When she knew that there were blood clots in her mind, Feng thought a lot. She didn't have so much time and choice. She admitted that she still liked Si Yeqing. No one could tell what the future would be like. In this case, why should she care so much? Just follow her heart.

Si Yeqing was also a little nervous. He didn't expect to meet Feng ChuChu and Feng Ivy here.

"Hello grandma" Si Yeqing's polite greetings.

Ivy smiled and nodded.

"ChuChu, do you want to have dinner together?" Si Yeqing looked at Xiang Feng. His eyes were full of doting. He thought that Feng ChuChu would refuse, but unexpectedly she agreed.

The wind Ivy also looked at the wind in surprise.

"Grandma, there is a delicious Cantonese restaurant in front of us. Let's eat there," said Amy sweetly.

Si Yeqing, who didn't respond, quickly followed the clear steps of the wind. A meal was unprecedented harmony. Si Yeqing had a feeling of being in a dream.

As if everything had returned to the past, Feng ChuChu did not refuse any of his closeness, and the dishes he had sandwiched for her were not pinched out again.

After returning home, Ivy Feng still had some impenetrable thoughts, so she asked tentatively, "clearly, you forgive Yeqing."

The wind who was tidying up his clothes was clear and dull for a while, then pretended to be indifferent and said, "yes, after all, I still like him, and it can't all depend on him."

"Really?" wind Ivy still doesn't believe it. She knows how many axes the wind has.

"Really, grandma, don't you like him?" if Feng Ivy doesn't like Si Yeqing, she will never miss cutting off all ties with Si Yeqing, because the most important thing for Feng is Feng ivy.

Feng Ivy smiled at Feng's clear and serious appearance. Sure enough, she was careless. "Why doesn't grandma like him? The most important thing is to see you. If you are happy, grandma is happy."

Feng ChuChu's eyes suddenly turned red. She put down her clothes and ran to hold Feng ivy. Grandma forgives me and forgives me that I may not be with you.

"How do you cry?" Feng Aiwei spoiled Feng ChuChu and touched the tears on Feng ChuChu's face with her palm.

On the other side, Si Yeqing is eating with grandma Si.

"Yeqing, I'm in a good mood today, and my appetite is getting better." grandma Si said with a giggle on her face after she had eaten two bowls of rice.

"Grandma, do I have?" Si Yeqing asked foolishly.

"Yes, look at you." grandma Si smiled. "Tell Grandma what happened today. Is it related to clarity?"

"Grandma, how do you know?" Si Yeqing asked in surprise.

"It seems that it's not far from my grandson. I tell you not to lose it to me this time, or I won't recognize you as a grandson," said Grandma Si.

Si Yeqing smiled and nodded. He will not live up to ChuChu this time.

"Sister ChuChu, this is the development plan of project C." Cheng Ziyu put a document on the wind ChuChu's desk.

Seeing Feng ChuChu drinking coffee, humming songs, sitting in a chair and looking at the documents, Cheng Ziyu felt that Feng ChuChu not only looked much better recently, but also the whole person.

"Sister ChuChu has something happy to share with your brother Ziyu recently." Cheng Ziyu reveals his big dimples to the wind in an attempt to confuse Feng ChuChu.

Feng ChuChu calmly took a sip of coffee and said in a flat tone, "I'm back with Si Yeqing."

The smile on Cheng Ziyu's face suddenly froze. "Sister ChuChu, I didn't hear what you said just now. Please say it again."

"Si Yeqing and I are back together"

"I don't promise," Cheng Ziyu said without thinking. His tone was filled with anger, and the dimples on his face were put away.

Feng ChuChu puts down his coffee cup and looks at Cheng Ziyu suspiciously.

Cheng Ziyu smiled awkwardly until he lost his manners. "Sister ChuChu, have you forgotten what Si Yeqing did to you at the beginning? Do you really want to get back together so easily?"

"But I love him, and he really admitted his mistake. Why do I tangle so much?" Feng ChuChu said frankly.

"But what if he appears next, can you guarantee that he will never change his mind?"

"Let's talk about it then. Brother Ziyu, if I cry at that time, you must comfort me." Feng ChuChu said with a smile, his eyes narrowed into crescent shape, which is very beautiful.

It happened that at this time, the windy mobile phone rang. Cheng Ziyu saw that the caller ID above was Si Yeqing.

"Hey, OK, I'll go down right away." the sweet smile on Feng ChuChu's face deeply hurt Cheng Ziyu's eyes.

"Cheng Ziyu, if you think this plan is OK, just give it to the shutter directly." Feng ChuChu put on her Beige coat. Today, she didn't wear professional clothes, but wore a beige long dress with the same color coat, which makes Feng ChuChu look very gentle.

But just as she was leaving, Cheng Ziyu suddenly grabbed Feng ChuChu's wrist.

"Do you have anything else?" Feng looked at Cheng Ziyu clearly and incomprehensibly.

"Sister ChuChu, do you really have no feeling for me?" Cheng Ziyu said, looking at Feng ChuChu's eyes.

Feng ChuChu smiled, "yes, no matter when, you are my brother Ziyu."

This is what Cheng Ziyu said to Feng ChuChu at the beginning. Unexpectedly, he would return it to him one day. Cheng Ziyu smiled bitterly and said, "ChuChu, you know I'm not talking about this."

This time Cheng Ziyu didn't call her ChuChu sister, but ChuChu.

"Brother Ziyu, I also told you that it is impossible for us to change our relationship. If we have to change our relationship, we can only change from brother and sister to strangers." Feng ChuChu pulled out his hand.

"Why do you have to forgive Si Yeqing for hurting you so much, but I'm so kind to you, but you don't want to give me a chance"

"Maybe this is love," Feng plainly sighed.

"Si Yeqing doesn't deserve you. He betrayed you," Cheng Ziyu said excitedly.

Feng ChuChu raised his head, looked into Cheng Ziyu's eyes and said, "I'm not Annie, you don't love me."

"I don't think of you as Annie"

"Cheng Ziyu, don't lie to yourself. When you look at me, the nostalgia in your eyes can't be covered up," Feng said clearly.

"I didn't"

"Then dare you kiss me?"

Cheng Ziyu was stunned. He looked at the wind with a short nose and his heart jumped up quickly. Did he dare to kiss her? He didn't know. He was afraid that when he approached, Annie's face would appear in his mind.

Feng ChuChu sighed, "Cheng Ziyu, Cheng Ziyu, you don't dare. Don't lie to yourself."

"How do you know I don't dare?" Cheng Ziyu said loudly. His hands pressed Feng ChuChu's shoulders.

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