Feng ChuChu smiled at Locke. "Have you ever thought you'd stay here as long as Jarvis didn't wake up?"

"Isn't it thanks to you?" Locke said with a sneer.

The wind blinked innocently, "who makes you Jarvis's brother!"

Locke turned his head away from the wind. The woman really had the magic to drive him crazy.

"As long as Jarvis wakes up, you can leave here," said Feng ChuChu.

Seeing that Locke had no response, Feng ChuChu continued, "Alas, the world's top killers lie here without dignity, relying on a pipe to urinate and urinate."

"I'm sorry to say that what doesn't stimulate you today will stimulate you again. Even if you try to maintain your state of mind now, the Watson family will always have other ways to stimulate you. Don't say revenge on the Watson family at that time, even your own life will not be saved. When Jarvis wakes up, he is still the superior successor, and you are just a traitor of the family 。”

"What can I get if I wake him up now?" Locke said with a smile.

"The initiative!" said Feng, looking into Locke's eyes.

"Now I wake him up. It's only you who are cheap, and you want to kill me. Why should I help my enemies?"

"Yes, you can talk about cooperation with the Watson family after I leave, but at that time I don't know if I will tell the leader of the Watson family, that is, your biological father," Feng ChuChu said.

The Watson family, outside the male owner and inside the female owner, as the patriarch of the Watson family, Edward never asked about anything in the general manor of the palace. Similarly, Princess Diana would not care about anything in the family.

However, according to Feng's clear observation, Princess Diana did not want Edward to know about Locke in the manor, otherwise the consequences could be imagined.

"If I were you, I wouldn't waste time, but find a way to get out of here," Feng said coldly.

Locke looked at Feng ChuChu's eyes like a survey. Feng ChuChu smiled, which made Locke think of a word inexplicably. It was gorgeous.

"OK, I agree," Locke said.

The wind looked at Locke in surprise. Locke sneered, "why, don't believe me."

Feng ChuChu nodded honestly.

"Of course, I'm not unconditional, that is, cut the damn cloth on me, or I won't help you even if I'm going to be locked up here all my life," Locke said.

Feng ChuChu thought for a while, finally said a good word, and then went out. After a long time, Feng ChuChu came back, followed by nano AO and two young nurses.

The nurse came forward and pricked a needle in Locke's neck. In an instant, Locke was in a state of emptiness. Another nurse pricked another needle in Locke's exposed foot. This time Locke's breathing became weak.

After doing this, the nurses untied the cloth on Locke, pulled out the pipe on Locke's lower body, and firmly tied another layer of bandage on Locke's feet, hands and feet to report that Locke would not escape.

The whole process took less than ten minutes. After doing it, nano Ao went up to check it, bowed clearly and left.

For a long time, Locke regained some consciousness. He said helplessly, "am I so terrible?"

Feng ChuChu nodded. "Don't you know this about yourself?"

Locke smiled. Then a young male doctor in a white coat came in. Locke looked at him warily.

"Please." Feng ChuChu got up and said.

"What do you mean?" asked Locke with a bad face.

Feng ChuChu smiled at Locke. "After all, I'm not a professional psychologist. In order to make Jarvis wake up early, it's better to find a professional."

After hearing this, Locke snorted coldly and looked at Xiang Feng's clear eyes as if he were looking at a dead man. When the doctor saw it, he wrote it down in his own book.

Feng ChuChu brushed his hair carelessly. "You should cooperate with the doctor's treatment well."

Then the wind walked to the doctor, stood on tiptoe and said two words in the doctor's ear. The doctor's face changed, but soon returned to normal.

The wind was so clear that Locke could only hear a few words clearly.

"Locke, I told your little secret to the doctor"

Locke snorted coldly. The wind waved to Locke and returned to her room. She just had to wait for the result on the last day.

So for the rest of these days, she basically sat in front of the windowsill of her room, basking in the sun, drinking coffee and reading books.

Finally, on the last day, if the wind is clear and fails to wake up Jarvis, her cooperation with the Watson family will be invalidated.

Feng ChuChu tightened his bulletproof vest and tried his equipment. After confirming that it was correct, he went out of the door and went to Locke's room next door.

After a few days without seeing Locke, he was really haggard. He sat on the bed and looked out of the window. After the wind came in, Locke just looked at the wind.

The curtain between Locke and Jarvis was opened. The wind squinted carefully. She found that Jarvis's breathing rate seemed to be much faster.

The doctor came in and nodded politely to Feng. Feng responded politely. Several doctors came into Jarvis's room next door.

The doctor sat on the chair next to Locke's hospital bed, took out his book, looked at Locke and asked some questions. Locke's face was getting worse and worse.

Feng could not help frowning. The questions asked by the doctor were much more cruel than her. Even if she was an outsider, she could not accept them.

Sure enough, the wind clearly saw the killing intention in Locke's eyes, but Locke still cooperated with the doctor to answer the question.

"Sorry to interrupt," said Feng ChuChu.

The doctor looked at Feng ChuChu badly. Feng ChuChu smiled. "Doctor, can I have a word with Locke alone?"

The doctor frowned. "We have now entered a critical period."

"Doctor, would you like me to invite Miss nano in?"

Finally, the doctor stood up and went out. Feng ChuChu sat in the doctor's position and looked into Locke's eyes.

Watching nano Ao, a bad feeling suddenly rose in his heart. Sure enough, Locke, who was still soft and weak just now, suddenly strangled Feng ChuChu's neck with his arm. After nano Ao's people rushed in, Locke had got the blade in Feng ChuChu's pocket and untied the cloth for himself.

This is a special cloth strip. It is reasonable that an ordinary knife can't be broken, but how can it be done? The windy blade is also special.

The wind was limply wrapped around her neck by Rockefeller, and her face was red from lack of oxygen.

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