"Let's go back and have a rest," Si Yeqing said painfully. In less than half a month, Andy in the intensive care unit had nothing to do, but his clear mental state was on the verge of collapse.

She stared at everyone who entered the ward and didn't let go of any small details on them. Even if a nurse touched her nose, Feng could come forward and ask if she was ill, and then let other nurses go in and give Andy an injection.

She goes to the nearby hotel to wash and repair herself every day, but she is basically at the door of the ward.

Feng ChuChu lost weight at the speed visible to the naked eye, but neither Cheng Ziyu nor Si Yeqing nor sol could change Feng ChuChu's idea and let her go back to rest.

"If you go on like this, Andy will not be in intensive care, but you," Si Yeqing advised.

"You're tired, you can go back," said the wind calmly sitting in the chair of the foreign minister in the ward.

"Well, Andy won't be happy to see you like this."

"He won't know" the hospital bed is a certain distance from the corridor window. With the special glass, Andy can't see things clearly from the inside to the outside.

Today, YAL asked Tom to send some special electronic devices with very small radiation, so that Andy won't be so boring. He can play some small games and even have a video call with Fengchu.

Fengchuchu doesn't need to stay at the door all the time. In order to prevent Andy from finding clues, fengchuchu will draw a makeup when he goes in to see Andy or video.

"Mom, are you thin?" Andy asked suspiciously.

Feng ChuChu smiled, "no, mom is thin with makeup."

Feng ChuChu and Andy basically talked about some topics without nutrition. For example, cat and mouse has been updated, for example, why the prince must marry the princess.

Si Yeqing, sitting next to Feng ChuChu, looked at the dialogue between the two people, and a sense of happiness rose strangely in his heart, just like the video chat of the three of his family here.

Sometimes Si Yeqing thought that if it hadn't happened, they would be very happy.

"I want to hear bad uncle tell fairy tales," Andy said with bright eyes.

Feng ChuChu pursed his lips and handed his mobile phone to Si Yeqing.

The next days were much better. Under Andy's supervision, Feng ChuChu returned to the manor to rest, and began to eat on time. His face gradually ruddy.

Si has many very important things waiting for Si Yeqing to deal with every day, so Si Yeqing simply sits in the corridor of the hospital with a computer.

He looked at the documents sent to him by Jin Lai and the end of Yuan Dynasty and calmly explained a series of work of Jin Lai and the end of Yuan Dynasty.

The wind was clear and slightly sideways. The night engine at work was completely different from him at ordinary times, with a strong self-confidence of cold, overbearing and indisputable.

This kind of man is the most exciting to women. He turns his head with a clear wind and a pale face. Just now, a picture flashed in his mind. In the picture, Si Yeqing is wearing a dark suit, and next to him stands a woman in a wedding dress.

Feng ChuChu closed his eyes deeply and tried to ignore the stabbing pain in his heart. Since Si Yeqing married someone else, what was she in the past? She doesn't want to repeat it.

Soon it was Andy's day to go out of the ward. On this day, a group of doctors and nurses went into the ward to check Andy. After Andy was confirmed to be well, the doctor announced that Andy could go out of the ward.

As soon as he got out of bed, Andy ran out excitedly and hugged the wind standing outside. "Mom, I'm fine."

Feng ChuChu picked Andy up and kissed Andy on the face "Andy is great"

Andy's smiling eyes as like as two peas, and the same as when the wind is smiling.

Cheng Ziyu, who came to see Andy coming out, couldn't hide his joy. "Andy, you're finally well."

"Uncle Ziyu" Andy shouted excitedly, and then opened his hands to Cheng Ziyu.

"Thin," Cheng Ziyu said holding Andy and pinching Andy's small nose. "Tell your uncle Ziyu what you want to eat. Uncle Ziyu will buy it for you."

"I'd like some dessert made by Aunt Chris"

"No, you're just sick," Feng refused without thinking.

Andy turned his head away from the wind and muttered in a low voice, "mom is bad and doesn't like mom anymore."

"Nothing, your mother won't let you, but your uncle let you eat," Cheng Ziyu said.

Ann's eyes bent into crescent again. "Uncle Ziyu said it."

Standing aside, Si Yeqing pursed his lips. From his point of view, Feng ChuChu, Andy and Cheng Ziyu are more like a family.

"Andy, dad will take you to dinner," said Si Yeqing, holding Andy in his arms with ingenuity.

Cheng Ziyu looked at Si Yeqing "what do you mean?"

"Does Andy want to have dinner with his father?" Si Yeqing asked.

Andy replied crisply, "yes!"

It's really a heartless little thing. Cheng Ziyu thought of it in his heart.

Feng ChuChu touched Andy's head and looked at Si Yeqing. At last, he didn't say anything. He went to dinner with Si Yeqing. Of course, Cheng Ziyu followed them.

Because Andy just left the hospital, he couldn't eat too much greasy food, so they went to a Chinese restaurant and ordered some light dishes.

Andy's taste is very similar to Si Yeqing's. He doesn't like green peppers, and he doesn't like meat, so when he sees a table of clear soup and little water, his little face is bitter in an instant.


Feng ChuChu ignores Andy's aggrieved expression and scoops a bowl of porridge for Andy. Si Yeqing tears some beef for Andy with gloves.

Looking at the actions of the three people, Cheng Ziyu felt a loss. No matter what she did, he couldn't really integrate into Feng ChuChu and Andy's small family.

But Si Yeqing is different. He gets along so well with Andy in just a few months.

After a meal, it was so plain and light that they went back to their homes.

Si Yeqing returned to the country to deal with Si's affairs. When grandma Si heard that Andy had recovered, she knelt in front of the Bodhisattva statue at home and thanked the Bodhisattva for his blessing.

In the evening when Feng ChuChu took Andy back to the manor, YAL suddenly handed Feng ChuChu over to the study to talk.

"How much memory have you recovered?" asked Yar, sitting at his desk.

Feng ChuChu shook his head and said, "it's just a picture occasionally."

"What do you think of Si Yeqing?"

For a moment, Feng ChuChu didn't know Bai YAL's meaning. Why did she suddenly ask Si Yeqing, but she truthfully replied that "a person with ability and ambition is a good poisonous hand"

YAL nodded. He looked at Feng plainly. "Are you in love with him again?"

Feng ChuChu's heart clicked and hesitated to answer "no... no"

"You hesitated," Yar said indifferently. Yar, who didn't laugh, still looked very deterrent.

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