Feng ChuChu shook his head and glared at Locke. Locke smiled carelessly and walked to Feng ivy. "This is Miss Feng. Why does a good miss come here to live such a hard life?"

With that, Locke tore the tape off Ivy's mouth.

"You are sent by the Phoenix family," said Ivy Feng with certainty.

Locke leisurely walked to the wind, tore off the tape and threw it on the ground.

"Yes or no, to be exact, the two groups of people let me kill you. Congratulations. Little sister, you are the one the two groups of people want to kill." Locke said with a smile.

Two groups? Neither the wind nor Ivy can guess who the other wave is.

"Who are those people?" Feng asked with a clear and expressionless face.

"Guess," Locke raised a big smiling face towards the wind, but the smiling face had a bloodthirsty killing intention. Compared with the wind, Locke still liked the way Cheng Ziyu smiled.

At this time, Locke's men handed him a small device with a monitor as big as a black palm. He personally tied it to Feng ivy and Feng ChuChu's neck.

"Don't move, be careful," Locke gestured. "Then you'll be fried into meat."

"What do you want?" Feng asked clearly.

"What do I want? Don't you all see it?" Locke said innocently. He looked at the two men with his special bomb around their neck. It was like a work of art.

"The Phoenix family wants me to die, so can you let go of my granddaughter," said Feng ivy.

"Grandma, if you want to die, we'll die together," Feng ChuChu said quickly.

Locke clapped his hands. "It's really moving. It's a pity not to play Hollywood. Well, I can let one of you go. Who do you choose to live?"

"You're serious," Feng said, looking into Locke's eyes.

"Of course, why should I lie to you," Locke said.

"Grandma, I haven't told you. In fact, there is a blood clot in my brain. Even if I don't have this bomb today, I won't live long, so grandma, you must live and live instead of me," Feng said firmly.

"Blood clot, what blood clot? It's clear that you're lying to grandma, isn't it? Young man, please let it go. She's still young and has a lot of time."

"Grandma, I didn't lie to you. What I drink is important for the treatment of blood clots, but it's useless. My frequent sleepiness is not because I didn't rest well, but because the blood clot pressed on my nerve. The doctor said he doesn't know how long I can live. Even if it's manual surgery, there's little chance of living," Feng ChuChu said.

"Well, you don't have to lie to grandma. I won't believe it."

Locke sighed helplessly. He sat in his chair and watched grandma and sun discuss who lives and who dies. He could only understand a little about Chinese, while Feng ChuChu and Feng Ivy used Chinese throughout the debate, and only English when talking to him.

So Locke didn't know what Feng ivy and Feng ChuChu said, which made him a little upset. He took out a gun and shot it into the sky. "So what conclusion did you draw?"

"Let my granddaughter go"

"Let my grandmother go"

The two basically spoke at the same time, and Locke smiled. "Since you both want to die, I'll help you. Now neither of you can live."

"You..." the wind glared at Locke.

Locke blew his gun carelessly. "I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it."

Cheng Ziyu got off the plane and went to fengchuchu's home. Sure enough, there was no one at home. After looking at today's day, Cheng Ziyu suddenly panicked. He called fengchuchu. The result was answered by Si Yeqing, which confirmed his guess.

Cheng Ziyu immediately called a man, "did Locke do it? I want Locke's position immediately, or you will bear the consequences."

The Si Yeqing who hung up the phone had the news of Feng ChuChu and Feng ivy.

"President, I found that Miss Feng and grandma Feng may be in a dilapidated factory in the suburbs," Jin Lai said when he entered Si Yeqing's office.

Si Yeqing, who was talking to Stan, suddenly stood up and "Stan sent someone to the factory"

"Secretary, according to my investigation, more than one group of people did it this time," stank said.

"I don't care about the number of people, I must rescue ChuChu." Si Yeqing hung up the phone. It happened that another phone called at this time. Si Yeqing didn't want to answer, but Grandma Si's phone.

After answering the phone, Si Yeqing's face was ugly again. His face was almost gloomy, as if it was going to drip.

"President, what's the matter?" Jin Lai asked carefully.

"My grandmother has been kidnapped. It should be Muzi," said Si Yeqing, gnashing his teeth. Now he wants to tear up the Muzi. How dare Muzi dare to kidnap his grandmother

"Jin Lai, you send someone to find..." before Si Yeqing finished speaking, the phone rang again. It was a strange number. Before Si Yeqing answered, a voice rang in the phone.

"Mr. Si, Mr. Si" Si Yeqing raised his mobile phone and saw a blonde Locke, while at the bottom of the screen was the bound wood, grandma Si, Feng ChuChu and Feng ivy.

Muzi and grandma Si are in the same place, while Feng ChuChu and Feng Ivy are in another place.

"Let them go" walked quickly to a studio. There were several very professional computer equipment in front of the computer, and several world-class computer equipment were sitting in front of the computer.

"Why should I listen to you?" Locke said with a smile. The pictures in Locke's mobile phone were also projected on the projector, but their pictures were clear without the wind.

The picture in Si Yeqing's mobile phone was projected on the projector. He noticed that four people were tied with a black device around their necks.

"What do you want?" Si Yeqing said expressionless, and the camera pointed at him, so Locke couldn't see the hackers.

"Guess," Locke said as if he were joking.

Si Yeqing looked at Locke darkly, while on the other side, Feng ChuChu and Feng Ivy re pasted tape on their mouths. When they saw Si Yeqing in the projector, they whined excitedly.

Suddenly Locke turned his head and hissed at them. "Be quiet, or I'll be rude to you."

Wind ChuChu and wind Ivy were quiet for a moment, because they could feel that Locke was not kidding them.

"If you have any request, just mention it, as long as you don't hurt them," Si Yeqing said.

"I'm asked to think about it, but you take away those people you sent first. After all, the bomb exploded much faster than your people," Locke said with a smile.

Si Yeqing didn't hesitate and immediately asked Jin to withdraw those people.

"Are you satisfied now?"

"Well, I'm very satisfied, but don't play tricks with me. After all, these people's lives are still in my hands," Locke said.

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