeqing's life." otherwise, the first thing Si Yeqing will do when he comes back is to break his body into pieces. Since this is a game where you die and I die, Si Wenshu will certainly not be merciful.

Suddenly Si Wenshu, his eyes darkened, vomited blood at his desk, and his consciousness began to be lax.

Sun Yong exclaimed, "president." he hurriedly picked up Si Wenshu. At this time, Si Wenshu had completely lost consciousness.

Today is a big day for Feng ChuChu to remove the plaster. Feng ChuChu feels that his legs are going to stink. He has been sticking the plaster for two months.

Shutters and ivy send the wind to the hospital.

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