"You still have a bottom line. You are kind to the people in the family. You won't really hurt the people in the family. Although your ability is not so outstanding, you have a convincing magic that can help you get the help of many people. This is much more important than fighting alone, but your biggest disadvantage is soft hearted and hesitant."

Fei Bu commented sharply that although Feng ChuChu was very decisive in front of outsiders, he always hesitated and left a little room for others.


Feibu Chao Feng clearly waved his hand. "Over the past few hundred years, too many things have happened that blood relatives are fratricidal. Every family owner is a family inherited by stepping on the blood of his people, even me."

"This is something that a big family can't avoid. Ivy, your grandmother, is also a victim in this struggle."

Feng ChuChu's eyes turned red. She always remembered what Yar told him that sol and Allen killed his grandmother.

"Do you want to see another you or your grandmother in this family?"

Feng ChuChu shook his head and Fei Bu smiled with satisfaction. "But it's inevitable, Cora. I can't control the final result. I don't know whether you or Alan will inherit the family in the future, but if you inherit it, I hope you can keep a trace of goodwill to the people in the family."

The wind nodded slowly.

Feibu waved to the wind clearly, and his head lowered again. It looked like he was asleep.

Feng ChuChu came forward to cover feibu with a blanket. When he left, both Feng ChuChu and Andy felt a little heavy.

"Mom, will grandpa die?" Andy asked with a cry.

Feng ChuChu didn't speak and touched Andy's small head. Feibu said so much to her today because he thought he was going to die. He wanted to persuade Feng ChuChu to show mercy to the family before he died.

With feibu dying, Feng ChuChu's fight with Alan and Aibu was directly put on the obvious of the family. Both sides tore their faces and did not give in to each other in the company.

"Cora, although you are the manager, the management right of the branch is in my hands. What do you mean by giving orders directly to the branch?" Alan sneered at the meeting.

"Then I'll give you an order. Do you listen?" Feng said with a clear face and no expression.

Alan laughed as if he had heard a joke. "What are you qualified to order me, ha ha ha?"

"I'm not qualified to order you. Am I not qualified to order others? Alan, don't forget that the patriarch asked Uncle Yar to manage the whole family temporarily, and uncle Yar handed over the management of the company to me, so you can listen to any order I give, but your people must do it."

"Oh, you can really stand up to others," said Abby.

"Oh ~ what about you, dogs or people?"

"Cora, you..." the angry Abby patted the table.

Feng ChuChu completely ignored the anger of Allen and Abby. She stood up and said coldly, "well, this is the end of today's meeting. The meeting is over."

Then the wind walked away, and Kelly quickly followed.

Alan and Abby looked at the back of the wind clearly leaving.

"It's just with a face like Ivy's. you really take yourself seriously," Allen said.

"If it goes on like this, all our people in the company will be cleaned up by her," said Abby.

When she returned to the office, the wind was clear and rubbed the painful eyebrows. Alan and Abby would never give up. During this time, they gave her a lot of black hands, which made her defenseless and suffered a lot of losses.

"General manager, a Mr. Si said he wanted to see you," Kelly said.

For those surnamed Si, Feng ChuChu's first thought was Si Yeqing, "does he look very much like Andy and keep a cold face?"

"Yes, general manager"

"Did he say what he wanted from me?"

Kelly shook her head. The wind clearly waved to Kelly and said, "say I have something. It's inconvenient to see him. Send him away."

Kelly nodded. After a while, she came in and said, "Mr. Si said that if you don't see him, he will stay here until you are willing to see him."

"Then let him wait," said Feng ChuChu, lowering his head to work again.

For nearly a month, Feng ChuChu basically worked overtime every day. Today is no exception. After Feng ChuChu explained things to several department heads, Kelly came in and brought Feng ChuChu a cup of coffee.

Feng ChuChu is drinking coffee and looking at the documents in his hand. It's more than nine o'clock now. Most people in the company are off duty, but Feng ChuChu doesn't want to leave.

"General manager, Mr. Si is still outside," Kelly said. If either Si Yeqing looked at Andy's father, Kelly didn't mind seducing Si Yeqing at all, and then they had a one night stand.

Feng ChuChu looked at the direction of the door in surprise. He thought Si Yeqing had left long ago. A strange emotion rose in his heart. Suddenly, Feng ChuChu thought about Yar's words, and the palpitation just now disappeared.

"He is willing to wait. Just wait there. It's so late now. Kelly, you should get off work early," Feng said clearly.

Kelly nodded. Feng ChuChu also packed her things for work. When she left the office door, she saw Si Yeqing sitting by the window not far away. He was typing with one hand and holding coffee in the other. The whole person looked like a noble son of the ancient palace.

Kelly closes the office. Si Yeqing notices that Feng ChuChu has come out. He quickly puts down his coffee, puts away his computer and walks to Feng ChuChu who is waiting for the elevator.

"Clearly, how can we work overtime so late?" Si Yeqing said.

Feng ChuChu gave Si Yeqing a cold look and said, "Mr. Si, please pay attention to the wording. My name is Cora now, not Feng ChuChu, and when I work overtime has nothing to do with you."

"I just care about you"

"Sorry, Mr. Si, I don't need it"

The packed Kelly ran over. "Cora, do you want to relax later?"

Kelly's relaxation is nothing more than going to the bar to dance. Feng ChuChu will go with Kelly only when the amount is too large. Generally, Feng ChuChu will refuse. Today, it may be because of Si Yeqing. Feng ChuChu unexpectedly agreed.

Si Yeqing couldn't help frowning. It's not a good thing to relax what Kelly said.

"Cora, it's so late now. I'll take you back. Andy should miss you too," said Si Yeqing.

"Handsome boy, don't you have any nightlife?" Kelly threw an eyebrow at Si Yeqing, but she was ignored by Si Yeqing.

Kelly and Feng ChuChu have a superior subordinate relationship at work, but they are really good friends after work.

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