But after all, Marita liked him for 15 years. He rejected Marita countless times, but Marita didn't care at all.

The three went to a famous Chinese restaurant in London. Feng ChuChu thought she might have lived in China, so she liked Chinese food more than western food. Fortunately, she also liked Chinese food. Feng ChuChu instinctively taught Andy the use of Chinese and chopsticks, but Andy's Chinese was in a mess, and the chopsticks were used miserably.

"Andy, what would you like to eat today?" Feng ChuChu said, looking at the menu. Today she was wearing a simple white shirt, jeans and a big black wave. She looked very beautiful. Andy's classmates in the kindergarten always said that Feng ChuChu was his sister. At this time, Andy always argued loudly with them that it was his mother.

"Squirrel Fish," Andy said happily.

"You can't use chopsticks and want to eat Squirrel Fish." although he said so, Feng ChuChu ordered Squirrel Fish for Andy.

The dishes came up soon. Five dishes and one soup have complete color, flavor and taste. They are very attractive.

Andy took the spoon and drooled, "Mom, fish, fish"

This time Andy said it in Chinese, which sounded awkward, but the waiter who ironed the tableware for the next table was very proud and said, "children speak great Chinese."

So Andy gengser screamed louder. Feng ChuChu quickly caught a squirrel fish and fed it to Andy after making sure there were no thorns in it. "All right, keep your voice down."

"Mom, give it back," Andy said.

"It should be" Feng said helplessly.

"So here you are, eating this kind of food." a blond Marita came over in a pink princess dress.

Andy, who is about to turn four, thinks his mouth is not so delicious.

Marita wore very delicate makeup. As soon as she entered the Chinese food, the Chinese restaurant seemed to press the mute. It was quiet. They had never seen such a beautiful woman.

Marita is very satisfied with the effect she has brought. She is still very confident in her beauty. She just doesn't know why Cheng Ziyu is so unmoved by her.

"Here comes the bad aunt again," Andy whispered.

"Andy, don't say that," the wind said clearly to Andy. Andy curled his mouth.

"Brother Ziyu, do you still see today's Marita?" said Marita, turning around. In an instant, several people with low resistance in the restaurant had nosebleed.

"Marita, we're having dinner," Cheng Ziyu said expressionless.

Marita bit her teeth. I don't know when, Cheng Ziyu never smiled at her again, but she smiled very happily in the face of the wind.

"I'll eat with you." Marita sat next to Cheng Ziyu, and the waiter took another pair of dishes and chopsticks.

But instead of picking up chopsticks to eat, Marita stared at Cheng Ziyu.

"Mom, let's eat somewhere else," Andy whispered.

I didn't know that this sentence angered Marita. Marita immediately sat up straight and glared at Andy. "Kid, why don't you leave when I come and say if you have a problem with me?"

Andy nodded dishonestly.

"Kid, you..." before Marita finished, Andy fell directly on the table, and everyone was startled.

"Andy, Andy, what's the matter with you?" Feng ChuChu quickly picked up Andy. At this time, Andy's face was as pale as a piece of white paper.

And Marita, "I... I didn't say anything."

Cheng Ziyu passes over Marita expressionless, walks to Feng ChuChu's side and touches Andy's face. It's cold. Cheng Ziyu immediately picks Andy up from Feng ChuChu's arms. "Cora, let's go to the hospital."

With that, Cheng Ziyu ran out with Andy in his arms. Feng ChuChu followed him. Marita, who reacted, bit her teeth and followed up.

The light in the emergency room was on for a long time. As the time passed, Marita sat in a chair on the hospital corridor and said awkwardly, "it's none of my business."

But no one paid any attention to her. Marita was very wronged. She just said two words to the kid and the kid fell down. In fact, she could still like the kid. Thinking that Marita was crying, she sobbed in a low voice.

Feng ChuChu said, "it's not your fault. You don't have to blame yourself."

Marita looked at Feng ChuChu in surprise. She didn't expect that it was Feng ChuChu who comforted her at last. She said thank you awkwardly.

Finally, the lights in the emergency room went out, and the nurse pushed Andy out. Feng ChuChu's eyes red took Andy's hand, choked and asked the doctor, "what's the matter with Andy, doctor?"

"Madam, let the nurse push the child into the ward first," said the doctor.

After Andy is sent to the ward, Feng ChuChu goes to the doctor's office, while Cheng Ziyu and Marita stay to take care of Andy.

"Doctor, is Andy terminally ill?" Feng ChuChu asked, trying to maintain her calm, but her voice was very trembling.

"It's not a terminal disease, but the situation is not very good. It's leukemia. There should be a omen before it." the doctor said blandly. He was used to life and death.

Feng ChuChu's tears suddenly fell down. Leukemia, how can it be? How can it be leukemia? She grabbed the doctor's arm and cried, "doctor, you must help him for a long time. He is not four years old. You must save her."

The doctor sighed helplessly, "we try our best to find the bone marrow suitable for him in the bone marrow bank, but the probability is very slim. You'd better ask Andy's immediate relatives to make a match, because their probability will be higher."

After Feng ChuChu returned to the ward, Andy didn't wake up, but Feng ChuChu's face was pale and terrible.

"Cora, what's the matter with you?" Cheng Ziyu asked with concern. A trace of loss flashed through Marita's heart. Cheng Ziyu had never cared about her so much.

Suddenly, the wind hugged Cheng Ziyu, and then cried, "Andy has leukemia, leukemia"

Cheng Ziyu's body was stiff and leukemia. He looked at Andy lying in bed unbelievably. How could it be.

Marita also doesn't believe it. She was jealous because of Cheng Ziyu. Suddenly she cried because of Andy's illness.

Cheng Ziyu patted Fengchu's back and comforted, "as long as we find the bone marrow, Andy can still be saved."

Cheng Ziyu's comfort didn't play any role. Feng ChuChu cried even more.

Finally, under the semi compulsion of the non Bu patriarch, basically all the people of the Phoenix family did bone marrow matching, including Allen and ebb.

As a result, no one matched. Andy doesn't know his condition yet. He thinks he's just a little cold. Even if he knows his condition, he doesn't understand the meaning of death when he is about to be four years old.

"Mom, I don't think you like to laugh recently," Andy asked suspiciously.

Feng ChuChu quickly wiped away the tears on his face, turned around and touched Andy's little face, forcibly recalled the corner of his mouth "why doesn't mom like to laugh?"

"Mom, you'd better stop laughing. It's worse than crying," Andy said.

Feng ChuChu immediately put away his smile and held Andy tightly. Tears flowed down again.

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