When Feng ChuChu saw the information, he always understood how Daisy's coldness came, but everything had to wait until the results of paternity test came out.

Kelly, who was still in the company, collected some evidence for Feng ChuChu. Although it didn't play a decisive role, it was better than nothing at that time. Feng ChuChu told Jarvis what Xi Lai said to the doctor. A few days later, Jarvis caught a group of poisonous rice.

We also found some evidence that poison Fanzi contacted Robert. The current boss of the gang, ste, is Jason's best brother. Jason also trusts him very much. Jason was the boss and he was the second. Jason basically didn't hide anything from him.

As a result, he and Robert sold Jason.

Stuart had everything under his own control, including several dens destroyed by the police, which he did deliberately in order to eradicate the dissidents in the gang.

But he didn't expect that what he destroyed this time was his own dens, which made steto more or less upset.

At this moment, Stuart was not even interested in the beautiful woman on his side, although the woman was basically naked and seduced him.

When the woman saw that st didn't respond, she fell on her body and kissed ST's neck, but st pushed her away rudely.

"Get out," said st expressionless. When the woman saw that ST's face was really bad, she hurried out with her clothes.

St in the room took out his cell phone and called Robert. After Robert at the other end of the phone answered the phone, he said impatiently, "don't call me casually."

"All the dens have been taken away by the police recently," said st with a gloomy face.

"Isn't this something that has been discussed for a long time? No, how can the mother and daughter win Cora's trust?"

"I'm not talking about useless dens. I'm talking about my own."

"What do you mean?" asked Robert.

"What do you mean, Xilai and the doctor were not caught by Cora. If it wasn't you, they must have confessed. Why didn't you kill them earlier?"

Robert actually wanted to kill them, but the wind found them one step ahead of them.

"Your people get out of here and destroy all the information. Don't let anyone have anything to do. Mr. Allen will give you an account." Robert hung up the phone.

Out of the room, Esther immediately contacted his confidants and asked them to withdraw from those strongholds. Although they spent a lot of thought and time to set up those strongholds, if they were caught by the police, they would have nothing.

After hearing the order of ste, ste's persuasion immediately withdrew from the stronghold, but it was still a step late. 80% of the people were caught by the police, and only a small number of people escaped.

When he heard the news, ste was surprised and frightened. The police must be ready. Ste made a decisive gesture to escape. He sprinkled gasoline on his place, especially those documents. He wanted to ensure that these things were not seen by the police.

After doing this, St took his mobile phone and money out of the house, took out a cigarette, picked up the lighter, lit a cigarette for himself, and then threw it into the house with the fire. In an instant, the villa lit a raging fire. Stuart took out his cell phone and called Robert again.

"The police will find me soon. I burned everything, so don't forget our original agreement." after the phone hung up, ste drove away in his jeep, followed by his little brother and the woman just now, but they didn't sit in the same car.

Just as he got to the intersection, he was stopped by several police cars. St bit his cigarette butts in his mouth, looked hard, and stepped on the accelerator hard. The jeep suddenly hit a police car, forcing a crack in the road blocked by the police car.

Not far away, in a black jeep, Feng ChuChu and Si Yeqing are sitting. Feng ChuChu is driving in front, and Si Yeqing is sitting next to him.

"This man named ste is tough enough," Feng ChuChu said. The police over there are persuading ste to put down his arms and get off, but what's the matter with ste? He's such a person who listens to the police.

His car backed away, ready to rush out.

Feng ChuChu's eyes turned to the burning house not far away. She drove around a road and came to the place in front of the house. It was very difficult to find this place. Feng ChuChu and Si Yeqing spent some means to find it.

The house sprinkled with gasoline was still burning. Si Yeqing took out the phone. Soon a fire truck came, along with a car full of sand and more than a dozen other people.

With the efforts of more than 30 people, the burning house soon went out.

Si Yeqing guessed that if st really wanted to escape, he would not leave these evidence and would burn. Therefore, before Si Yeqing came, he contacted the firefighters in advance and specially found a group of people.

Although some of the materials were burned, there was still a part left. This part was enough to prove his innocence. Finally, St was caught by the police, including his little brothers.

But st still insists that fengchuchu helps them launder money, and fengchuchu is their accomplice.

"Mr. policeman, I really said everything I should say. If you don't believe me, what can I do?" said st impatiently.

"It's no use arguing. Then tell me what happened to these things found in your house?" Jarvis handed the copy of the information to stest.

Stern said with a sneer without looking at it, "someone planted a frame on me. I know this man named Robert. After all, he is the Phoenix family and Allen's secretary. I believe many people in London know him, but my relationship with him is limited to understanding."

Stevie enters the police station more times than he eats, so Stevie is very experienced in the police.

This is a small police officer. He came in from the outside and said two words in Jarvis's ear. After Jarvis listened, he said to st, "I think you must see your accomplice now."

With that, Jarvis stood up, and the two police officers also put Stevie up. Stevie looked at Jarvis with a sneer.

Fengchuchu is waiting for Weiss in another room. Weiss is stunned when he sees fengchuchu, and then he reacts who she is.

"Why can't you even recognize your accomplice?" Feng ChuChu said with a smile.

St sat opposite the wind. The police went out. For a moment, only wind and St were left in the room.

"You won't wait for Robert or Alan to come, just you."

Stuart did not pay attention to the wind, but looked at her with a gloomy look.

Feng ChuChu sighed, "Alas, I thought the boss of the underworld was such a powerful person. He turned out to be a fool."

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