Andy kowtows like Feng ChuChu. As a result, his strength is used. It hurts very much, but he looks at the serious Feng ChuChu and is very sensible and doesn't cry.

Grandma, I'm sorry. My granddaughter forgot you and knocked her head.

Grandma, your granddaughter will surely avenge you. Feng ChuChu kowtowed again.

"Andy, it's grandma," Feng said clearly.

Andy very clever called too grandma. Feng ChuChu asked Andy to say it again in Chinese. Although Andy said something awkward, he still said it.

Feng ChuChu asks Ming and Qing to carry Andy to the car. She wants to talk to grandma alone.

Shutters and Ming and Qing nodded, and whether Andy wanted it or not, they took Andy away.

The wind sat on the ground, hugged the tombstone tightly and cried, "Grandma!"

Except for some fragmentary fragments, Feng ChuChu can't remember anything, but the feeling in her heart can't deceive people. Feng ChuChu doesn't know how long she cried with the tombstone. Her eyes swelled when she returned to the car.

"Mom, you're crying." Andy wiped the tears on Feng's clear face with his little hand.

"Mom's okay," Feng ChuChu said to Andy in a nasal voice. The shutter sitting in the co pilot's seat handed Feng ChuChu paper. Feng ChuChu was silent.

When the car left the cemetery, no one took the initiative to speak, and even Andy was quiet.

Before the pairing results of Andy and Si Yeqing come out, Feng ChuChu will bring Andy to her once "home" and stay for a long time.

But she didn't want to live here, because she was afraid that if she lived here, she would not be able to go, and she would think of everything in the past.

Si Yeqing is ashamed of Feng ivy, so when he knows that Feng ChuChu is here, he dare not come here to disturb Feng ChuChu and "Feng Ivy".

Only when the wind returns to the hotel every day, the night engine sitting in the hall escorts the wind back to the room.

The test results finally came out that day. Feng ChuChu was very nervous. On the way to the hospital, Feng ChuChu held Andy's small hand tightly. She didn't know what to do if she failed again this time.

After arriving at the hospital, Si Yeqing stood at the door early and waited for her. They agreed to get the test results together.

After taking a few deep breaths, Feng ChuChu took Andy's hand and Si Yeqing and went in. With her medical card, she went to the self-service machine and printed the report. A cold sweat came out of her palm.

Soon the printed report came out. She picked up the report with trembling hands and looked at the matching words on it. Feng ChuChu felt a heavy sigh of relief. Then she hugged Andy tightly and cried.

Andy is saved. Andy is saved. Si Yeqing took the test report in Feng ChuChu's hand and took a general look. He was also very excited.

This is more exciting and happy than he signed hundreds of millions of business.

"Mom, what's the matter with you? Don't cry, don't cry." mom has often cried since she came here. Andy doesn't like this place.

Feng ChuChu wiped the tears on his face, stood up, calmly said to Si Yeqing, "Mr. Si, Andy's attending doctors are all in Britain, so can you ask Mr. Si to wake up for bone marrow transplantation in Britain?"

Si Yeqing nodded without hesitation. "Clearly, can you and Andy go to my house and have dinner with my grandmother tonight? She really misses you."

"What if I refuse?" Feng ChuChu said.

Si Yeqing sighed, "even if you refuse, I will go to England with you, but my grandmother really misses you."

Feng ChuChu hesitated and nodded. Si Yeqing said incredulously, "ChuChu, did you just nod?"

Si Yeqing didn't expect that Feng ChuChu could agree. The reason why he asked so was just a fluke.

"What time, where" the clear calm of the wind is in sharp contrast to the excitement of Si Yeqing.

"I'll pick you up in person at 5 p.m." as if afraid of the wind, Si Yeqing quickly took out his mobile phone and called grandma Si in front of the wind.

"Grandma, Andy will go back to see you tonight. Well, OK." Si Yeqing hung up the phone and looked at Feng ChuChu with a successful appearance. Feng ChuChu coldly took Andy's hand out of the hospital.

Since Si Yeqing and Andy's bone marrow match successfully, it's best to have an operation as soon as possible, so Feng ChuChu, who returned to the hotel, began to contact people in the British hospital. At the same time, she told ya'er the news.

Although Yar was also very happy, his voice was tired. The wind of hanging up the phone was clear, and a sense of guilt rose in his heart. If she hadn't left suddenly, uncle Yar wouldn't be so tired.

"Mom, am I going to see grandma?" Andy asked.

Feng ChuChu nodded. She changed Andy into a more formal dress, brown suspenders, plaid shirt and small tie. The whole looks more white and tender. "Don't be nervous when you see grandma."

Andy smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry."

At five o'clock, Si Yeqing's car stopped at the 318 Hotel on time. Feng ChuChu walked down with a gift in his left hand and Andy in his right hand.

Because there is no past memory, Feng ChuChu doesn't know what grandma Si likes, but according to her understanding of the elderly, she has prepared aloes for grandma Si, which can help grandma Si calm down.

There was classical music in the car. The atmosphere was quiet. No one took the initiative to speak. Si Yeqing looked through the rear mirror and looked at the wind sitting behind. Today, she was wearing a beige dress, which was the same as the wind in his memory.

Feng ChuChu's impression of Si Yeqing is even worse because of Lin Xia. Originally, she wanted to refuse Si Yeqing's invitation, but when she heard grandma Si, Feng ChuChu's mind flashed the red gem necklace and the figure of an old man. She couldn't bear it.

After arriving at the villa, Si Yeqing stopped the car, and then took Feng ChuChu and Andy into the villa. Just before they knocked on the door, the door of the villa was opened.

"ChuChu", an old man with white hair, cried excitedly with tears in his eyes. The two nannies around her carefully helped the old man.

The old man came forward excitedly and hugged the wind. "It's great that you're not dead. Do you know how much grandma misses you?"

Feng ChuChu raised his hand and slowly hugged the old man, and his eyes became moist.

"I'm sorry, sir. As soon as the old lady heard your car, she ran over immediately," the nanny explained.

Si Yeqing nodded faintly, and then said to grandma Si, "grandma, let ChuChu and Andy go in first."

Grandma Si slowly let go of the wind, wiped the tears on her face, smiled and said, "let's go in and say, ah, this is my grandson. Go in and let Grandma have a good look at you."

The two nannies quickly helped grandma Si to sit down on the sofa in the living room. Andy, who had vowed that he would not be nervous, looked at grandma Si and got nervous. He hid behind the wind and didn't want to come out

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