Zhao Chenyang quickly stood up, wiped the tears on his face, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Because he cried for a long time, Zhao Chenyang's face was red, and there were two distinct slap marks on his face, which looked very embarrassed.

Thinking that the man had helped himself just now, Feng ChuChu was embarrassed to pretend that he couldn't see "we happened to pass by down the mountain."

Andy jumped off the windy body, ran to Zhao Chenyang, raised his small head and asked, "brother, why are you crying?"

Zhao Chenyang's English is more rubbish than Lin Xia. Lin Xia can at least understand a few words. Zhao Chenyang can't understand anything.

"Andy asked why you are crying here," Feng translated clearly.

Zhao Chenyang turned his back and muttered, "use your tube"

With that, Zhao Chenyang held the trunk and prepared to open up a road down the mountain. As a result, he didn't pay attention to his feet. He encountered a small landslide and rolled down at once.

Andy and Feng ChuChu are startled. Feng ChuChu asks Andy to stay where he is. She goes down and picks up Zhao Chenyang.

Zhao Chenyang's face was scratched and bled. It seemed that there was nothing wrong at all. The serious thing was that Zhao Chenyang sprained his foot.

"Can you stand up?" Feng ChuChu asked Zhao Chenyang. Zhao Chenyang tried to stand up, but his left foot couldn't make strength at all. If Feng ChuChu hadn't held him, he might fall again. Now almost all his weight is on Feng ChuChu.

If Feng ChuChu had received professional training, she might not be able to help Zhao Chenyang.

Even so, Zhao Chenyang showed his teeth in pain, especially when he touched the blood stain on his face, his eyes turned white and fainted directly.

The wind looked at the man clearly and speechless. Why is he so worthless.

"Mom!" Andy shouted.

"Where are you waiting for me?" Feng ChuChu clenched his teeth, and Zhao Chenyang, who was still unconscious, helped him to the path from the woods.

"What's the matter with this brother?" Andy asked curiously. Why did he faint.

The wind was clear and breathless. He put Zhao Chenyang on the stone steps next to him. "It should be blood sickness."

With that, Feng ChuChu took out the mobile phone in his bag. As a result, the mobile phone showed that only 1% of the electricity was left and turned off automatically. Feng ChuChu had to grope for Zhao Chenyang's mobile phone. As a result, he didn't touch the mobile phone for a long time, but woke up Zhao Chenyang in a coma.

Zhao Chenyang looked frightened, covered his hands in front of him and said, "sister, I don't sell myself."

The wind looked at Zhao Chenyang impolitely. Now it's slowly getting dark. When it's dark, it's hard to go down the mountain.

"Where's your cell phone?" Feng asked plainly.

It turned out that he was looking for a mobile phone. A glimmer of disappointment flashed in Zhao Chenyang's peach blossom eyes. He puffed his mouth and said, "at the agent."

"What about your agent?"


"Will he come up to you?" Feng asked clearly and irritably.

"No, he has returned to the company," replied Zhao Chenyang.

"Do you have any money?"

Zhao Chenyang shook his head very honestly. The wind clearly saw that Zhao Chenyang was really stupid. He didn't understand how such a person became a star.

And Lin Xia, a man who loves to die, seems to be famous. Can it be said that the entertainment industry is so easy to mix.

What Feng ChuChu doesn't know is that Zhao Chenyang can fire, mainly his face, and Lin Xia is because of Si Yeqing.

"Can you go by yourself?"

Zhao Chenyang shook his head again, then asked bitterly, "is there a small cut in my face?"

Feng ChuChu nodded. In an instant, Zhao Chenyang immediately cried. If Zhao Chenyang didn't look good, according to his crying method, he would be really hot eyes.

"Why did the devil cry again?" Andy said reluctantly. He was only four years old and didn't cry so much in front of him.

Feng ChuChu touched Andy's small head and said, "so Andy won't cry casually in the future, otherwise he will be as ugly as this brother."

Andy nodded seriously. This brother is really a crying ghost.

"Obviously I cry so sad, why don't you comfort me," Zhao Chenyang said with the a hiccup.

"If you don't go down the mountain, it will be dark," said the wind.

"I don't listen. I don't care. You should be responsible for me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't offend Lin Xia, be kicked out of the program, sprain my foot and scratch my face. My star path is ruined. I must compensate a large amount of liquidated damages, be hidden by the company, and my fans don't love me..."

Zhao Chenyang said more vigorously and cried louder. He really had no image at all.

The wind is clear and simply doesn't care about Zhao Chenyang, holding Andy's hand down the mountain.

"Wait a minute, you abandoned me like this." Zhao Chenyang, who thought he was going to leave, quickly stood up, but doubted that his left foot couldn't work and fell again.

When Feng ChuChu turned around, he saw Zhao Chenyang lying on the ground with a bruised face. He said pitifully to Feng ChuChu, "don't leave me."

Feng ChuChu sighed helplessly, came forward to help Zhao Chenyang, and then helped Zhao Chenyang down the mountain. He looked at Andy's sad little eyes when he looked at him. Zhao Chenyang's face was also a little red. He was a big man. He cried in front of a woman and a child, but he was really lost.

When they came down the mountain, it was already dark, and the windy driver was still waiting for the wind.

"Wow, this is your car. You have a lot of money." Zhao Chenyang asked in surprise. He had seen this car in a magazine and it was worth tens of millions.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you don't want to go up, you can spend the night on this mountain." Feng ChuChu said with some irritability. Zhao Chenyang was also a man in his eighties. He grabbed and helped him down the mountain. Feng ChuChu was still very tired.

Zhao Chenyang hurriedly sat up and felt his ass deep in the seat, which made Zhao Chenyang sigh with satisfaction.

Andy's eyes at Zhao Chenyang are even more strange.

"The feeling of luxury cars is different," Zhao Chenyang sighed.

"Lao Chen, go to the hospital," Feng ChuChu said. The three were sitting in the back seat, and Andy was sitting between the two.

"No, I can't go to the hospital. I'll be photographed by paparazzi," Zhao Chenyang said quickly.

"Where do you want to go?" Feng ChuChu charged his mobile phone with the charging treasure given by Lao Chen.

"Yunding apartment," said Zhao Chenyang.

Seeing that the wind was clear and didn't say anything, Lao Chen drove to Jinyun apartment. On the way, Zhao Chenyang basically fell into a chair.

Andy looks at Zhao Chenyang with disgust. After arriving at Jinyun apartment, Zhao Chenyang refuses to get off the bus.

"Why, you want to rely on me," Feng ChuChu said impolitely. As a result, Zhao Chenyang's face suddenly turned red.

"If you really want to keep me, I don't mind," Zhao Chenyang said with some embarrassment.

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