Since the windy legs are completely well, everything is on the right track. Everything is no different from the past.

It's just that Cheng Ziyu comes to her less and less, and the wind is clear. Every night, he always looks at his mobile phone and looks forward to a call, but he hasn't.

Every night I sleep with disappointment and wake up with disappointment.

"It's clear, curious and strange. Before, Si Shi had been monitoring and suppressing the of our company. I don't know why it's gone these days," Ming and Qing said.

After Si Wenshu thoroughly straightened out Si Shi and dark blue, he turned around and stuck to deal with Chen Shi. But at this time, Chen Shi had recovered some vitality. Si Shi didn't want to move, so Si Wenshu sent someone to suppress Si Shi and monitor Si Shi's every move.

Although he did it secretly, he was a very powerful hacker in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, so he soon noticed the action of the Secretary of documents, and Chen lost several large businesses.

Hearing what the Ming and Qing Dynasties said, Feng ChuChu suddenly thought of the Si Wenshu he saw in the hospital. Does it mean that the Si Wenshu is going to die, so he has no energy to suppress Chen, or is Si Wenshu brewing a bigger conspiracy and wants to swallow Chen.

Ming and Qing Dynasties and fengchuchu's ideas are similar. "What shall we do now?"

"Let all departments be careful recently. It's best not to leave any handle," Feng ChuChu said.

The shutter knocked on the door outside and handed Feng ChuChu a stack of financial statements after entering. "Sister ChuChu, Li Binghua said he would invite you to dinner."

Since the last signing, Feng ChuChu and Li Binghua have rarely met.

"Did he say why?" Feng said, looking down at the report.

"To thank you"

Feng ChuChu nodded. This time, if it weren't for Li Binghua, Chen couldn't recover so quickly. In fact, it's reasonable for her to thank him.

So Feng ChuChu pushed off other entertainment in the evening and went to see Li Binghua.

Li Binghua's bar is about to be in a very stylish western restaurant. In the middle of the western restaurant, there is a blind girl playing the piano. This is exactly the restaurant where Feng ChuChu liked to come. Here he met Muzi twice.

Only the first time Si Yeqing believed her, and the second time Si Yeqing didn't believe her.

The environment is very elegant and the atmosphere is just right.

"What would miss Feng like to eat?" said Li Binghua, a gentleman.

Feng ChuChu smiled awkwardly, "I can do it. Come to your taste."

So Li Binghua ordered several hot dishes in this restaurant, and asked Feng ChuChu's opinions for each dish, which fully showed his respect for Feng ChuChu.

When the meal came up, Li Binghua carefully handled all the things that needed to be handled for Feng ChuChu, and fully made Feng ChuChu feel taken care of.

At dinner, Li Binghua always takes the initiative to provoke the topic, so that the whole dinner will not be so embarrassed. What Li Binghua said is also very forward and backward, which will not make people feel very embarrassed.

In short, Feng ChuChu had a very comfortable and enjoyable meal. He couldn't help wondering what Li Binghua had experienced in recent years.

But before Feng asked clearly, Li Binghua took the lead in asking, "Miss Feng, would you like to listen to me?"

Feng nodded clearly.

Li Binghua took off his gold framed glasses, and his temperament changed completely. If Li Binghua looked like a gentleman just now, he is like a wild wolf in the grassland, full of aggression.

Perhaps this is the real Li Binghua, the wolf hidden under the gentleman's appearance.

"My story is very old-fashioned. My father is a migrant worker and used to be a gangster. What he does every day is to go to work, get off work, drink and beat his wife." Li Binghua's tone is very flat, just like telling other stories.

Feng heard clearly, but he was worried. Li Binghua's mother had a serious illness when he was five years old. How could his father, who drank all day, give money to Li Binghua's mother to see clearly, so his mother didn't die unexpectedly. Just before he died, he held Li Binghua's hand and said he was sorry. He couldn't accompany him and let Li Binghua live well.

Speaking of this, Li Binghua was a little sad, and tears flashed in his eyes.

After that, Li Binghua hated his father and thought that his father killed his mother, and all the fists that had fallen on his mother fell on Li Binghua.

But Li Binghua is very hardworking and his grades have been very good. He has made some money by picking up junk and various subsidies for poor students. Li Binghua even saved his tuition for about a year of College in the future, about 5000 yuan.

However, his father took the money to drink, so he ran away from home in a rage. Later, as the wind clearly saw, he was penniless and lived in the streets. Because he was a minor, no one wanted him. In addition, there was another special rag collector here, who was afraid of children and threatened him not to pick it up, so he couldn't even pick up rags.

"Miss Feng, you know, if it weren't for you, I would starve to death," Li Binghua said sincerely.

Feng ChuChu is a little embarrassed. She really doesn't think what she has done can be remembered by a person for so many years.

"I went to your school that day and knew what you had done for me, so I decided not to be so decadent, and then I became what I am now." Li Binghua omitted his subsequent experience.

But Feng knows clearly that he must have suffered a lot during this period. Li Binghua's achievements are all made by himself.

For such people, the wind is clear and admired from the bottom of my heart.

This is a waiter who came up with a bunch of red roses in his hand and handed it to Feng ChuChu.

Feng looked at the waiter clearly and suspiciously, and then looked at Li Binghua. At this time, Li Binghua had put on his eyes and recovered his usual appearance of a gentleman.

"This is for me?" Feng asked hesitantly.

The waiter nodded and left. The wind looked at the bright red roses in front of him, and a bad feeling rose in his heart.

"Miss Feng, you were my salvation in the darkest time, so I want to repay you with the rest of my life," Li Binghua said, looking into Feng's clear eyes.

Feng ChuChu smiled awkwardly, and then put the flowers on the table. A square box fell out of the flowers. Feng ChuChu quickly caught it.

"Miss Feng can open it"

Feng ChuChu can know what's inside without looking. "No, Mr. Li, your gift is too valuable."

"Miss ChuChu, if you don't open it, how can you know whether it's expensive or not? If Miss ChuChu opens it, it's not too late for me to refuse." unconsciously, Li Binghua's title to Feng ChuChu has changed from Miss Feng to miss ChuChu. It's too embarrassing that Feng ChuChu didn't notice the change of title.

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