Allen hugged Marita tightly, and Marita looked at Allen blankly.

"Brother, brother, what's the matter with you?" there was an unspeakable innocence in Marita's tone.

Allen slowly let go of Marita. Looking at Marita's innocent look, Allen's tears fell down.

From a certain moment on, he seldom shed tears again, because his father told him that tears were a symbol of the weak, but at this moment, Alan really wanted to cry.

His father, who had been guiding him forward, died, and his favorite sister was crazy. Everything happened so suddenly that he was not prepared at all.

"Brother, why are you crying?" Marita stretched out her palm and clumsily wiped Ellen's tears.

"Brother is fine. Go and see your father."

Marita nodded happily, and then asked carefully, "my brother doesn't want Marita, does he?"

Alan smiled bitterly and touched Marita's head. "No."

A few days later, Feng ChuChu and Yar didn't attend Sol's funeral. They just wore black dresses, sat in the car, looked at sol from a distance, and left. Both Feng ChuChu and Yar had a blood feud with sol.

But now people are dead. Anyway, come and take a look at them from a distance, which can be regarded as an explanation for themselves.

Marita pointed to sol to be buried in the coffin and asked, "brother, why is Dad lying there?"

"Dad, it's time to go to bed," Alan sobbed.

Marita's tears fell down at once, and Aibu, who was late, didn't get Alan's good face.

"Did you know to come to Dad's funeral?" Allen said expressionless.

Abe put his flowers on Sol's body and said coldly, "he's also my father."

Allen grabbed Abe's collar. "If it weren't for you, dad wouldn't die. Don't think I don't know. You and Locke arranged all this."

Abby pushed Alan away. "What evidence do you have that I arranged these."

With that, Abby tidied up his collar, looked at Marita trembling, and strode away with his fist in his hand.

After getting on the bus, Abby pulled his tie impatiently. A tear crossed the corner of Abby's eyes. He only heard him say indifferently, "drive."

That day, Feng ChuChu came to see Locke as usual. She asked Mrs. Dana to sort out all the materials of Locke from small to large. Feng ChuChu looked at these materials and completely understood why Locke was so abnormal, but this was not the reason why he killed his grandmother.

"You envy Jarvis. It's only a few seconds since he was born. One lives in heaven and the other lives in hell. Jarvis has all the love of his parents, and all you have is disgust. In fact, you are a person who shouldn't live in this world," Feng said maliciously.

"When you were young, you liked to eat lollipops, but your parents and teachers didn't allow you to eat anything that could soften your heart, so you stole Jarvis's candy. After your father found out, you were almost killed."

"Before you left home at the age of 15, you cried and ran to your mother Dana's room and asked her why she hated you so much and why she couldn't treat you like her brother."

"What did you say Mrs. Dana said?"

The wind clearly found that Locke's fingers moved, and she tried to hide her excitement.

"She said, because you are Jarvis Watson's brother, your mission and responsibility is to protect your brother."

After waiting for a long time, Feng ChuChu didn't see Locke's other reaction. Feng ChuChu silently sighed in his heart and told himself not to worry.

"That day, your brother Jarvis asked me if I believed in twin induction. My first thought was whether your brother was a believer in any religion."

"Then your brother told me that he often cried inexplicably and felt inexplicably sad, and then saw some inexplicable pictures. He said that he later knew that it was all your emotions, so whether you could feel Jarvis's emotions."

"If you can feel it, you must know that Jarvis regrets that he didn't treat you well, that he made you his shadow, and that he didn't give you a happy childhood."

Today, she said it for two hours. It was clear and dry. She had said it for half a month. If the remaining half a month was not enough, she had to think of another way.

Thinking of Feng ChuChu standing up and leaving the ward, Locke, who forced his eyes on the bed after Feng ChuChu left, shed a drop of tears.

Out of the hospital, Feng ChuChu saw Si Yeqing standing at the door. Feng ChuChu took a deep breath, ignored Si Yeqing, turned back to the hospital and was ready to go from another door of the hospital.

Seeing that Feng ChuChu avoided him, Si Yeqing quickly strode forward, grabbed Feng ChuChu's wrist, looked at Feng ChuChu's eyes and said, "ChuChu, when are you going to hide from me?"

"Mr. Si, please respect yourself." Feng said clearly and coldly.

"I know your grandmother's death has something to do with me. I can't shirk this responsibility, and I don't intend to shirk it, but I can explain the rest."

Feng ChuChu threw away Si Yeqing's hand "explain? Explain what? I don't hate you for saving Muzi at last. This can only prove that the person you really love is Muzi, but what makes me sick most is that you love Muzi in your heart and say you love me in your mouth. This has happened more than once. Si Yeqing, put away your affectionate and disgusting face."

With that, Feng ChuChu strode away. Those words were not only for Si Yeqing, but also for her. She forced herself to have no more illusions about Si Yeqing.

Si Yeqing looked at his thrown away hand and exhaled deeply. He strode forward and hugged Feng ChuChu from behind, but Feng ChuChu was not the one she used to be, so Feng ChuChu gave Si Yeqing a shoulder fall if he didn't want to.

The defenseless Si Yeqing fell to the ground. The passers-by in the hospital was stunned. Who could have thought that such a petite and weak woman as Feng ChuChu had such great strength.

The wind left with a big stride. Si Yeqing, who was lying on the ground, suddenly smiled. Several little nurses passing by the hospital looked at Si Yeqing and left with a red face.

This feeling is really strange. Even if Feng ChuChu doesn't want to see Si Yeqing, Andy wants to see him. Andy laughs that the traitor has already explained Feng ChuChu's itinerary to Si Yeqing.

Therefore, when Feng ChuChu went to the company, he saw Si Yeqing standing downstairs. Feng ChuChu's position was restored. This time, he came to the company to discuss with Kelly about future cooperation with the Watson family.

Although not necessarily, everything is better prepared earlier.

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