"Follow me to the study," Schelling said expressionless.

Cheng Ziyu silently follows behind Xie Lin. after he enters the study, closes the door and turns around, Xie Lin kicks Cheng Ziyu to the ground.

Cheng Ziyu covered his stomach and stood up with pain. In fact, he could have avoided the foot just now, but he knew that there were countless feet waiting for him.

Although Xie Lin is more than 70 years old, his strength is not small at all. Coupled with his lack of mercy this time, Cheng Ziyu feels that his internal organs seem to be stirred together, and he has long been used to this pain.

"Who do you think you are and why do you disobey my orders?" Cheng Xie said with a sneer.

Yes, it's an order. Whether Cheng Ziyu or Cheng Tiancheng, Cheng Xie only gives cold orders and false care in front of Ruan Yufeng. Cheng Xie seems to give Ruan Yufeng all his love. For others, including his son, grandson and himself, there is only the interests of the family.

"Grandma won't let me marry Marita, and I don't have that feeling for Marita," Cheng Ziyu said with an expression.

"You deserve to have feelings, Yufeng. I'll try to convince you that Marita must marry. I have reached an agreement with sol. As long as you marry Marita, the Phoenix family will automatically form a faction with Cheng, and the resources of the Phoenix family will be shared with Cheng."

There was a trace of pride in Cheng Xie's tone.

"What if I don't marry Marita by force?" Cheng Ziyu said.

"You will be kicked out of the Cheng family by me for various reasons. Both your father, mother and your grandmother will be very disappointed in you. Rest assured that I will let them cultivate an heir." Cheng Xie looked at Cheng Ziyu without a trace of temperature, just like looking at the solution of the company.

"Grandma knows what you've done over the years. What would you do if she knew you killed grandma Feng, she..."

Cheng Ziyu was kicked to the ground by Cheng Xie before he finished his words. The sound insulation effect of the study was very good, so there was no movement outside.

"She will never know those things, but if you dare to tell him a little, you can't afford the consequences," Cheng Xie threatened.

Cheng Ziyu smiled sarcastically. "Grandpa, in your mind, only family and grandma are finally either? Are others so worthless in your eyes?"

"Yes, it's not worth mentioning. I worked hard to develop Cheng into the current scale, but even so, the upper class nobles in London and the big families in London never recognized Cheng's status and always excluded Cheng." Cheng Xie clenched his hands into fists and pounded the table made of red sandalwood, A tiny crack appeared in an instant.

This has been Cheng Xie's worry for many years. Even though Cheng's family has developed strong enough in London, it has never been able to really integrate into the upper circle. Cheng's family is always suppressed by the upper class. If Cheng Xie hadn't worked hard, Cheng would have been annexed by other enterprises.

However, if it is recognized by the Phoenix family, everything will become different. The Phoenix family is one of the oldest families in Europe. As long as the Phoenix family recognizes the Cheng family, the Cheng family will completely integrate into the upper class society.

"But Grandpa, if you really let me marry Marita, you might as well let me die!"

Cheng Xie sneered, "then go to hell."

Andy's fifth birthday is coming soon. Feng ChuChu wants to celebrate Andy well. In the past, she, Cheng Zi and ya'er spent time with Andy.

"Andy, are you such a good friend that you want to celebrate your birthday at home?" in the evening, Feng ChuChu sat in front of Andy's bed and asked.

Andy in his blue pajamas shook his head and said, "no, they're too stupid to be friends with them."

Feng ChuChu could not help frowning. "Does Andy have no friends at school?"

Andy played with his fingers and, uh huh.

Feng ChuChu's eyebrows frowned tighter. "Is Andy because they are stupid and don't want to be friends with them?"

Andy nodded. "Their ideas are too childish."

"Andy, you have to make more friends, so you guess you'll be happy," Feng said, touching Andy's small head.

Andy looked up at the wind and said in doubt, "I'm very happy now. I have a mother, a bad father, uncle Ziyu and grandpa YAL..."

"We are your relatives, but we can't replace the role of friends in your life, so Andy must have more friends."

"But they are stupid." Andy liked the little girls, but later Andy found that the little girls were stupid, so he alienated them, and gradually Andy had no friends.

"You're just a little better than them in some aspects. Maybe you can't compare with them in other aspects, and diligence can make up for your weakness. In case they'll be better than you one day." Andy had the ability to never forget when he was three years old, so Feng ChuChu took him to test that his intelligence was 140, which can be regarded as a little genius.

Andy nodded vaguely.

Si Yeqing on the other side also learned Andy's birthday through investigation. In the past four years, he has missed every moment of Andy's life, so this time he carefully prepared a gift for Andy.

"General manager, Mr. Si wants to see you outside for Andy," Kelly said.

Si Yeqing, who had disappeared for a long time, finally showed his face. His windy heart jumped twice quickly "let him in"

After a while, Si Yeqing pushed the door and came in. He hadn't seen him for nearly a month. Si Yeqing looked more mature. He was still the meticulous suit without a tie. He untied two buttons at the collar, showing an atmosphere of abstinence. The whole person is like a walking hormone.

"Andy's birthday is coming," said Si Yeqing. His voice is very magnetic and better than the male announcer in the radio. He holds a black leather bag in his left hand and doesn't know what to put.

"Well," Feng ChuChu suddenly thought of Andy's appearance when she was drunk that day. Feng ChuChu was afraid to look at Si Yeqing in front of her. She coughed gently, pretended to be nothing and continued to work.

Si Yeqing's eyes are full of smiles. What Feng ChuChu doesn't know is that her red ears have betrayed her heart.

"I want to ask, can I attend Andy's birthday party?"

As Andy's father, Si Yeqing has the right to attend Andy's birthday party, but Feng ChuChu doesn't want to be involved with Si Yeqing too much, because the more involved and unreasonable, the heavier her guilt will be.

"To tell you the truth, I don't want you to participate," Feng ChuChu said.

A glimmer of disappointment flashed in Si Yeqing's eyes. He put the black kraft paper bag in his hand on the windy desk. "This is my birthday present for Andy."

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