Andy looked at the bulge on Andy's bed and the cream on Andy's mouth. He sighed helplessly, squatted down and wiped Andy's mouth with his thumb belly. "Mom doesn't let you eat, but you're not well yet. You'd better not eat so many sweets."

Andy nodded wrongfully, and the wind clearly touched Andy's little head. "If Andy promised me not to steal sweets in the future, when he returned to England, my mother would ask sister Chris to make dessert for you."

Chris is a baker in Yar manor, and her dessert making level is second only to the Royal Baker.

Andy's favorite food is the dessert made by Chris, but he has been strictly controlling Andy's dessert intake.

"What mom said is true?" Andy excited me.

Feng ChuChu nodded, stood up and opened Andy's quilt. Sure enough, there was a dessert from Si Yeqing, because Andy hid in a hurry and basically spilled it all on the bed.

Andy blushed and whispered, "Mom, I know I'm wrong."

Feng ChuChu threw all the desserts that fell on the quilt into the box. Most of them were eaten by Andy, so there was not much left. Of course, they fell on the bed and couldn't eat, and the bed couldn't sleep, because the sheets were full of cream.

"Sleep with mom tonight," Feng said clearly.

Andy immediately held his little pillow and ran to the windy room for fear that the wind would repent.

The next morning, Lin Xia, dressed in a white sleeping dress, woke up on the private customized high-grade big bed. She stretched lazily. At this time, he didn't know that the outside world had changed dramatically.

She took the small mirror beside the bed and looked at her face. The palm print had completely disappeared, and her face was still so perfect.

Lin Xia yawned. The ground was covered with a white blanket. The color of the whole room was mainly white, because it would make her feel like an angel and wake up in the clouds every day.

She turned on her mobile phone. As a result, because there were too many calls and text messages, Lin Xia threw her mobile phone into bed and decided to get up and wash first. She remembered that she had a notice to catch up this morning.

Before she got to the bathroom, Lin Xia thought of a knock on the door. Lin Xia looked through the cat's eye. Standing outside was her agent Wang Shan, a 30-year-old leftover woman.

"Knock what knock, do you knock so much in the morning?" Lin Xia, who opened the door, said unhappily.

"I'll call you. Why don't you understand? Have you read the online post?" Wang Shan asked.

"What's your tone? Have you eaten gunpowder all morning? Don't you want to do it? Get out of here if you don't want to do it." Lin Xia frowned and said. She was always rude to Wang Shan.

Wang Shan took a few deep breaths before suppressing her anger. "Lin Xia, this is not the time to quarrel. Someone burst out your video yesterday. Now there is a lot of abuse on the Internet."

Lin Xia went to her private sofa, lay down and said carelessly, "what are you afraid of? Yeqing will help me deal with it."

Wang Shan sneered, "who do you think burst out the video is Si Yeqing? Jin Lai went to our company today to say that you have nothing to do with Si Yeqing and warned our company that if we hype this matter again, don't blame them. They're not polite."

Lin Xia, who was squinting, sat up suddenly. "What do you say is impossible?"

"If you don't believe it, you can call and ask," Wang Shan said coldly.

Lin Xia left the sofa barefoot, ran to the bed and picked up her mobile phone. Now the mobile phone has returned to normal. Sure enough, there are 85 missed calls from Wang Shan, and then there are all kinds of messages from Wang Shan and the boss of their brokerage company.

Lin Xia doesn't have Si Yeqing's phone, so she can only call Jin Lai.

"Hey, Jin Lai, what's going on?" Lin Xia asked in a trembling voice.

"Miss Lin, our meaning has been very clear, and I hope you take care of yourself." as soon as the voice fell, Jin Lai hung up the phone.

Lin Xia sits paralyzed in bed. She can't imagine the consequences of losing Si Yeqing. At first, she really wanted to hold Si Yeqing's thigh, but in the four years she spent together, her heart has long been given to the unattainable man.

"Lin Xia, what you can do now is to apologize and hug a thigh again." this is the best way Wang Shan can find for Lin Xia.

Lin Xia threw her mobile phone at Wang Shan. If Wang Shan hadn't flashed quickly, she would have been hit in the face by the mobile phone. Lin Xia cried and said, "I don't want it, I want night engine."

If she hadn't read so much about Lin Xia, otherwise she wouldn't have come to remind Lin Xia. As a result, Lin Xia did this to her.

"Then take care of yourself," said Wang Shan, leaving only Lin Xia in the room.

Even though Feng ChuChu didn't pay attention to those entertainment reports, he still saw the news about Lin Xia on his mobile phone. First, the video on the Tianshan Mountain. Although Lin Xia and Andy were mosaic, some reporters recognized Feng ChuChu as a rural man at the airport that day.

Lin Xia's image suddenly disappeared. Then various predecessors in the circle took out various food videos or recording evidence to say that Lin Xia likes big brands and likes to make things difficult.

After knowing the news, Feng ChuChu was not very happy, but very cold.

Lin Xia has been with Si Yeqing for nearly five years. Si Yeqing said so and gave up? Is it the same with others? There was a stabbing pain in her clear heart. She knew it was her own heartache in the past.

"Mom, what's the matter with you? You don't seem happy," Andy asked.

Feng ChuChu touched Andy's head, smiled and said, "it's all right. Andy, go wash quickly. The Lord will teach you how to blow sugar man in a minute."

On the other side, regardless of the shutters in the entertainment industry, when he saw the news this morning, his heart jumped wildly. Of course, he was not because of Lin Xia, but the wind that was mosaic.

Although I can't see my face, my voice and body are very much like the wind.

Shutter hurried to the office of Ming and Qing Dynasties with his mobile phone. "Ming and Qing Dynasties, did you read the headlines against the sky?"

Ming and Qing nodded. He was clearly removing the mosaic for the wind. With the elimination of the mosaic, the shutters and Ming and Qing held their breath together.

The woman as like as two peas in the video is the same as the wind. The most important thing is that the child next to her is seven points similar to the night's wife.

"She is definitely sister ChuChu. It's great that sister ChuChu is not dead," said the shutter excitedly. After five years, he finally waited for sister ChuChu.

The Ming and Qing Dynasties were also excited, but his reaction was not as strong as that of the shutters, but what surprised him was that since Feng ChuChu had nothing to do, why didn't he come to them.

The Ming and Qing Dynasties checked the foothold of the downwind with her name, and found nothing. He frowned. He should not. As long as she registered with her name, he must find it.

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