In fact, Melanie is good-looking and very gentle. She likes to help her colleagues in the office, and everyone likes her very much.

But we can't help Minnie, because it's her own choice. If Minnie wants to, she can get out of Kane's bitter sea at any time.

After returning home, Feng ChuChu still looked unhappy. Ya'er was also unhappy. His company was not much better than Feng ChuChu, but he did not intend to compete for the patriarch, so he had a good attitude and was not as tired as Feng ChuChu.

After a simple meal, Feng ChuChu went upstairs with the information. At this time, Si Yeqing opened a video call to Feng ChuChu.

"Mom!" after connecting the phone, the first thing I saw was Andy's wronged face.

"What's the matter, Andy?" Feng ChuChu asked with a smile, looking at Andy with spoiled eyes.

"I miss you. You won't let me go home." Andy said wrongfully.

"Mom has been busy recently. After a month, mom will take you home."

Andy pouts. On the one hand, Andy thinks of his mother, on the other hand, he also thinks of Yar, Grandpa feibu... And Lucy. Lucy is so stupid. During his absence, has he been seduced by other little boys? Andy feels even worse at the thought.

"How's it going?" Si Yeqing came over after taking a bath in his black pajamas. Even across the screen, the wind could still see a large piece of snow-white in Si Yeqing's pajamas.

The wind's ears turned red.

Si Yeqing saw the appearance of Feng ChuChu and knew that Feng ChuChu was shy. He smiled silently. The three people simply talked for a while, and Andy was a little sleepy. Now it's the afternoon in Beijiang city. It's time for Andy to take a nap.

Si Yeqing takes Andy back to his own room and continues to chat with Feng ChuChu.

"Why did you take a bath at noon and put on your pajamas?" Feng asked clearly.

Of course, Si Yeqing won't say, because he thinks it's sexy to put on his pajamas after taking a bath, and Feng ChuChu likes the way he looks in his pajamas after taking a bath.

I saw Si Yeqing's face not red and his heart not jumping and said, "I went to the gym just now and got all sweaty, so I took a bath."

The wind was clear and had no doubt, and Si Yeqing said what happened during the day.

"I will never do it!" Si Yeqing said solemnly to the wind.

Feng ChuChu smiled and said, "it's not your family who rapes me, it's my family who rapes you."

Said the wind clearly raised his fist, and Siye Qing spoiled him with a smile. "Clearly, pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry!"

They talked for more than an hour before reluctantly hanging up the phone.

After Si Yeqing changed into normal household clothes, she went downstairs. Grandma Si was knitting Andy a sweater. When she saw Si Yeqing coming down, she smiled and said, "have you finished calling ChuChu?"

Si Yeqing nodded, "grandma, you don't have to knit so many clothes for Andy."

Grandma Si smiled. "It's all right. I'm idle anyway."

Si Yeqing advised grandma Si many times, but Grandma Si just didn't listen, because grandma Si thought she was so old and in such poor health that she couldn't decide which day to leave, so she wanted to do more for her great grandson.

Thinking of grandma Si and thinking of Feng ChuChu, she looked upstairs and Andy was still sleeping. Grandma Si whispered, "night engine, have you ever thought about what will happen after you recover your memory."

Si Yeqing's eyes darkened. "Even if she recovers her memory, even if she doesn't forgive me, I will recover her. I will use the rest of my life to compensate her as much as possible."

Grandma Si's face was a little pale and smiled. What have you done.

The next day Ronnie and Jesse finally knew what the important task Feng ChuChu taught them. It turned out that they were network anchors, specializing in promoting cosmetics.

"Manager, look at my stubble face. No girl would like it." Jesse said awkwardly. In his impression, beauty bloggers are generally women or men with special girlfriends.

He is so man not to do such a thing.

The wind ChuChu smiled at Jesse. Jesse's little heart immediately shook. "What you want is your uncle style. Well, stop talking. I'll take you to buy clothes."

Ronnie carefully said, "I don't need it."

"You also need to. You can't rely on Jesse alone. It's too slow to take effect," Feng ChuChu said, and then pulled the two people out very hard. Melanie in the office sobbed with her head down after they left. The colleagues in the office have long been surprised.

Also know that it's no use comforting Minnie, so they pretend not to see and dress up the live studio silently according to the clear instructions of the wind.

Morton branch is located in the suburbs, but the traffic is still relatively developed. Ronnie and Jesse sitting in Gusteau are soft again. Luxury cars, luxury cars in luxury cars.

Feng ChuChu took them to the largest mall in Morton. Feng ChuChu looked at the map of the mall and went directly to the special men's clothing store on the fifth floor.

Just walked to the door of the store, Ronnie hesitated and pulled his windy sleeves and whispered, "manager, the clothes in this store are very expensive. Let's change another one."

In and out of here are Morton's celebrities. Every casual dress can top Ronnie's company for a month.

"Don't worry, public expense," said the wind clearly and strongly dragged Ronnie out.

The shopping guide went directly to Feng ChuChu and asked politely, "what kind of clothes do you need, madam?"

The shopping guide who works here has long trained a pair of golden eyes. The casual clothes on his body are more expensive than the most expensive clothes in their shop. Of course, he is a distinguished guest.

The two people behind Feng ChuChu were dressed in stall goods at a glance, and the shopping guide didn't pay attention to them.

Feng ChuChu said, "you go and be busy. I'll pick it myself."

"I can introduce you," said the shopping guide hurriedly. There is a commission for selling clothes here.

Feng ChuChu shook his head. "Go and be busy."

The customer is God. The shopping guide left helpless.

Feng ChuChu picked and chose among those clothes, but he was not very satisfied. Ronnie came up to Feng ChuChu and whispered, "manager, are you going to pay us out of your own pocket?"

"No, it's public expense." Feng ChuChu said while looking at his clothes.

"What does public expense mean?"

"Is to pay from the company's account."

"What, pay money from the company's account. Our company is going bankrupt. How can we afford to buy clothes here!" Ronnie's voice couldn't help rising, which immediately attracted the attention of many people, and Ronnie immediately lowered his voice.

Feng looked at Ronnie clearly and helplessly. How does this goods brain grow.

The shopping guide who has been paying attention to the situation here heard Ronnie's words in his ears and looked at Xiang Feng's clear eyes with disdain.

I thought it was a big money. I was going bankrupt. Come here to fill the big money.

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