"Si Yeqing, why do you appear in my life and bother me? Do you know that every time you get close to me, I feel guilty?" Feng ChuChu cried.

Si Yeqing knows that this is because of Feng ivy. Countless times, Si Yeqing feels that Feng ChuChu's amnesia is a gift to him. Otherwise, Feng ChuChu will not allow himself to be so close to her in his life, and will not give him an opportunity to explain in his life, let alone forgive her.

Because he killed her favorite grandmother.

Finally, Feng ChuChu sat down on the ground and cried, muttering "why, why!"

Si Yeqing quickly picked up the wind and kissed the downwind's forehead. "I will never fail you again in the future."

The wind's clear cry gradually decreased. Slowly, she fell asleep in siyeqing's arms.

When the wind woke up the next day, she only felt a burst of pain in her head. She slowly got up and took a breath according to her temples. She looked at the familiar environment around her and took a breath. Fortunately, she was still at home.

Feng ChuChu patted his head and couldn't remember how he came home. She only remembered that he was taken out of the bar by Si Yeqing. She didn't remember anything after that.

Did Si Yeqing send her back? Feng ChuChu thought it was impossible, because Si Yeqing didn't know where she lived.

Suddenly the door of the room was pushed open. A villain in yellow pajamas rushed to the windy bed, frowned and looked at the windy "Mom, you stink!"

Feng ChuChu smelled the smell of her body. As expected, she smelled of wine. Her head hurt even more.

Feng ChuChu smiled awkwardly. "Andy, who sent mom back yesterday?"

Andy frowned and thought for a while and said, "listen to the Butler Grandpa, it seems that Mr. Si sent you back. Mom, who is Mr. Si?"

When the wind came back, Andy had already gone to bed, so he didn't see Si Yeqing.

"Mr. Si is Mr. Si. Well, Andy, you have to go to school today. Go and clean up quickly," Feng ChuChu said.

"Mom, are you sick? Today is Saturday and you don't have to go to school." Andy looked at the wind puzzled.

Feng ChuChu thought that today was indeed Saturday. Although Andy didn't have class, she had to go to work. She quickly got out of bed and said, "Andy, go out, mom is going to change clothes for work."

Andy made a face at the wind. "Grandpa housekeeper said he had prepared some soup for you."

Then Andy ran out. Feng ChuChu guessed that it should be sobering soup. Because he wore professional clothes at work, Feng ChuChu didn't have to worry about what to wear.

After going downstairs, I saw a bowl of sober soup on the table. Feng ChuChu smiled and thanked Tom.

At work, Feng ChuChu seems a little depressed. On the contrary, Kelly played much higher than her last night, but Kelly didn't have anything at all.

"Kelly, when did you sleep last night?" Feng asked clearly.

Kelly, who put the information on the windy table, smiled and replied, "five o'clock, seven o'clock in the morning."

Feng ChuChu looked at Kelly in surprise, so Kelly slept for two hours, and her spirit was better than him. Feng ChuChu immediately felt that she was old, and even sobering soup could not save her old body.

She rubbed her aching head and waved to Kelly.

In fact, the reason why Feng ChuChu reacted so much this time was mainly because she drank too much Flamingo with great stamina yesterday. It was her own fault.

After a while, Kelly knocked on the door and came in with a bowl of porridge in her hand, and then put it on the windy table.

"General manager, this is from Mr. Si yesterday. He said it would be better to drink some porridge after a hangover," Kelly said with a smile.

Feng ChuChu said coldly, "I don't want to give it back to him!"

"Sorry, general manager, he's gone," said Kelly.

Feng ChuChu looked at the porridge on the table with a tangled look on her face. She didn't eat much in the morning because she had a headache.

Now, smelling the aroma of the porridge, Feng ChuChu's stomach sounded discontentedly. Finally, Feng ChuChu bit his teeth and served the porridge. As expected, it was better than she expected.

After eating a bowl of porridge, Feng ChuChu felt that she had been ironed a lot, her stomach was warm, and her head didn't hurt so much. She looked at the empty bowl and blew her face.

What are you doing? I agreed not to eat his food.

At this time, Kelly suddenly knocked on the door. Feng ChuChu quickly covered the lid of the porridge, then put it on the side of the desk, bowed her head and continued to work as if nothing had happened.

Kelly looked at the obviously passive porridge, smiled and said, "this is the information of the ten o'clock meeting. After the meeting, Mr. Kerry of the Stan family asked you to have dinner."

Feng ChuChu nodded and said, "put the data there."

After Kelly put down the information, she wanted to help Feng ChuChu take away the bowl on the table. Unexpectedly, Feng ChuChu quickly pressed the bowl and said, "what are you doing?"

Kelly said suspiciously, "help you take the garbage away."

Feng ChuChu said awkwardly, "no... no, I'll just throw it away myself."

"General manager, you don't eat anyway. I'm still hungry," Kelly said deliberately.

Feng ChuChu doesn't know that Kelly has seen through her little movements, let alone the rice grains at the corner of her mouth, and has betrayed her.


"General manager, you have a grain of rice on the corner of your mouth," Kelly said with a smile. In a clear moment, she let go of the bowl and touched the corner of her mouth awkwardly. Sure enough, there was a grain of white rice "you did it on purpose?"

Kelly took the bowl and said very innocently, "no"

With that, Kelly went out of the door. Feng ChuChu felt that she had lost someone. She must deduct Kelly's salary. Now she began to boldly tease her boss.

The original company night engine was ready to open a branch in the UK, but now it is ahead of schedule because of the wind. Now the company night engine is not short of money, place and contacts. The only thing missing is talent.

Feng ChuChu runs a technology company in the UK, specializing in the research and development of some electronic products, but their technology lags behind local enterprises in the UK. Si Yeqing urgently needs to recruit a group of reliable technicians.

This matter Si Yeqing directly handed over to Jin Lai and the end of the Yuan Dynasty. He believed in their abilities.

This company, named Chuqing technology company by Si Yeqing, did not cause any repercussions in London at first. After all, companies like Si Yeqing are everywhere in London.

However, as the rival of Si Yeqing's love, how could Cheng Ziyu allow Si Yeqing to successfully open the company? Therefore, Si Yeqing's company soon received targeted by various forces.

During this time, Si Yeqing really didn't go to Feng ChuChu because he had to deal with it.

Although Feng ChuChu doesn't show it on his face, he is more or less lost in his heart. That man is really an asshole. He runs away after flirting with him.

Cheng is basically under the control of Cheng Ziyu. On this day, Cheng Ziyu finally has free time to find Feng ChuChu.

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