Saying this, ah Lei burst into laughter, which was like a devil in hell.

In an instant, the crowd around Si Yeqing stepped back two steps. They looked at Si Yeqing with pity in their eyes.

Si Yeqing looked at a blood mark scratched on his hand and looked at ah Lei with a bad complexion. Feng ChuChu quickly pressed Andy's head on his shoulder and didn't want Andy to see this picture.

"Mom, is bad uncle in danger?" Andy whispered.

"Don't worry, your bad uncle is all right" Feng clearly comforted. Now on the one hand, she is worried about Si Yeqing's comfort, on the other hand, she is afraid that Si Yeqing is really infected with AIDS, so she can't donate bone marrow to Andy!

"Si Yeqing, you'll die with me. What's the president of Si's family? The end is not the same as me. I see..." before ah Lei finished his words, he was kicked to the ground by Si Yeqing who strode forward.

"Handcuffs!" Si Yeqing said to the security guard. The timid security guard immediately threw a pair of handcuffs to Si Yeqing. Si Yeqing handcuffed ah Lei.

Ah Lei, who was pressed on the ground, laughed wildly, "go to hell together, ha ha."

At this time, the police rushed over. The quality of the police was much better than that of the security guard. They pressed a Lei onto the police car and asked Si Yeqing and Feng ChuChu to take notes.

Today is not going to be able to return to the UK, and because the Secretary may be the carrier of HIV, so before the test results come out, it will not be able to go to Britain for the time being.

The wind hurriedly called Tom to avoid the worry of al. The wind did not say anything about AIDS. It was just that there was something wrong with the airport. It was in the early morning of England that Tom was also sleepy.

The one who gave Feng ChuChu a confession was a baby faced police officer, but his skin was a little dark. When he saw Feng ChuChu, his lips trembled and asked, "are you a man or a ghost?"

Feng ChuChu thought that this was probably his former acquaintance. "Officer, do you think I'm a man or a ghost?"

The baby faced police officer, Fang Tang, walked carefully to Feng ChuChu's side. As soon as he was ready to poke Feng ChuChu's face, Jie was grabbed by the expressionless Si Yeqing standing aside.

Fang Tang smiled awkwardly, "sorry"

"Mom, this uncle's face is so black," Andy said.

After graduating for so many years, Fang Tang's English has long been returned to his English teacher, but he can understand black, and his face suddenly becomes darker.

Looking at that and make complaints about seven faces, Fang Tang silently Tucao in his heart. It is as cute as your parents.

Fang Tang asked Si Yeqing and Feng ChuChu a few simple questions, so he let them leave. A Lei was finally judged to be injured by stress.

After Si Yeqing took over the company, he kicked ah Lei out. Originally, even if ah Lei left SI, he could find a good job according to his work experience in Si.

It's just that a Lei has been used to the days when he swaggered in the Si's security department. He went to other companies, either as a driver or as a security guard. He was shouted around. A Lei's self-esteem was seriously hit. At this time, his girlfriend who was about to get married broke up with a Lei because a Lei lost his Si's job and cheated a Lei a lot of money.

A Lei's salary as a security guard and driver can't afford the mortgage of the house he bought. Coupled with the money cheated by the woman, a Lei is not only penniless, but also heavily in debt. A Lei, who can't bear this series of blows, finally simply sold the house and degenerated.

All day, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, accomplish nothing, and finally spent their parents' coffins. After their parents died of life, after having acquired AIDS, A Lei did not think that he was coming off the stage because he himself did it. He insisted that these were all night's efforts.

If Si Yeqing hadn't driven him out of Si, his girlfriend wouldn't break up with him, and he wouldn't fall into this kind of land now.

After hearing this, Si Yeqing only felt that his punishment for ah Lei was light. He shouldn't just drive him out. He should be more cruel.

Of course, both Si Yeqing and Feng ChuChu don't believe that a Lei is just a stress killer. After all, there is no such coincidence. As soon as they were ready to go abroad, a Lei ran over.

Si Yeqing, who came out of the police station, followed suit and said goodbye. He immediately went to the hospital. After all, a Lei was really infectious with AIDS. Si Yeqing's hand was really scratched and his body was stained with a Lei's blood.

But doctors at the hospital said they could not detect whether they were infected with HIV, because AIDS was only detected within two weeks after high risk behaviors. So during this period, the night division was in a state of possible HIV infection.

The wind on the phone is very calm, but the wind hanging up the phone is very restless pacing in the room.

She forced herself to calm down, anyway. The test results have not come out yet. What if there is no problem, but what if there is another problem,

"Mom, are you worried about the bad uncle? After all, the bad uncle's hand is hurt," Andy said.

Feng ChuChu sighed and sat beside Andy. "Why don't you worry about your bad uncle?"

Andy pouted, pretending to be reserved and said, "there's a little worry."

"Don't worry, your bad uncle is cruel and must be fine." Feng ChuChu is comforting Andy and himself.

After all, there are still two weeks. Feng ChuChu can't stay at home during this period. There are still many things waiting for her to deal with in Britain.

So after a afternoon's renovation, Feng ChuChu decided to take Andy back to England first.

"Andy, shall we go back to England to find grandpa Yar?" Feng asked clearly.

Andy didn't show his imaginative happiness, but hesitated and said, "what about the bad uncle? Will he go to England with us?"

Feng ChuChu touched Andy's face. "Bad uncle can't go to England for the time being, but you can rest assured that bad uncle will be fine."

Maybe it's because of the nature of father and son. It's clear that the two have only been together for less than a week, but Andy begins to rely on Si Yeqing and knows to care about Si Yeqing.

Andy nodded. "Can I see my bad uncle and grandma again?"

Feng ChuChu nodded. She called Si Yeqing and said Andy met him.

Si Yeqing refused normally and only let Andy see his grandmother. Feng ChuChu can think of the reason, so he didn't force it.

"Bad uncle can't come to see you today, so you'd better accompany grandma first." Feng ChuChu asked in the car.

Andy nodded somewhat disappointed.

"Don't mention the things in the hands of bad uncle in front of grandma," Feng asked clearly.

"Is grandma worried?" Andy asked.

Feng nodded clearly.

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