Cheng Ziyu pursed his lips and his eyes fell on the black chain on Feng ChuChu's neck. This is a special bomb developed by Locke.

Cheng Ziyu took a deep breath and looked at Locke with red eyes.

"Ziyu, please help me. Grandma is here, please." Feng Ivy cried. Because the range of action was too large, the man and the chair fell to the ground together


Seeing this, Cheng Ziyu hurried forward to help Feng ivy. She saw that Feng Ivy choked and said to Cheng Ziyu, "Ziyu, we must save ChuChu, we must save ChuChu.

"Brother Cheng, have you decided? My patience is very limited." Locke asked.

"I save ChuChu," Cheng Ziyu said with difficulty.

"Cheng Ziyu, you bastard! Save grandma, can't you understand people? Cheng Ziyu, I have blood clots in my brain. I won't live long. You save my grandma, you bastard!" Feng ChuChu finally yelled out.

Cheng Ziyu doesn't dare to see the wind clearly, and he doesn't want to let the wind Ivy die.

Locke threw Cheng Ziyu a black button "press it"

Cheng Ziyu's fist was tight and tight, and he never pressed the button.

"Cheng Ziyu, if you dare to press it, I will kill you."

"Ziyu, press it quickly. Grandma doesn't blame you. Press it quickly."

"Cheng Ziyu!"

"If brother Cheng doesn't press it, the woman named Feng ChuChu won't live. At that time, I will make her into the most beautiful fireworks and show it to you personally. So brother Cheng has decided. I'll give you the last three seconds."


"Cheng Ziyu, don't press it. I beg you, please, don't press it," Feng pleaded.


"Cheng Ziyu, please, please"


Cheng Ziyu closed his eyes, clenched his teeth and pressed the button. He only heard a bang. It seemed that he had lost his voice. When Cheng Ziyu opened his eyes again, he could only see a piece of blood red.

"Brother Cheng is really powerful." Locke clapped his hands at Cheng Ziyu.

Feng ChuChu's face was stained with some blood, and her tears fell to the ground drop by drop. She forgot to breathe, and her eyes were very empty.

"No, brother, time is over, I'll set off fireworks for you," said Locke, who was about to press the button in his hand.

Cheng Ziyu immediately rushed to Locke and tried to grab the button "you don't promise."

Locke reluctantly said, "you don't cherish the opportunity."

Cheng Ziyu took out a knife from his pocket and quickly cut Locke's palm. Locke subconsciously opened the button. Cheng Ziyu quickly caught it, then quickly ran to Feng ChuChu's side and cut the rope on Feng ChuChu's body.

"Pa" the wind clearly slapped Cheng Ziyu in the face.

Cheng Ziyu grabbed Feng ChuChu's wrist, took out a gun from his waist and pointed to Locke to "let us go."

Locke smiled. "Brother Cheng, you can really joke. She's my hostage. How could I let her go?"

Feng ChuChu's eyes fell on the blood red on the next chair. She felt as if her strength was going to be taken away. She was crazy and wanted to come forward to hold Feng ivy, but Cheng Ziyu grabbed her wrist.

"Let go of me, let go of me." Feng ChuChu roared. Why didn't she die and why was her grandmother.

At this moment, Cheng Ziyu's strength is surprisingly large. Ren Feng clearly uses his milk strength and doesn't break away from Cheng Ziyu.

A strong sense of frustration rose in Feng ChuChu's heart. It was she who implicated her grandmother.

"Brother Cheng, you'd better let her go, or don't blame me for being rude to you," Locke said.

Cheng Ziyu loaded the pistol and refused to cooperate. Locke smiled and Chao's men made a gesture. When his men were about to shoot Cheng Ziyu and Feng ChuChu, there was a burst of gunfire outside.

"Locke, a group of people broke in," said one of Locke's men.

A bullet hit the wall of the factory, and the huge sound slightly changed back to the wind and clear reason.

"Locke, let's go. It seems to be from the Phoenix family," Locke's men said.

Locke chuckled, "tell the brothers to go. Brother Cheng, I'll let you go first today."

Feng ChuChu suddenly took out the one pinned on Cheng Ziyu's waist and was ready to stab Locke. However, because Cheng Ziyu grabbed one hand, Locke didn't move so quickly. Locke hid all at once.

After Feng ChuChu stood still, he hid a gun in his head. Feng ChuChu looked at Locke's murderous eyes.

"Looks like you don't want me to go"

"Don't move!" Cheng Ziyu's gun points at Locke's head, while Locke's gun points at Cheng Ziyu and Feng ChuChu.

Feng ChuChu's eyes were cold, and the knife waved to Cheng Ziyu without hesitation. Cheng Ziyu grabbed Feng ChuChu's wrist and was cut in an instant.

Locke fired, but it didn't hit fengchuchu.

Feng ChuChu finally broke away from Cheng Ziyu's shackles and rushed to Lott. Seeing that Locke's bullet was about to fall on Feng ChuChu, Cheng Ziyu quickly pressed Feng ChuChu.

Just as Locke was about to fire the second shot, Yar's people found that Locke had no love for war and ran away directly.

At the end of the memory, Cheng Ziyu looked at a not very obvious scar on her palm, closed her eyes and clenched her hands into fists.

Feng ChuChu and Si Yeqing embraced each other for a long time. Although Feng ChuChu's heart knot was not completely opened, it was relieved a lot.

Si Yeqing sends Feng ChuChu back to the manor. When Feng ChuChu gets off, Si Yeqing hugs Feng ChuChu again.

"I don't know what will happen in the future, but I can guarantee that every future of yours will have my trace, and I won't let go."

The wind slowly pushed away Si Yeqing. "Let's talk about the future."

Said the wind into the manor, the future is the most distant and unpredictable thing.

In the Central Hospital of London, Locke, lying on the hospital bed, suddenly opened his eyes. First, he looked at everything around him blankly and didn't understand why he was here.

Then the memory came back. Locke closed his eyes deeply and touched the wound on his chest. He narrowed his eyes and saw the monitoring in the room.

He looked around the room. Although there were windows, there was no door. The smell of disinfectant in the air proved that it was very likely to be a hospital.

Locke covered his chest and slowly got out of bed.

When Feng ChuChu was ready to rest in the room, he saw his mobile phone suddenly vibrate. Feng ChuChu smiled, immediately changed his pajamas and went out.

Locke turned his head and looked at the bed he had just been lying on. His eyes were dark. He touched it with his hands. Sure enough, he touched a black thing similar to an iron piece. Locke threw the iron piece to the ground.

Slowly walk to the window. A special protective net is installed outside the window. Even with an electric saw, it can't be sawed open.

Locke frowned. Because he had lived in the dark for a long time, the darkness did not affect Locke's action. The ward was very simple. There was no weapon that could hurt people, only a vase with flowers.

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